run (n.)
- abrasion
- acciaccatura
- act
- advance
- affluence
- aim
- airlift
- appoggiatura
- arabesque
- array
- arroyo
- articulation
- ascending
- ascent
- assault
- average
- averageness
- azimuth
- back
- backflowing
- backing
- balance
- bank
- bark
- batch
- bear
- bearing
- beat
- beck
- bent
- berm
- bide
- blemish
- boardwalk
- boat
- bolt
- booking
- boost
- bound
- bourn
- branch
- break
- breed
- brook
- brooklet
- buck
- budge
- bull
- bum
- bump
- bundle
- bunt
- bureaucracy
- bureaucratism
- burn
- burrow
- burst
- bustle
- butt
- buzz
- cadence
- cadenza
- campaign
- canoe
- canter
- captain
- career
- carry
- catena
- catenation
- catwalk
- cave
- center
- chafe
- chain
- change
- channel
- chase
- check
- chinoiserie
- chip
- circle
- circuit
- claw
- climb
- climbing
- coast
- coil
- coloratura
- command
- commonality
- commonness
- commute
- concatenation
- concourse
- concussion
- cond
- conduct
- confluence
- conflux
- connection
- continuance
- continuation
- continuity
- continuum
- contract
- control
- couch
- course
- cover
- covert
- coxswain
- crack
- crackle
- craze
- creek
- crick
- cross
- crosscurrent
- crossing
- crowd
- cruise
- culture
- currency
- current
- cut
- cycle
- dash
- date
- den
- derby
- descent
- desert
- dig
- direction
- dissolve
- division
- dog
- dogtrot
- downpour
- drift
- driftage
- drive
- drone
- duration
- dwell
- dysentery
- earth
- ebb
- ebbing
- elapse
- elbow
- elope
- embellishment
- emigration
- endurance
- engagement
- engineer
- esplanade
- everyman
- excursion
- exist
- expatriate
- expatriation
- expedition
- extension
- extensiveness
- falcon
- fare
- farm
- feed
- fester
- fetch
- file
- filiation
- flight
- flit
- float
- flood
- flourish
- flow
- flowing
- fluency
- flush
- flux
- fly
- foot
- footpath
- footrace
- force
- form
- fowl
- fox-trot
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- freedom
- freshet
- fret
- function
- fuse
- gain
- gall
- gallop
- gamut
- gang
- gash
- generality
- get
- ghost
- gill
- git
- glide
- go
- goad
- grace
- gradation
- grind
- groove
- guide
- gun
- gush
- handle
- hatch
- hawk
- head
- heading
- heat
- hectograph
- helm
- herd
- hie
- hold
- hole
- hop
- hotfoot
- hound
- hum
- hunt
- hurry
- hurt
- hustle
- immigration
- impress
- imprint
- in-migration
- incidental
- incision
- inclination
- inflow
- injury
- invite
- issue
- itinerary
- jab
- jack
- jacklight
- jam
- jaunt
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- journey
- jump
- junket
- keep
- kill
- laceration
- lair
- lap
- lapse
- last
- lay
- leach
- lead
- leap
- leg
- lengthening
- lesion
- levant
- liberty
- license
- lie
- line
- lineage
- live
- lodge
- lope
- lot
- mainstream
- maintenance
- make
- making
- mall
- maneuver
- marathon
- mastermind
- matter
- maul
- mean
- median
- mediocrity
- medium
- melt
- mew
- middle
- midpoint
- midstream
- migration
- millrace
- mimeograph
- monotone
- motion
- motorboat
- mount
- mounting
- move
- movement
- mutilation
- name
- navigation
- nexus
- norm
- normal
- normality
- nudge
- nurture
- officer
- onrush
- orbit
- order
- ordinariness
- orientation
- ornament
- out-migration
- outflow
- outing
- overprint
- par
- parade
- part
- pass
- passage
- path
- pathway
- pendulum
- percolate
- peregrination
- periodicity
- perk
- perpetuation
- perseverance
- persistence
- piece
- pierce
- pilgrimage
- pilot
- piloting
- play
- plenum
- plunge
- ply
- point
- poke
- portion
- post
- pour
- practice
- press
- prevalence
- prod
- progress
- progression
- prolongation
- promenade
- proof
- protraction
- pull
- punch
- puncture
- pursuance
- push
- quarter
- quarterback
- queue
- race
- raise
- ram
- ranch
- range
- rank
- rattle
- reach
- rear
- recurrence
- reflux
- regatta
- regress
- regression
- reign
- reissue
- relay
- rend
- render
- rent
- repetition
- reprint
- reticulation
- retrogression
- ride
- rip
- rise
- rising
- river
- rivulet
- road
- roll
- rotation
- roulade
- round
- route
- routine
- row
- ruck
- rule
- rundle
- runnel
- runway
- rupture
- rush
- rut
- safari
- sail
- sally
- sashay
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scamper
- scorch
- scotch
- scramble
- scrape
- scratch
- screw
- scud
- scuff
- scull
- scurry
- scuttle
- sequence
- series
- set
- shake
- shepherd
- shift
- shin
- shits
- shoot
- shortcut
- shoulder
- shove
- sidewalk
- sink
- sinking
- skedaddle
- skim
- skin
- skip
- skipper
- slash
- slide
- slip
- slit
- smelt
- sneak
- soar
- soaring
- solo
- solve
- sore
- span
- spate
- spectrum
- speed
- spin
- sport
- sprain
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- spurt
- stab
- stalk
- stamp
- stand
- start
- stay
- steam
- steamboat
- steer
- steerage
- steering
- step
- stick
- stir
- straddle
- strain
- stream
- streamlet
- stress
- stretch
- strike
- string
- strip
- subsiding
- succession
- surge
- surround
- sustenance
- swarm
- swath
- sweep
- swing
- tamp
- tear
- tendency
- tenor
- thaw
- thin
- thread
- thrust
- tick
- tide
- tier
- tone
- tour
- towpath
- track
- trail
- train
- trajectory
- transmigration
- trauma
- travel
- traverse
- treadmill
- trek
- trend
- trip
- trot
- trots
- tunnel
- turn
- undercurrent
- undertow
- usualness
- voyage
- wadi
- walk
- walkway
- wane
- watercourse
- waterway
- way
- wear
- weep
- welcome
- whirl
- work
- wound
- wrench
- yacht
run (v.)
- abide
- abrade
- abscond
- absquatulate
- acquire
- act
- advance
- aim
- airlift
- array
- ascend
- assault
- average
- back
- balance
- bank
- bark
- batch
- bear
- beat
- bide
- blemish
- bloody
- boat
- bolt
- boost
- bound
- branch
- break
- breed
- brook
- buck
- budge
- bull
- bulldoze
- bum
- bump
- bundle
- bunt
- burn
- burrow
- burst
- bustle
- butt
- buzz
- campaign
- canoe
- canter
- captain
- career
- carry
- cave
- center
- chafe
- chain
- change
- channel
- chase
- check
- chip
- circle
- circuit
- circumnavigate
- claw
- climb
- coast
- coil
- command
- commute
- cond
- conduct
- conn
- continue
- contract
- control
- couch
- course
- cover
- crack
- crackle
- cram
- craze
- crick
- cross
- crowd
- cruise
- culture
- cut
- cycle
- dash
- date
- decamp
- decoct
- defrost
- deliquesce
- den
- depart
- descend
- desert
- designate
- dig
- direct
- dissolve
- dog
- drift
- drive
- drone
- dwell
- earth
- ebb
- elapse
- elbow
- elope
- emigrate
- encompass
- endure
- engineer
- engrave
- environ
- exist
- expatriate
- expire
- extend
- falcon
- fare
- farm
- fatten
- feed
- fester
- festinate
- fetch
- file
- flee
- flight
- flit
- float
- flood
- flourish
- flow
- flush
- flux
- fly
- foot
- force
- form
- fowl
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fresh
- fret
- function
- fuse
- gain
- gall
- gallop
- gang
- gash
- get
- ghost
- glide
- go
- goad
- govern
- grace
- grind
- groove
- grow
- guide
- gun
- gush
- gyrate
- handle
- hasten
- hatch
- hawk
- head
- heat
- hectograph
- helm
- herd
- hie
- hightail
- hold
- hole
- hop
- hotfoot
- hound
- hum
- hunt
- hurry
- hurt
- hurtle
- hustle
- immigrate
- impress
- imprint
- incise
- incur
- infuse
- injure
- invite
- issue
- jab
- jack
- jacklight
- jam
- jaunt
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- journey
- jump
- junket
- keep
- kill
- lacerate
- lap
- lapse
- last
- lay
- leach
- lead
- leap
- leg
- levant
- license
- lie
- line
- liquefy
- liquesce
- liquidize
- live
- lodge
- loose
- lope
- lot
- maim
- maintain
- make
- manage
- maneuver
- manipulate
- mastermind
- matter
- maul
- mean
- melt
- mew
- middle
- migrate
- militate
- mimeograph
- motion
- motorboat
- mount
- move
- mutilate
- name
- navigate
- nominate
- nudge
- nurture
- officer
- operate
- orbit
- ordain
- order
- ornament
- overprint
- par
- parade
- part
- pass
- percolate
- perennate
- perform
- perk
- persist
- piece
- pierce
- pilot
- play
- plunge
- ply
- point
- poke
- portion
- post
- pour
- practice
- prescribe
- press
- prevail
- proceed
- prod
- progress
- promenade
- proof
- propose
- prove
- publish
- pull
- punch
- puncture
- push
- quarter
- quarterback
- queue
- race
- raise
- ram
- ranch
- range
- rank
- rankle
- rattle
- reach
- rear
- refine
- regress
- regulate
- regurgitate
- reign
- reissue
- relay
- remain
- rend
- render
- rent
- reprint
- retrogress
- ride
- rip
- ripen
- rise
- road
- roll
- rotate
- round
- route
- row
- ruck
- rule
- rundle
- rupture
- rush
- rut
- sail
- sally
- sashay
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scamper
- scoot
- scorch
- scotch
- scramble
- scrape
- scratch
- screw
- scud
- scuff
- scull
- scurry
- scuttle
- sequence
- set
- shake
- shepherd
- shift
- shin
- shoot
- shoulder
- shove
- sink
- skedaddle
- skim
- skin
- skip
- skipper
- slash
- slide
- slip
- slit
- smelt
- smuggle
- sneak
- soar
- solo
- solve
- span
- speed
- spin
- sport
- sprain
- spread
- spring
- sprint
- spurt
- stab
- stalk
- stamp
- stand
- start
- stay
- steam
- steer
- step
- stick
- still-hunt
- stir
- straddle
- strain
- stream
- stress
- stretch
- strike
- string
- strip
- submit
- subside
- subsist
- suppurate
- surge
- surround
- survive
- sustain
- swarm
- sweep
- swing
- tamp
- tarry
- tear
- thaw
- thin
- thread
- thrust
- tick
- tide
- tone
- tour
- track
- trail
- train
- transmigrate
- traumatize
- travel
- traverse
- trek
- trend
- trip
- trot
- tunnel
- turn
- unfreeze
- voyage
- walk
- wane
- way
- wear
- weep
- welcome
- wend
- whirl
- work
- wound
- wrench
- yacht
run (adj.)
- act
- advance
- ascending
- ascent
- average
- back
- bearing
- beat
- beck
- bent
- bloody
- bound
- branch
- breed
- bum
- burn
- buzz
- carry
- cave
- center
- chain
- change
- channel
- chip
- circuit
- climbing
- cond
- course
- cover
- covert
- crack
- crackle
- cross
- current
- cut
- dash
- date
- den
- descending
- descent
- designate
- dig
- direct
- dog
- drift
- earth
- exist
- flight
- float
- flowing
- flush
- fly
- foot
- force
- form
- fresh
- fuse
- gain
- get
- go
- head
- heat
- hie
- hole
- hum
- hurt
- incidental
- jack
- kill
- lacerate
- last
- lay
- lead
- leg
- levant
- line
- live
- loose
- lope
- lot
- making
- mall
- mean
- median
- medium
- middle
- middle-of-the-road
- monotone
- mount
- normal
- ongoing
- order
- outing
- part
- pass
- piece
- play
- ply
- point
- poke
- post
- practice
- press
- proof
- ram
- ranch
- range
- rank
- reach
- rear
- reign
- rend
- rent
- rip
- rise
- rising
- road
- roll
- round
- routine
- row
- ruck
- rush
- rut
- savage
- scale
- scotch
- series
- set
- shift
- shoulder
- skim
- slip
- sneak
- soaring
- solo
- sore
- span
- spate
- speed
- spread
- start
- step
- stick
- stir
- stream
- stretch
- string
- tarry
- tenor
- thin
- tick
- tone
- track
- trip
- turn
- way
- wear
- welcome
- work
- wound
Satire's my weapon, but I'm too discreet
To run amuck, and tilt at all I meet.
For those that run away and fly,
Take place at least o' the enemy.
Then fly betimes, for only they
Conquer Love that run away.
Time will run back and fetch the age of gold.
Thus far we run before the wind.
Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
But now my task is smoothly done,
I can fly, or I can run.
Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
What more felicitie can fall to creature
Than to enjoy delight with libertie,
And to be lord of all the workes of Nature,
To raine in th' aire from earth to highest skie,
To feed on flowres and weeds of glorious feature.
I mean not to run with the Hare and holde with the Hounde.
To hold with the hare and run with the hound.