get (n.)
- access
- addle
- advance
- affect
- age
- anger
- annex
- annoy
- answer
- apparel
- approach
- arouse
- arrest
- attire
- back
- badger
- baffle
- bag
- bait
- beat
- blast
- book
- bother
- bottom
- bound
- breed
- bribe
- bristle
- brood
- buffalo
- bug
- buy
- bypass
- canter
- capture
- carp
- catch
- cause
- children
- claim
- clasp
- claw
- cleanup
- clear
- clench
- climb
- clinch
- clutch
- coax
- collapse
- collar
- collect
- come
- compass
- contact
- contract
- cope
- corral
- crack
- credit
- credits
- croak
- cross
- crossbreed
- damage
- daze
- detail
- devil
- devise
- dig
- digest
- dismount
- distemper
- dividend
- divine
- do
- doff
- dog
- don
- dope
- draw
- dress
- earn
- earnings
- eat
- effect
- elude
- embrace
- engage
- enter
- erase
- escape
- evoke
- exercise
- extract
- fall
- family
- fare
- farrow
- father
- fathom
- fetch
- fever
- finance
- find
- finish
- fit
- fix
- floor
- flourish
- folks
- force
- fox-trot
- fry
- fuddle
- fund
- gain
- gallop
- gate
- gather
- generate
- get
- git
- go
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- gross
- guess
- harm
- harry
- harvest
- hatch
- have
- hear
- hearth
- heckle
- hector
- hire
- hit
- hoard
- hop
- hotfoot
- hound
- house
- household
- hug
- hurt
- hype
- ice
- impress
- income
- influence
- insert
- intake
- interest
- invite
- irk
- issue
- journey
- ken
- killing
- know
- land
- lead
- leap
- lease
- leave
- lick
- like
- litter
- loot
- lope
- lucre
- make
- master
- maze
- mean
- meet
- menage
- miff
- mother
- mount
- move
- muddle
- nag
- nail
- needle
- nest
- net
- nettle
- nip
- off
- offspring
- outfit
- output
- palm
- pass
- peeve
- pelf
- people
- percentage
- perk
- perquisite
- pickings
- pillage
- pinch
- pinpoint
- pique
- place
- plague
- plug
- plumb
- pother
- proceeds
- produce
- profit
- profits
- progress
- punch
- purchase
- push
- put
- puzzle
- rake-off
- ravel
- reach
- read
- receipt
- receipts
- receivables
- record
- remove
- rent
- resolve
- return
- returns
- revenue
- riddle
- ride
- rile
- roil
- ruffle
- run
- sack
- savvy
- score
- see
- sense
- set
- settle
- shag
- shed
- shift
- shoot
- sidestep
- sire
- skirt
- slug
- smack
- snatch
- sock
- solve
- spat
- spawn
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- start
- steal
- step
- stick
- stir
- store
- strike
- study
- stump
- support
- swallow
- sway
- take
- take-in
- takings
- taunt
- tease
- throw
- torment
- touch
- trace
- travel
- traverse
- treat
- trip
- trot
- turn
- twig
- undo
- unlock
- vex
- wangle
- waste
- wealth
- welcome
- wiggle
- win
- winnings
- work
- worry
- wriggle
- yield
- young
- zap
get (v.)
- absorb
- accept
- access
- accumulate
- acquire
- addle
- admit
- advance
- affect
- age
- aggravate
- alight
- amaze
- anger
- annex
- annoy
- answer
- apparel
- appreciate
- apprehend
- approach
- arise
- arouse
- arrange
- arrest
- arrive
- ascend
- ascertain
- assemble
- assimilate
- assume
- attire
- avoid
- awaken
- back
- badger
- baffle
- bag
- bait
- bamboozle
- beat
- become
- bedevil
- beget
- beset
- bewilder
- blast
- boggle
- book
- bother
- bottom
- bound
- breed
- bribe
- bring
- bristle
- brood
- buffalo
- bug
- bullyrag
- buy
- bypass
- cajole
- canter
- capture
- carp
- catch
- cause
- chivy
- circulate
- circumvent
- claim
- clasp
- claw
- clear
- clench
- climb
- clinch
- clothe
- clutch
- coax
- collapse
- collar
- collect
- come
- communicate
- compass
- complete
- comprehend
- conceive
- conclude
- confound
- confuse
- congregate
- contact
- contemplate
- contract
- contrive
- convene
- cope
- copulate
- corral
- corrupt
- crack
- create
- credit
- criticize
- croak
- cross
- crossbreed
- damage
- daze
- debug
- decipher
- decode
- deject
- delineate
- depart
- deplane
- depress
- derive
- descend
- describe
- detail
- determine
- detrain
- devil
- devise
- dig
- digest
- disappear
- discompose
- discourage
- discover
- discuss
- disembark
- disentangle
- dishearten
- dismount
- dispirit
- distemper
- disturb
- divine
- do
- doff
- dog
- don
- dope
- draw
- dress
- earn
- eat
- effect
- elicit
- elude
- embark
- embrace
- emplane
- engage
- engender
- enjoy
- enplane
- enter
- entrain
- erase
- erupt
- escape
- evade
- evoke
- exasperate
- excite
- exercise
- explain
- extract
- fall
- fare
- farrow
- father
- fathom
- fetch
- finance
- find
- finish
- fit
- fix
- flatter
- flee
- floor
- flourish
- follow
- force
- fry
- fuddle
- fund
- gain
- gallop
- gate
- gather
- generate
- get
- glean
- go
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- gross
- grow
- guess
- harass
- harm
- harry
- harvest
- hatch
- have
- hear
- heckle
- hector
- hightail
- hire
- hit
- hoard
- hop
- hotfoot
- hound
- house
- hug
- hurt
- hype
- ice
- impart
- imply
- impress
- include
- incur
- induce
- influence
- inherit
- injure
- insert
- insinuate
- inspire
- instigate
- intend
- interest
- interpret
- intimidate
- invent
- invite
- irk
- irritate
- issue
- journey
- ken
- know
- land
- lead
- leap
- learn
- lease
- leave
- lick
- like
- litter
- locate
- loot
- lope
- make
- manage
- manipulate
- master
- maze
- mean
- meet
- miff
- molest
- mother
- motivate
- mount
- move
- muddle
- multiply
- mystify
- nab
- nag
- nail
- near
- needle
- nest
- net
- nettle
- nip
- nonplus
- obtain
- off
- organize
- outfit
- outflank
- output
- outsmart
- outwit
- overdose
- overhear
- palm
- partake
- pass
- peeve
- penetrate
- people
- perceive
- perk
- perplex
- persecute
- persuade
- perturb
- pester
- pillage
- pinch
- pinpoint
- pique
- place
- plague
- plug
- plumb
- possess
- pother
- prepare
- proceed
- procreate
- procure
- produce
- profit
- progress
- proliferate
- promote
- propagate
- prosper
- provoke
- punch
- purchase
- pursue
- push
- put
- puzzle
- ravel
- reach
- read
- realize
- reap
- receipt
- receive
- record
- recoup
- recover
- rediscover
- regain
- remove
- rent
- repossess
- resolve
- retain
- retire
- retrieve
- return
- riddle
- ride
- rile
- roil
- ruffle
- run
- sack
- sadden
- savvy
- score
- scram
- secure
- see
- seize
- sense
- set
- settle
- shag
- shed
- shift
- shoot
- sicken
- sidestep
- sire
- skirt
- slug
- smack
- snatch
- socialize
- sock
- solve
- spat
- spawn
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- start
- steal
- step
- stick
- stimulate
- stir
- store
- strike
- study
- stump
- suborn
- subvert
- succeed
- suggest
- support
- surmount
- survive
- swallow
- sway
- take
- taunt
- tease
- thrive
- throw
- torment
- touch
- trace
- travel
- traverse
- treat
- trip
- trot
- turn
- twig
- undermine
- understand
- undo
- unlock
- unravel
- unscramble
- untangle
- untwist
- unweave
- vamoose
- vex
- wangle
- waste
- welcome
- wheedle
- wiggle
- win
- work
- worry
- wrest
- wriggle
- yield
- young
- zap
get (adj.)
- advance
- age
- alight
- back
- bag
- beat
- begone
- book
- bottom
- bound
- breed
- clear
- collar
- collect
- come
- complete
- corrupt
- crack
- cross
- delineate
- devil
- dig
- divine
- do
- dog
- dress
- eat
- effect
- enter
- fit
- floor
- force
- gain
- gate
- generate
- get
- go
- gross
- hearth
- hire
- hit
- house
- hurt
- ice
- imply
- interest
- ken
- killing
- land
- lead
- lease
- lick
- like
- litter
- lope
- master
- mean
- meet
- mount
- near
- nest
- net
- off
- pass
- place
- plumb
- profit
- put
- reach
- read
- rent
- rile
- run
- score
- secure
- see
- sense
- set
- shed
- shift
- spread
- start
- steal
- step
- stick
- stir
- store
- support
- trip
- turn
- vex
- waste
- welcome
- win
- work
- yield
- young
It is a very good world to live in,
To lend, or to spend, or to give in;
But to beg or to borrow, or to get a man's own,
It is the very worst world that ever was known.
Get money; still get money, boy,
No matter by what means.
When a man says, "Get out of my house! what would you have with my wife?" there is no answer to be made.
Get place and wealth, if possible, with grace;
If not, by any means get wealth and place.
Get thee behind me, Satan.
Be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny. Get thee to a nunnery, go.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all thy getting get understanding.