bill (n.)
- acceptance
- account
- act
- affidavit
- agenda
- allegation
- allowance
- antlia
- assessment
- ballyhoo
- banknote
- bark
- beak
- benefit
- blackmail
- blueprint
- bomb
- bone
- book
- boost
- borrowing
- breakwater
- buck
- budget
- bugle
- bulletin
- bylaw
- calendar
- call
- canon
- cape
- card
- carte
- certificate
- charge
- check
- checkbook
- cheque
- claim
- clause
- complaint
- conk
- damage
- debenture
- debt
- debut
- declaration
- decree
- delta
- deposition
- dictate
- dictation
- docket
- draft
- due
- dun
- edict
- emolument
- enactment
- entertainment
- exhibit
- exhibition
- feature
- fee
- fish
- flop
- footing
- foreland
- form
- formality
- formula
- formulary
- handbill
- head
- headland
- headline
- hook
- indebtedness
- institution
- invoice
- joker
- jus
- law
- ledger
- legislation
- lex
- liability
- libel
- lineup
- manifest
- maturity
- measure
- menu
- mileage
- motion
- mount
- muffle
- mull
- muzzle
- naze
- neb
- ness
- nib
- nose
- note
- nozzle
- obligation
- open
- ordinance
- paper
- peak
- pecker
- peninsula
- performance
- placard
- playbill
- pledge
- plug
- point
- post
- premiere
- prescript
- prescription
- present
- presentation
- presentment
- preview
- proboscis
- produce
- production
- program
- programma
- promontory
- prospectus
- protocol
- proviso
- puff
- question
- reckoning
- reef
- regulation
- retainer
- rider
- roster
- rostrum
- rubric
- rule
- ruling
- schedule
- schnozzle
- score
- scot
- scrip
- sell
- shinplaster
- show
- skin
- slate
- smacker
- snoot
- snout
- spiel
- spit
- spur
- stage
- star
- statement
- statute
- stipend
- tab
- tabulation
- tally
- tongue
- tribute
- trunk
- tryout
- voucher
- warrant
bill (v.)
- account
- act
- advertise
- allowance
- ballyhoo
- bark
- beak
- benefit
- blackmail
- blueprint
- bomb
- bone
- book
- books
- boost
- buck
- budget
- bugle
- bulletin
- calendar
- call
- cape
- card
- certificate
- charge
- check
- cheque
- circularize
- claim
- conk
- damage
- debut
- decree
- dictate
- docket
- draft
- dramatize
- due
- dun
- edict
- establish
- exhibit
- fail
- feature
- fee
- fish
- flop
- form
- head
- headline
- hook
- invoice
- law
- lex
- libel
- manifest
- measure
- motion
- mount
- muffle
- mull
- muzzle
- ness
- nose
- nostrils
- note
- open
- paper
- peak
- placard
- pledge
- plug
- point
- post
- premiere
- present
- preview
- produce
- program
- promote
- publicize
- puff
- question
- reef
- rubric
- rule
- schedule
- score
- sell
- show
- skin
- slate
- spiel
- spit
- spur
- stage
- star
- succeed
- tab
- tally
- tongue
- tribute
- warrant
bill (adj.)
Wilt thou seal up the avenues of ill?
Pay every debt, as if God wrote the bill?