skin (n.)
- acne
- bag
- bark
- barrel
- beat
- beeline
- best
- bill
- blame
- bleed
- blemish
- bone
- border
- bran
- break
- buck
- bucket
- bullet
- burn
- capsule
- cartwheel
- case
- casing
- censure
- cent
- century
- chafe
- chaff
- cheapskate
- cheat
- check
- chip
- circumference
- clad
- claw
- clip
- clobber
- coat
- coating
- collop
- condom
- contraceptive
- copper
- cork
- cornhusk
- cortex
- cover
- covering
- crack
- craze
- crust
- cut
- deal
- defeat
- defrauder
- derma
- dermatitis
- dermatosis
- diaphragm
- dime
- disk
- dollar
- double-dealer
- drain
- dry
- eczema
- elephantiasis
- enamel
- envelope
- epicarp
- epidermis
- epithelioma
- erase
- erysipelas
- erythema
- exanthem
- exhaust
- exploit
- exterior
- external
- facade
- face
- facet
- facing
- fell
- file
- film
- fin
- fish
- five-spot
- fiver
- fix
- flap
- fleece
- fleet
- foil
- fold
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fret
- fringe
- front
- fur
- gall
- gash
- gloss
- gouge
- grand
- grate
- graze
- grind
- gyp
- haste
- herpes
- hide
- highball
- hives
- hull
- hurt
- husk
- hustle
- impetigo
- incrustation
- integument
- itch
- jacket
- knock
- lacquer
- lamella
- lamina
- lap
- lather
- leaf
- leprosy
- lichen
- lick
- lupus
- mangle
- maul
- membrane
- miliaria
- milk
- mill
- nickel
- niggard
- outline
- outside
- overcharge
- overlay
- paint
- palea
- pane
- panel
- pare
- patina
- peel
- peeling
- pellicle
- pelt
- pemphigus
- penny
- periphery
- pessary
- pierce
- pinprick
- plait
- plank
- plate
- plating
- pluck
- ply
- plywood
- pod
- profiteer
- prophylactic
- pruritus
- psora
- puncture
- put
- quarter
- rap
- rasher
- rasp
- raze
- rend
- reprobate
- revetment
- rind
- ringworm
- rip
- rubber
- ruin
- run
- rupture
- savage
- sawbuck
- scabies
- scald
- scale
- scalp
- scorch
- scotch
- scour
- scrape
- scratch
- screw
- scrooge
- scrub
- scuff
- scum
- settle
- shallowness
- sharper
- shear
- sheath
- sheathing
- sheet
- shell
- shingles
- shred
- shuck
- side
- siding
- skinflint
- slab
- slash
- slat
- slice
- slightness
- slit
- slough
- smacker
- soak
- spermicide
- sprain
- stab
- stick
- stiff
- sting
- strain
- strip
- superficiality
- superficies
- superstratum
- surcharge
- surface
- swindle
- table
- tablet
- tear
- ten-spot
- tenner
- thrash
- tightwad
- top
- trim
- triumph
- triviality
- undo
- varnish
- veneer
- wafer
- wear
- whip
- win
- worst
- wound
- wrench
- yard
skin (v.)
- ablate
- abrade
- abrase
- bag
- bark
- barrel
- beat
- best
- bill
- blame
- bleed
- blemish
- bloody
- bone
- border
- break
- buck
- bucket
- burn
- capsule
- cartwheel
- case
- censure
- cent
- chafe
- chaff
- cheat
- check
- chip
- claw
- clip
- clobber
- coat
- collop
- condemn
- copper
- cork
- cover
- crack
- craze
- crust
- cut
- deal
- decorticate
- defeat
- defoliate
- denounce
- denude
- deplume
- despoil
- destroy
- dime
- disk
- dismember
- displume
- divest
- dollar
- drain
- drub
- dry
- enamel
- erase
- erode
- excoriate
- exhaust
- exploit
- face
- fell
- file
- film
- fin
- fish
- fix
- flap
- flay
- fleece
- fleet
- foil
- fold
- fracture
- fray
- frazzle
- fret
- fringe
- front
- fur
- gall
- gash
- gloss
- gnaw
- gouge
- grate
- graze
- grind
- gyp
- hasten
- hide
- hull
- hurt
- husk
- hustle
- impoverish
- incise
- injure
- itch
- jacket
- knock
- lacerate
- lacquer
- lambaste
- lap
- lather
- leaf
- lick
- maim
- mangle
- maul
- milk
- mill
- mutilate
- nickel
- outclass
- outdo
- outfight
- outgeneral
- outline
- outmaneuver
- outpoint
- outrun
- outsail
- outshine
- outside
- overcharge
- overlay
- overprice
- overtax
- paint
- panel
- pare
- peel
- pelt
- penny
- pierce
- plait
- plank
- plate
- pluck
- ply
- pod
- profiteer
- puncture
- put
- quarter
- rap
- rasp
- raze
- rend
- reprehend
- reprobate
- rind
- rip
- rubber
- ruin
- run
- rupture
- savage
- scald
- scale
- scalp
- scorch
- scotch
- scour
- scrape
- scratch
- screw
- scrub
- scuff
- scum
- settle
- shear
- sheet
- shell
- shred
- shuck
- side
- slash
- slat
- slice
- slit
- slough
- soak
- sprain
- stab
- stick
- sting
- strain
- strip
- surcharge
- surface
- swindle
- table
- tear
- thrash
- top
- traumatize
- trim
- triumph
- trounce
- undo
- varnish
- veneer
- victimize
- wear
- whip
- win
- worst
- wound
- wrench
Bone and Skin, two millers thin,
Would starve us all, or near it;
But be it known to Skin and Bone
That Flesh and Blood can't bear it.
Weakened and wasted to skin and bone.
You are come off now with a whole skin.
As that great captain, Ziska, would have a drum made of his skin when he was dead, because he thought the very noise of it would put his enemies to flight.
Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment? that parchment, being scribbled o'er, should undo a man?
I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.
Many a dangerous temptation comes to us in fine gay colours that are but skin-deep.
All the beauty of the world, 't is but skin deep.