gross (n.)
- absolute
- aggregate
- all
- animal
- arrant
- barnyard
- base
- bawdy
- bicentenary
- bicentennial
- bovine
- broad
- brute
- burly
- capital
- cental
- centare
- centenarian
- centenary
- centennial
- centimeter
- centipede
- centurion
- century
- classical
- cleanup
- clear
- comprehensive
- credit
- credits
- crude
- cwt
- damned
- dense
- dividend
- doggerel
- dreadful
- dullard
- earn
- earnings
- entire
- entirety
- extreme
- fat
- forbidding
- foul
- frank
- full
- gain
- gate
- gaudy
- get
- grave
- great
- gritty
- gutter
- heavy
- hecatomb
- hippy
- hoard
- hundred
- hundredweight
- income
- intake
- integral
- interest
- killing
- large
- little
- loud
- lousy
- low
- low-down
- lucre
- lush
- make
- manifest
- material
- mean
- nasty
- net
- objective
- offensive
- omnibus
- one
- output
- overall
- overrun
- overweight
- pay
- pelf
- percentage
- perfect
- perk
- perquisite
- petty
- pickings
- plain
- plump
- poky
- poor
- positive
- proceeds
- produce
- profit
- profits
- rake-off
- rank
- raw
- receipt
- receipts
- receivables
- regular
- repellent
- reptilian
- return
- returns
- revenue
- ribald
- roly-poly
- rough
- rude
- sad
- schlock
- scurvy
- sesquicentennial
- shattering
- shoddy
- small
- square
- squat
- stalwart
- store
- stout
- stupid
- sum
- superlative
- take
- take-in
- takings
- tangible
- tercentenary
- tercentennial
- terrible
- thick
- total
- totality
- tote
- universal
- unmentionable
- utter
- vile
- wealth
- whole
- winnings
- worst
- yield
gross (v.)
- afford
- aggregate
- all
- arrant
- base
- clear
- commercialize
- complete
- consummate
- credit
- dense
- dirty
- dumb
- earn
- fat
- foul
- frank
- full
- gain
- gate
- get
- grave
- gutter
- hoard
- interest
- large
- little
- loud
- low
- lush
- make
- manifest
- material
- mean
- net
- one
- output
- overrun
- pay
- perfect
- perk
- plain
- plump
- produce
- profit
- rank
- raw
- realize
- receipt
- return
- rough
- rude
- square
- squat
- store
- sum
- take
- total
- tote
- utter
- vile
- worst
- yield
gross (adj.)
- abhorrent
- abject
- abominable
- absolute
- adipose
- aggregate
- all
- all-embracing
- all-inclusive
- animal
- animalistic
- arrant
- asinine
- atrocious
- awful
- barbaric
- barbarous
- base
- bawdy
- beastly
- beefy
- beggarly
- bestial
- bicentenary
- bicentennial
- big
- big-bellied
- blameworthy
- blatant
- blockish
- blowzy
- bodily
- bosomy
- bovine
- brawny
- broad
- brutal
- brute
- brutish
- bulky
- bullnecked
- burly
- buxom
- cacophonous
- capital
- carnal
- cental
- centenarian
- centenary
- centennial
- centred
- cheesy
- chubby
- chunky
- classical
- clear
- cloddish
- clumsy
- coarse
- coarse-grained
- complete
- comprehensive
- consummate
- contemptible
- corporeal
- corpulent
- crass
- cross-grained
- crude
- crummy
- cumbersome
- damned
- debased
- decided
- definitive
- degraded
- dense
- deplorable
- depraved
- despicable
- detestable
- dire
- dirty
- disgusting
- doltish
- downright
- dreadful
- dumb
- dumpy
- duncical
- duncish
- dysphemistic
- earthy
- egregious
- enormous
- entire
- evident
- excessive
- execrable
- exhaustive
- exorbitant
- extreme
- exuberant
- fallen
- fat
- fattish
- fetid
- filthy
- flagrant
- fleshly
- fleshy
- flourishing
- forbidding
- foul
- frank
- full
- full-bodied
- fulsome
- gain
- gate
- gaudy
- get
- glaring
- graceless
- grained
- grainy
- granular
- granulated
- grave
- great
- grievous
- gritty
- harsh
- hateful
- heavy
- heavyset
- hefty
- heinous
- hippy
- holistic
- horrible
- horrid
- hundred
- ignoble
- immoderate
- impenetrable
- imposing
- improper
- impure
- inappropriate
- inclusive
- incorrect
- indecent
- indecorous
- indelicate
- inelegant
- infamous
- infelicitous
- inordinate
- integral
- integrated
- interest
- intolerable
- jungly
- killing
- lamentable
- lapsed
- large
- lewd
- little
- loathsome
- loud
- lousy
- low
- low-down
- lumpen
- lumpish
- lush
- lusty
- luxuriant
- malodorous
- mangy
- manifest
- massive
- material
- materialistic
- mean
- measly
- meaty
- mephitic
- meretricious
- miasmal
- miasmic
- miserable
- monstrous
- nasty
- nauseating
- nefarious
- net
- noisome
- notorious
- noxious
- oafish
- obese
- objectionable
- objective
- obnoxious
- obscene
- obvious
- odious
- offensive
- omnibus
- one
- opaque
- orgiastic
- out-and-out
- outlandish
- outrageous
- outright
- overall
- overgrown
- overweight
- paltry
- paunchy
- perfect
- petty
- phenomenal
- physical
- pitiable
- pitiful
- plain
- plump
- podgy
- poky
- ponderous
- poor
- pornographic
- portly
- positive
- potbellied
- precious
- profit
- profound
- pronounced
- proper
- pudgy
- puffy
- pursy
- rank
- raw
- rebarbative
- regrettable
- regular
- repellent
- reprehensible
- reptilian
- repugnant
- repulsive
- revolting
- ribald
- riotous
- roly-poly
- rotten
- rotund
- rough
- rude
- sad
- scabby
- scandalous
- scatological
- scrubby
- scruffy
- scummy
- scurvy
- sensible
- sensual
- shabby
- shameful
- shattering
- shocking
- shoddy
- sickening
- small
- smutty
- sordid
- sottish
- squalid
- square
- squat
- squatty
- stalwart
- stark
- stinking
- stocky
- store
- stout
- strapping
- stupid
- substantial
- superlative
- surpassing
- swinish
- swollen
- tangible
- tasteless
- terrible
- thick
- thick-bodied
- thickset
- thorough
- thoroughgoing
- three-dimensional
- top-heavy
- total
- tubby
- unbearable
- unclean
- unconscionable
- uncouth
- uncultivated
- uncultured
- undeniable
- undignified
- unequivocal
- ungraceful
- universal
- unmentionable
- unmitigated
- unpolished
- unqualified
- unrefined
- unrelieved
- unseemly
- unsophisticated
- unspoiled
- unwieldy
- utter
- vile
- villainous
- viscous
- vulgar
- weedy
- weighty
- well-fed
- whole
- woeful
- worst
- worthless
- wretched
- wrongheaded
- yield
But in the gross and scope of my opinion,
This bodes some strange eruption to our state.
So dear to heav'n is saintly chastity,
That when a soul is found sincerely so,
A thousand liveried angels lackey her,
Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt,
And in clear dream and solemn vision
Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear,
Till oft converse with heav'nly habitants
Begin to cast a beam on th' outward shape.