beat (n.)
- accent
- accentuation
- addle
- alternation
- ambit
- amphibrach
- anapest
- area
- arena
- arrhythmia
- arsis
- article
- baffle
- baffled
- bailiwick
- balk
- bang
- barnacle
- barrage
- bash
- baste
- bastinado
- baton
- batter
- beating
- belt
- best
- better
- bicker
- birch
- blend
- blow
- bludgeon
- border
- borderland
- bout
- bray
- break
- breakaway
- broke
- bruise
- buffalo
- buffet
- bunco
- bung
- bureaucracy
- bureaucratism
- burn
- cadence
- cadency
- caesura
- cane
- cant
- cast
- catalexis
- chase
- cheat
- chinoiserie
- chisel
- churn
- circle
- circuit
- clobber
- clout
- club
- cog
- colon
- comb
- con
- copy
- count
- counterpoint
- course
- cowhide
- cream
- crib
- crumb
- crush
- cudgel
- curry
- cut
- cycle
- dactyl
- dance
- dash
- daze
- dead
- deadbeat
- defeat
- defeated
- demesne
- department
- diaeresis
- diastole
- diddle
- din
- ding
- discipline
- discomfited
- disquiet
- do
- dog
- domain
- dominion
- done
- down
- downbeat
- drive
- drum
- drumbeat
- drumfire
- drumming
- duff
- dump
- emphasis
- euchre
- exclusive
- exhaust
- fag
- falcon
- fashion
- fatigue
- ferment
- field
- fix
- flag
- flagellate
- flail
- flam
- flap
- flat
- fleece
- flick
- flicker
- flimflam
- flip
- flit
- floor
- flop
- flour
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- foam
- fob
- foil
- foot
- forage
- forge
- form
- fowl
- fragment
- frazzle
- freeloader
- fret
- froth
- fuddle
- fudge
- get
- gone
- gouge
- grain
- grate
- grind
- groove
- grub
- gull
- gun
- gutter
- gyp
- hammer
- have
- hawk
- heartbeat
- heartthrob
- hemisphere
- hexameter
- hide
- hippie
- hocus-pocus
- horsewhip
- hound
- hunt
- iamb
- iambic
- ictus
- intermittence
- intermittency
- ionic
- itinerary
- jack
- jacklight
- jade
- jibe
- jingle
- jurisdiction
- knock
- knout
- lace
- lam
- lap
- largo
- lash
- lather
- leave
- leech
- lick
- lilt
- line
- loop
- luff
- make
- mantle
- march
- mash
- master
- maul
- maverick
- maze
- measure
- meter
- metrics
- mill
- mix
- mora
- mould
- movement
- muddle
- mulct
- number
- numbers
- offbeat
- orb
- orbit
- original
- oscillation
- overstrain
- paddle
- pale
- palpitation
- pant
- paradiddle
- parasite
- paste
- path
- patter
- pelt
- pentameter
- period
- periodicity
- pestle
- piece
- pigeon
- pinch
- pitter-patter
- ply
- pommel
- poop
- pound
- pounding
- powder
- precinct
- prosody
- province
- pulsation
- pulse
- put
- puzzle
- pyrrhic
- quantity
- quiver
- rag
- ragtime
- rake
- rap
- rat-a-tat
- rat-tat
- rataplan
- rawhide
- realm
- reappearance
- recurrence
- return
- revolution
- rhyme
- rhythm
- rile
- ripple
- road
- roil
- roll
- rook
- rotation
- round
- rounds
- rout
- route
- routine
- rub-a-dub
- rubato
- ruff
- ruffle
- ruin
- rummage
- run
- rut
- scam
- scoop
- scourge
- screw
- scrunch
- scum
- search
- series
- settle
- shake
- shape
- shard
- shave
- shellac
- shift
- shoot
- shortcut
- shred
- skin
- slat
- sledgehammer
- slew
- smash
- smear
- smother
- spank
- spatter
- spell
- sphere
- splatter
- splutter
- spondee
- sponge
- sponger
- sport
- spume
- sputter
- squash
- stalk
- start
- stick
- sting
- stir
- story
- strap
- stress
- strike
- stripe
- stroke
- stump
- suds
- swerve
- swindle
- swing
- swirl
- switch
- syncopation
- syncope
- systole
- syzygy
- tack
- tan
- tap
- tat-tat
- tattoo
- tempo
- tetrameter
- thesis
- thimblerig
- thrash
- throb
- throbbing
- throw
- thrum
- thump
- thumping
- thwart
- tick
- ticktock
- time
- timing
- tire
- tom-tom
- top
- tour
- track
- trail
- trajectory
- trample
- tread
- treadmill
- trim
- triplet
- triumph
- trochee
- trouble
- truncheon
- tucker
- turn
- undo
- undulation
- upbeat
- upset
- waggle
- walk
- wallop
- wave
- waver
- wear
- whack
- whale
- wheel
- whip
- whisk
- whop
- wilt
- win
- wind
- worst
- worsted
- yaw
beat (v.)
- abrade
- abscond
- accent
- addle
- aerate
- agitate
- amaze
- article
- atomize
- baffle
- balk
- bamboozle
- bang
- barrage
- bash
- baste
- bastinado
- batter
- belabor
- belt
- best
- better
- bicker
- bilk
- birch
- blend
- blow
- bludgeon
- boggle
- border
- bout
- bray
- break
- brecciate
- broke
- bruise
- buffalo
- buffet
- bunco
- bung
- burn
- cane
- cant
- cast
- chase
- cheat
- chisel
- chouse
- churn
- circle
- circuit
- circumvent
- clobber
- clout
- club
- cog
- comb
- comminute
- con
- confound
- conquer
- contuse
- convulse
- copy
- count
- counterpoint
- course
- cowhide
- cozen
- cream
- crib
- crumb
- crumble
- crush
- cudgel
- curry
- cut
- cycle
- dance
- dash
- daze
- dead
- debilitate
- defeat
- defraud
- depart
- destroy
- diddle
- din
- ding
- disappoint
- disarrange
- discipline
- discompose
- disintegrate
- disquiet
- disturb
- do
- dog
- done
- down
- drive
- drub
- drum
- dump
- enervate
- exceed
- excel
- excite
- exhaust
- fag
- falcon
- fashion
- fatigue
- ferment
- field
- finagle
- fix
- flag
- flagellate
- flail
- flam
- flap
- flat
- fleece
- flick
- flicker
- flip
- flit
- flitter
- flog
- floor
- flop
- flour
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- foam
- fob
- foil
- foot
- forage
- forge
- form
- fowl
- fragment
- frazzle
- fret
- froth
- fuddle
- fudge
- fustigate
- get
- gouge
- grain
- granulate
- grate
- grind
- groove
- grub
- gull
- gun
- gutter
- gybe
- gyp
- hammer
- harass
- have
- hawk
- hide
- horsewhip
- hound
- hunt
- jack
- jacklight
- jade
- jibe
- jingle
- knock
- lace
- lam
- lambaste
- lap
- larrup
- lash
- lather
- leave
- leech
- lick
- lilt
- line
- loop
- luff
- make
- manhandle
- mantle
- march
- mash
- master
- maul
- maze
- measure
- meter
- mill
- mix
- mould
- muddle
- mulct
- mystify
- nonplus
- number
- orb
- orbit
- outclass
- outdo
- outfight
- outgeneral
- outmaneuver
- outpoint
- outrun
- outsail
- outshine
- outstrip
- overcome
- overfatigue
- overreach
- overstrain
- overtire
- overweary
- overwhelm
- paddle
- pale
- palpitate
- pant
- paste
- patter
- pelt
- perplex
- perturb
- pestle
- piece
- pinch
- pistol-whip
- pitter-patter
- ply
- pommel
- pound
- powder
- prevail
- prostrate
- pulsate
- pulse
- pulverize
- pummel
- put
- puzzle
- quiver
- rag
- rake
- ransack
- rap
- return
- rhyme
- rile
- ripple
- road
- roil
- roll
- rook
- roughen
- round
- rout
- route
- ruff
- ruffle
- ruin
- rummage
- rumple
- run
- rut
- scam
- scoop
- scourge
- screw
- scrunch
- scum
- search
- settle
- shake
- shape
- shave
- sheer
- shellac
- shift
- shoot
- shred
- skin
- skinned
- slat
- sledgehammer
- slew
- smash
- smear
- smite
- smother
- spank
- spatter
- spell
- splatter
- splutter
- sponge
- sport
- spume
- sputter
- squash
- stalk
- start
- stick
- still-hunt
- sting
- stir
- strap
- stress
- strike
- stripe
- stroke
- stuck
- stump
- subdue
- suds
- surmount
- surpass
- swerve
- swindle
- swing
- swinge
- swirl
- switch
- tack
- tan
- tap
- tattoo
- thrash
- thresh
- throb
- throw
- thrum
- thump
- thwart
- tick
- ticktock
- time
- tire
- top
- tour
- track
- trail
- trample
- transcend
- tread
- trim
- triumph
- trouble
- trounce
- tucker
- turn
- undo
- upset
- vanquish
- veer
- victimize
- waggle
- walk
- wallop
- wave
- waver
- weaken
- wear
- weary
- whack
- whale
- wheel
- whip
- whisk
- whop
- wilt
- win
- wind
- worst
- yaw
beat (adj.)
- addled
- baffled
- bang
- beaten
- belt
- best
- better
- birch
- blow
- bout
- breakaway
- broke
- burn
- bushed
- busted
- cane
- cant
- cast
- circuit
- confounded
- count
- course
- cretic
- cut
- dactyl
- dash
- dazed
- dead
- defeated
- ding
- discomfited
- do
- dog
- dog-tired
- done
- down
- drained
- drum
- elegiac
- exclusive
- exhausted
- fagged
- fallen
- fashion
- fatigued
- field
- fixed
- flagellate
- flat
- flicker
- flip
- floor
- floored
- flush
- flutter
- foot
- form
- fringy
- fuddled
- get
- gone
- heretical
- heterodox
- iambic
- informal
- ionic
- jack
- jade
- kinky
- knock
- lace
- largo
- lash
- lick
- licked
- line
- luff
- master
- maverick
- mill
- muddled
- mystified
- nonplussed
- offbeat
- oofless
- original
- overturned
- pale
- panicked
- pant
- perplexed
- piece
- ply
- pound
- presto
- prostrate
- put
- puzzled
- pyrrhic
- rag
- rake
- rile
- road
- roll
- round
- routed
- routine
- ruff
- ruined
- run
- rut
- scattered
- series
- settled
- shape
- sheer
- shift
- silenced
- skinned
- spent
- staccato
- start
- stick
- sting
- stir
- stone-broke
- stony
- story
- stuck
- tack
- tan
- tap
- throbbing
- thrown
- thumping
- tick
- time
- timing
- tire
- top
- track
- trim
- trimmed
- turn
- unconventional
- undone
- unfashionable
- unorthodox
- upbeat
- upset
- washed-up
- wear
- weary
- whack
- whacked
- wheel
- whip
- win
- wind
- worn-out
- worst
And while I at length debate and beate the bush,
There shall steppe in other men and catch the burdes.
Together let us beat this ample field,
Try what the open, what the covert yield.
You beat your pate, and fancy wit will come;
Knock as you please, there's nobody at home.