rattle (n.)
- abash
- addle
- assault
- babble
- babbler
- battery
- bear
- bedlam
- bells
- bicker
- blab
- blabber
- blast
- blather
- blether
- bones
- boost
- bother
- bounce
- brawl
- brouhaha
- buck
- bug
- bull
- bullshit
- bump
- bunt
- butt
- cackle
- castanets
- catcall
- celesta
- charivari
- chat
- chatter
- chatterbox
- chatterer
- chime
- clack
- clamor
- clangor
- clap
- clapper
- clappers
- clatter
- cloud
- commotion
- cracker
- crackle
- crackling
- cramp
- cricket
- cripple
- crowd
- cymbals
- damp
- daze
- dazzle
- dig
- din
- discord
- disquiet
- dither
- drive
- drivel
- drool
- dustup
- elbow
- entangle
- exhaust
- firecracker
- flap
- flurry
- fluster
- flutter
- fog
- force
- fracas
- free-for-all
- fuddle
- fuss
- gab
- gabble
- gamelan
- gas
- gasbag
- gibber
- glockenspiel
- goad
- gong
- gossip
- gruel
- gush
- haver
- horn
- howl
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- hustle
- jab
- jabber
- jabberer
- jam
- jangle
- jar
- jaw
- jay
- jiggle
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- jounce
- list
- lyra
- magpie
- maraca
- marimba
- maze
- mist
- muddle
- noise
- noisemaker
- nudge
- outcry
- palaver
- pandemonium
- patter
- percussion
- piffle
- poke
- pother
- prate
- prater
- prattle
- prattler
- press
- prod
- punch
- push
- racket
- ram
- ramble
- rattlebox
- rattling
- rhubarb
- roar
- rock
- row
- ruckle
- ruckus
- ruction
- ruffle
- rumble
- rumpus
- run
- sap
- shake
- shindy
- shivaree
- shock
- shoulder
- shove
- siren
- snapper
- speed
- spout
- stagger
- stir
- stress
- tam-tam
- tamp
- thrust
- thunder
- thunderclap
- ticktack
- tittle-tattle
- triangle
- trouble
- tumult
- twaddle
- unman
- uproar
- upset
- utter
- vapor
- vibes
- vibraphone
- waffle
- whistle
- windbag
- windjammer
- xylophone
- yak
rattle (v.)
- abash
- abate
- addle
- agitate
- assault
- attenuate
- babble
- bear
- becloud
- bedazzle
- befuddle
- bewilder
- bicker
- blab
- blabber
- blast
- blather
- blether
- blunt
- boost
- bother
- bounce
- brattle
- brawl
- buck
- bug
- bull
- bulldoze
- bullshit
- bump
- bunt
- butt
- cackle
- catcall
- chat
- chatter
- chime
- clack
- clamor
- clangor
- clap
- clatter
- clitter
- cloud
- confound
- confuse
- crackle
- cram
- cramp
- cricket
- cripple
- crowd
- damp
- dampen
- daze
- dazzle
- deaden
- debilitate
- devitalize
- dig
- din
- discombobulate
- discomfit
- discompose
- disconcert
- discord
- discountenance
- disorganize
- disorient
- disquiet
- distract
- disturb
- dither
- drive
- drivel
- drool
- dull
- elbow
- electrify
- embarrass
- enervate
- enfeeble
- entangle
- enumerate
- eviscerate
- exhaust
- extenuate
- faze
- flap
- flummox
- flurry
- fluster
- flutter
- fog
- force
- fuddle
- fuss
- gab
- gabble
- gas
- gibber
- goad
- gong
- gossip
- gush
- horn
- howl
- hurtle
- hustle
- jab
- jabber
- jam
- jangle
- jar
- jaw
- jiggle
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- jounce
- list
- maze
- mist
- mitigate
- muddle
- natter
- noise
- nudge
- outcry
- palaver
- patter
- perplex
- perturb
- piffle
- poke
- pother
- prate
- prattle
- press
- prod
- punch
- push
- racket
- ram
- ramble
- recite
- reduce
- roar
- rock
- row
- ruckle
- ruffle
- rumble
- rumpus
- run
- sap
- shake
- shatter
- shock
- shoulder
- shove
- speed
- spout
- stagger
- stir
- stress
- tamp
- thrust
- thunder
- ticktack
- tittle-tattle
- trouble
- twaddle
- unbrace
- undermine
- unman
- unnerve
- unsettle
- unstring
- upset
- utter
- vibrate
- waffle
- weaken
- whistle
- yak
Rattle his bones over the stones!
He's only a pauper, whom nobody owns!
Hope travels through, nor quits us when we die.
Behold the child, by Nature's kindly law,
Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw;
Some livelier plaything gives his youth delight,
A little louder, but as empty quite;
Scarfs, garters, gold, amuse his riper stage,
And beads and prayer-books are the toys of age.
Pleased with this bauble still, as that before,
Till tired he sleeps, and life's poor play is o'er.
In the lost battle,
Borne down by the flying,
Where mingles war's rattle
With groans of the dying.