force (n.)
- abuse
- acuteness
- adventurousness
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- ambitiousness
- amount
- amperage
- amplitude
- animality
- arm
- army
- ascendancy
- assault
- atrocity
- authority
- backlash
- backwash
- barbarity
- bear
- bearing
- beef
- bind
- binding
- bite
- bloodlust
- boost
- break
- brutality
- buck
- bulk
- bull
- bump
- bunt
- butt
- carat
- cascade
- cataract
- cause
- charge
- charisma
- charm
- chute
- clout
- coercion
- cogency
- coloring
- command
- compulsion
- connotation
- consequence
- constraint
- control
- crack
- credit
- crew
- crowd
- culture
- current
- cut
- debauch
- decagram
- decigram
- decisiveness
- defile
- demand
- denotation
- destructiveness
- dig
- dint
- dominance
- domination
- dose
- drag
- dragoon
- dram
- dress
- drift
- drive
- duress
- dynamism
- dyne
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuality
- efficacy
- effort
- elbow
- eminence
- enchantment
- endurance
- energy
- enterprise
- enterprisingness
- ergal
- essence
- esteem
- extension
- extent
- extract
- extremity
- fall
- fallow
- falls
- favor
- ferociousness
- fierceness
- forcefulness
- fortitude
- foster
- furiousness
- gang
- get-up-and-go
- getup
- gist
- give
- go
- go-ahead
- goad
- grain
- gram
- gumption
- guts
- gutsiness
- hardiness
- harrow
- harshness
- have
- headway
- heartiness
- help
- hoe
- hold
- hundredweight
- hustle
- idea
- impact
- impetuosity
- impetus
- implication
- import
- importance
- impress
- impression
- impressiveness
- imprint
- incisiveness
- inclemency
- influence
- inhumanity
- initiative
- insinuation
- intension
- intensity
- jab
- jam
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- justness
- kilo
- kilogram
- leadership
- leverage
- linn
- list
- lustiness
- magnetism
- magnitude
- make
- malignity
- mana
- mark
- mass
- mastery
- matter
- meaning
- measure
- measurement
- megaton
- men
- mercilessness
- might
- mightiness
- military
- milligram
- mindlessness
- mole
- moment
- momentum
- move
- moxie
- mulch
- murderousness
- muscle
- nervousness
- nudge
- numbers
- oblige
- obstinacy
- occasion
- operative
- order
- ounce
- outrage
- overtone
- pains
- pennyweight
- persistence
- personality
- personnel
- persuasion
- pertinence
- pith
- pitilessness
- pizzazz
- plow
- poignancy
- point
- poke
- poop
- potence
- potency
- potentiality
- pound
- poundal
- power
- powerfulness
- predominance
- preponderance
- prepotency
- press
- pressure
- prestige
- prise
- prize
- prod
- productiveness
- productivity
- propel
- prune
- pry
- puissance
- pull
- punch
- purchase
- purport
- push
- pushiness
- quantity
- quantum
- rake
- ram
- rape
- rattle
- ravage
- reaction
- recoil
- reference
- referent
- reflex
- reign
- relation
- relevance
- repercussion
- repute
- response
- retinue
- rigor
- robustness
- roughness
- ruggedness
- ruin
- rule
- run
- sandbag
- sault
- savagery
- say
- scope
- scruple
- sense
- severity
- shake
- sharpness
- shotgun
- shoulder
- shove
- significance
- signification
- sinew
- slug
- soil
- solidity
- soundness
- spade
- spark
- speed
- spirit
- spoil
- spout
- spunk
- staff
- stalwartness
- stamina
- steam
- steamroller
- stone
- stoutness
- strain
- strength
- strenuousness
- stress
- sturdiness
- suasion
- substance
- substantiality
- suggestion
- sully
- sum
- superiority
- superpower
- supremacy
- sway
- tamp
- tenor
- tension
- terrorism
- thin
- thrust
- tie
- till
- ton
- toughness
- trenchancy
- troops
- trouble
- tyranny
- undertone
- valid
- validity
- value
- vandalism
- vehemence
- velocity
- venom
- venturesomeness
- venturousness
- viciousness
- vigor
- vim
- violence
- virility
- virtue
- virulence
- visit
- vitality
- waterfall
- wattage
- weed
- weight
- whole
- work
- wreck
- wrench
- wring
force (v.)
- abuse
- actuate
- administer
- amount
- animate
- apply
- arm
- assault
- backlash
- bear
- beef
- bestow
- betray
- bind
- bite
- boost
- break
- buck
- bulk
- bull
- bulldoze
- bump
- bunt
- butt
- cascade
- cause
- charge
- charm
- chute
- clout
- coerce
- command
- compel
- concuss
- constrain
- control
- crack
- cram
- credit
- crew
- crowd
- cultivate
- culture
- cut
- debauch
- deceive
- defile
- deflower
- delve
- demand
- despoil
- dig
- dose
- drag
- dragoon
- dress
- drift
- drive
- dyne
- effect
- elbow
- energize
- enforce
- enjoin
- esteem
- exact
- extort
- extract
- fall
- favor
- fertilize
- foster
- galvanize
- gang
- give
- go
- goad
- grain
- gram
- harrow
- have
- headway
- help
- hoe
- hold
- hurtle
- hustle
- impact
- impel
- import
- impose
- impress
- imprint
- influence
- intensity
- intimidate
- jab
- jam
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- leverage
- list
- magnitude
- make
- mark
- mass
- matter
- measure
- men
- mislead
- motivate
- move
- mulch
- muscle
- nudge
- oblige
- occasion
- order
- ounce
- outrage
- pains
- pith
- plow
- point
- poke
- pound
- power
- press
- pressure
- prise
- prize
- prod
- promote
- propel
- prune
- pry
- pull
- punch
- purchase
- purport
- push
- rake
- ram
- rape
- rattle
- ravage
- ravish
- recoil
- reference
- reign
- repute
- require
- restrain
- ruin
- rule
- run
- sandbag
- sault
- say
- scope
- scruple
- seduce
- sense
- shake
- shoulder
- shove
- slug
- soil
- spade
- spark
- speed
- spirit
- spoil
- spout
- staff
- steam
- steamroller
- stimulate
- stone
- strain
- stress
- sully
- sum
- sway
- tamp
- thin
- thrust
- tie
- till
- ton
- trouble
- valid
- value
- venom
- vigor
- violate
- visit
- weed
- weight
- work
- wreak
- wreck
- wrench
- wrest
- wring
force (adv.)
force (adj.)
- amount
- animate
- arm
- army
- bearing
- binding
- crack
- current
- cut
- demand
- dig
- dress
- drift
- dyne
- effect
- effective
- energy
- enterprise
- essence
- exact
- fallow
- foster
- give
- go
- gram
- guts
- hoe
- import
- initiative
- list
- mark
- mass
- meaning
- men
- military
- moment
- operative
- order
- personnel
- point
- poke
- pound
- power
- press
- pressure
- prise
- prize
- pry
- rake
- ram
- referent
- reflex
- reign
- run
- say
- sense
- shoulder
- soil
- speed
- staff
- stone
- strength
- tenor
- tension
- thin
- tie
- till
- ton
- valid
- velocity
- violate
- weight
- whole
- work
His eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.
Even in the force and road of casualty.
Knowledge is more than equivalent to force.
It is not strength, but art, obtains the prize,
And to be swift is less than to be wise.
'T is more by art than force of num'rous strokes.
From harmony, from heavenly harmony,
This universal frame began:
From harmony to harmony
Through all the compass of the notes it ran,
The diapason closing full in Man.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'T is mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's,
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy.
He will hold thee, when his passion shall have spent its novel force,
Something better than his dog, a little dearer than his horse.
Who overcomes
By force, hath overcome but half his foe.