circle (n.)
- acquaintance
- advance
- alternate
- ambience
- ambit
- anklet
- annulus
- aphelion
- apogee
- arc
- arena
- areola
- armlet
- arsis
- aura
- aureole
- back
- bailiwick
- band
- bangle
- beads
- beat
- belt
- bijou
- border
- borderland
- bout
- bow
- bracelet
- breastpin
- brooch
- budge
- bunch
- cabal
- cadre
- camarilla
- camp
- catenary
- caustic
- cell
- chain
- change
- chaplet
- charm
- chatelaine
- cincture
- circuit
- circumference
- circumstances
- circus
- clan
- class
- climb
- clique
- company
- compass
- context
- cordon
- corona
- coronet
- coterie
- course
- crank
- crescent
- crew
- crook
- crowd
- crown
- curl
- curve
- cycle
- demesne
- department
- diadem
- diastole
- discus
- disk
- division
- domain
- dominion
- downbeat
- earring
- ebb
- ecliptic
- elite
- ellipse
- entourage
- environment
- environs
- equator
- equinoctial
- equinox
- extension
- extent
- fellowship
- festoon
- field
- flank
- flow
- fob
- fraternity
- friends
- garland
- gem
- gestalt
- girdle
- glory
- go
- group
- gyre
- habitat
- halo
- hem
- hemisphere
- hook
- hoop
- hyperbola
- ingroup
- jewel
- junta
- junto
- jurisdiction
- lap
- lasso
- length
- locket
- longitude
- loop
- lot
- march
- meridian
- milieu
- mob
- mount
- move
- necklace
- neighborhood
- nimbus
- noose
- orb
- orbit
- outfit
- outskirts
- pale
- parabola
- parhelion
- perigee
- perihelion
- perimeter
- period
- periphery
- pin
- pirouette
- pivot
- plunge
- precinct
- progress
- province
- pulse
- push
- radius
- rainbow
- realm
- regress
- repeat
- return
- revolution
- rhinestone
- ring
- ringlet
- rise
- roll
- rotation
- round
- roundel
- rounds
- run
- saucer
- scope
- screw
- series
- set
- shift
- sink
- sinus
- situation
- skirt
- soar
- society
- spell
- sphere
- sphincter
- spin
- spiral
- stickpin
- stir
- stone
- stream
- surround
- surroundings
- swing
- swivel
- systole
- thesis
- tiara
- torque
- tour
- tracery
- trajectory
- travel
- turn
- twist
- upbeat
- vicinity
- walk
- wampum
- wane
- wheel
- whirl
- wind
- wreath
- wristband
- wristlet
- zodiac
- zone
circle (v.)
- advance
- alternate
- arc
- ascend
- back
- band
- beat
- belt
- border
- bout
- bow
- brooch
- budge
- bunch
- cabal
- camp
- chain
- change
- charm
- circuit
- circulate
- circumambulate
- circumnavigate
- circumscribe
- circumvent
- circumvolute
- class
- climb
- company
- compass
- course
- crank
- crew
- crook
- crowd
- crown
- curl
- curve
- cycle
- descend
- disk
- ebb
- encircle
- enclose
- encompass
- environ
- festoon
- field
- flank
- flow
- fob
- garland
- gird
- girdle
- glory
- go
- group
- gyrate
- hem
- hook
- hoop
- intermit
- jewel
- lap
- lasso
- loop
- lot
- march
- mob
- mount
- move
- noose
- orb
- orbit
- oscillate
- outfit
- pale
- pin
- pirouette
- pivot
- plunge
- progress
- pulsate
- pulse
- push
- reappear
- recur
- regress
- repeat
- retrogress
- return
- revolve
- ring
- rise
- roll
- rotate
- round
- run
- scope
- screw
- set
- shift
- sink
- skirt
- soar
- spell
- spin
- spiral
- stir
- stone
- stream
- subside
- surround
- swing
- swivel
- tour
- travel
- turn
- twist
- undulate
- walk
- wamble
- wane
- wheel
- whirl
- wind
- wreathe
- zone
Ah, when shall all men's good
Be each man's rule, and universal peace
Lie like a shaft of light across the land,
And like a lane of beams athwart the sea,
Thro' all the circle of the golden year?
How beautiful is night!
A dewy freshness fills the silent air;
No mist obscures; nor cloud, or speck, nor stain,
Breaks the serene of heaven:
In full-orbed glory, yonder moon divine
Rolls through the dark blue depths;
Beneath her steady ray
The desert circle spreads
Like the round ocean, girdled with the sky.
How beautiful is night!
We are swinging round the circle.
But Shakespeare's magic could not copied be;
Within that circle none durst walk but he.