generous (adj.)
- abounding
- abundant
- accommodating
- affable
- affluent
- agreeable
- altruistic
- amiable
- ample
- beneficent
- benevolent
- benign
- benignant
- big
- bighearted
- blooming
- bottomless
- bounteous
- bountiful
- broad
- capacious
- charitable
- chivalrous
- complaisant
- compliant
- comprehensive
- conciliatory
- considerate
- copious
- cordial
- countless
- creative
- decent
- diffuse
- disinterested
- eleemosynary
- elevated
- epidemic
- exalted
- expansive
- extensive
- extravagant
- exuberant
- fair
- fat
- fecund
- fertile
- flourishing
- flush
- forbearing
- forgiving
- free
- freehanded
- freehearted
- friendly
- fruitful
- full
- galore
- genial
- giving
- good
- gracious
- great
- greathearted
- handsome
- hearty
- helpful
- heroic
- high
- high-minded
- honest
- hospitable
- humane
- humanitarian
- idealistic
- indulgent
- inexhaustible
- kind
- kindhearted
- kindly
- knightly
- large
- lavish
- lenient
- liberal
- lofty
- long-suffering
- longanimous
- lush
- luxuriant
- magnanimous
- many
- maximal
- much
- multitudinous
- munificent
- neighborly
- noble
- noble-minded
- numerous
- obliging
- open
- openhanded
- openhearted
- opulent
- overflowing
- overindulgent
- patient
- permissive
- philanthropic
- placable
- plenteous
- plentiful
- pregnant
- prevailing
- prevalent
- princely
- prodigal
- productive
- profuse
- prolific
- rampant
- receptive
- replete
- rich
- rife
- riotous
- seminal
- spacious
- sparing
- sublime
- superabundant
- teeming
- thoughtful
- thriving
- tolerant
- uberous
- ungrudging
- unprejudiced
- unresentful
- unselfish
- unsparing
- unstinted
- unstinting
- voluminous
- warm
- warmhearted
- wealthy
- welcoming
- welfarist
- well-found
- wholesale
- wide
- willing
Genteel in personage,
Conduct, and equipage;
Noble by heritage,
Generous and free.
A generous friendship no cold medium knows,
Burns with one love, with one resentment glows.