show (n.)
- accord
- acting
- affect
- affectation
- affectedness
- air
- airiness
- airs
- alibi
- apology
- appearance
- array
- artificiality
- ballet
- bazaar
- benefit
- bill
- blazon
- blind
- bluff
- boast
- bomb
- brag
- brandish
- bravura
- break
- brilliancy
- chance
- characterization
- charade
- cheating
- cinch
- cine
- cinema
- clinch
- cloak
- color
- coloring
- come
- conduct
- contrast
- cover
- cover-up
- crack
- cyclorama
- daring
- dash
- debut
- deception
- delusion
- demonstration
- denomination
- denotation
- designation
- device
- dialogue
- differentiation
- diorama
- disclosure
- disguise
- display
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- drama
- dramatics
- duologue
- eclat
- eclipse
- effect
- emporium
- enactment
- entail
- enter
- entertainment
- escort
- evidence
- excuse
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhibitionism
- expo
- expose
- exposition
- exposure
- express
- expression
- extravaganza
- facade
- face
- failure
- fair
- fakery
- fallaciousness
- falseness
- falsity
- fanfare
- feigning
- feint
- figure
- film
- fingering
- fix
- flair
- flash
- flaunt
- flick
- flop
- flourish
- fraud
- front
- gaudiness
- get
- gilt
- giveaway
- glare
- gloss
- grandstand
- ground
- guide
- guise
- handle
- happening
- highlight
- hint
- histrionics
- hit
- humbug
- hypocrisy
- idealization
- identification
- illusionist
- image
- immateriality
- imposture
- impression
- indication
- insincerity
- issue
- lead
- likeness
- loom
- magic
- magician
- manifest
- manifestation
- mannerism
- mark
- market
- marketplace
- mart
- mask
- masque
- masquerade
- mean
- meaning
- melodrama
- meretriciousness
- miracle
- monologue
- morality
- mount
- musical
- mystery
- naming
- note
- occasion
- offer
- open
- opening
- opera
- ostentation
- out
- outcrop
- pageant
- pageantry
- panoply
- panorama
- pantomime
- parade
- pastoral
- performance
- phantasmagoria
- picture
- piece
- pilot
- play
- playacting
- playlet
- plaza
- pointing
- pomp
- pose
- posing
- posture
- premiere
- present
- presentation
- presentment
- prestidigitation
- pretense
- pretension
- pretentiousness
- pretext
- produce
- production
- proffer
- project
- projection
- protestation
- put-on
- reach
- read
- record
- refuge
- register
- representation
- retrospective
- review
- revue
- rise
- route
- say
- school
- screen
- see
- selection
- sell
- semblance
- serial
- settle
- sham
- shepherd
- shine
- shot
- showing
- sight
- signification
- simulacrum
- simulation
- sitcom
- sketch
- skit
- soap
- solve
- sorcerer
- sorcery
- specification
- speciousness
- spectacle
- splash
- splurge
- sport
- spotlight
- spread
- squeak
- stage
- staginess
- stalking-horse
- staple
- steer
- stratagem
- stylishness
- subterfuge
- success
- suggestion
- superficiality
- supply
- swagger
- tableau
- teach
- tell
- time
- token
- trick
- tryout
- unfolding
- unlock
- unnaturalness
- unreality
- unscreen
- unveiling
- upstage
- usher
- varnish
- vaudeville
- vaunt
- vehicle
- veil
- veneer
- wave
- work
show (v.)
- accompany
- accord
- advertise
- affect
- afford
- air
- airs
- alibi
- allege
- allegorize
- appear
- approve
- argue
- arise
- array
- arrive
- ascertain
- attest
- authenticate
- bare
- benefit
- bespeak
- bestow
- betoken
- betray
- bill
- blazon
- blind
- bluff
- boast
- bomb
- brag
- brandish
- break
- breathe
- catechize
- certify
- chance
- characterize
- cinch
- cine
- civilize
- clarify
- clinch
- cloak
- color
- come
- conduct
- confirm
- connote
- contrast
- corroborate
- cover
- crack
- dangle
- dash
- debut
- decipher
- demonstrate
- demythologize
- denominate
- denote
- depict
- determine
- develop
- differentiate
- direct
- disclose
- discover
- disguise
- display
- disport
- divulge
- dramatize
- eclipse
- edify
- effect
- elucidate
- embarrass
- embody
- emerge
- enact
- enlighten
- entail
- enter
- escort
- establish
- evidence
- evince
- excuse
- exemplify
- exhibit
- explain
- explicate
- expose
- exposit
- expound
- express
- face
- fair
- feint
- figure
- film
- fix
- flash
- flaunt
- flick
- flop
- flourish
- follow
- fraud
- front
- get
- glare
- gloss
- grandstand
- ground
- guide
- guise
- handle
- highlight
- hint
- hit
- humbug
- identify
- illuminate
- illumine
- illustrate
- image
- impart
- imply
- incarnate
- indicate
- inform
- instruct
- involve
- issue
- lead
- loom
- manifest
- mark
- market
- mart
- mask
- masquerade
- materialize
- mean
- mortify
- mount
- note
- occasion
- offer
- open
- out
- outcrop
- outshine
- overshadow
- pantomime
- parade
- perform
- picture
- piece
- pilot
- play
- plead
- popularize
- portray
- pose
- posture
- premiere
- present
- proclaim
- produce
- proffer
- project
- prove
- rationalize
- reach
- read
- record
- register
- represent
- reveal
- review
- rise
- route
- say
- school
- screen
- see
- sell
- settle
- sham
- shepherd
- shine
- sight
- signalize
- signify
- simplify
- sketch
- soap
- solve
- splash
- splurge
- sport
- spotlight
- spread
- squeak
- stage
- staple
- steer
- submit
- substantiate
- suggest
- supply
- swagger
- symbolize
- teach
- tell
- testify
- time
- token
- trick
- uncloak
- uncover
- undrape
- unfold
- unfurl
- unlock
- unmask
- unpack
- unravel
- unroll
- unsheathe
- unveil
- unwrap
- upstage
- usher
- varnish
- vaunt
- veil
- veneer
- verify
- wave
- work
Live to be the show and gaze o' the time.
With books and money plac'd for show
Like nest-eggs to make clients lay,
And for his false opinion pay.
Fears of the brave, and follies of the wise!
From Marlb'rough's eyes the streams of dotage flow,
And Swift expires, a driv'ler and a show.
That practis'd falsehood under saintly shew,
Deep malice to conceal, couch'd with revenge.
The most peaceable way for you if you do take a thief, is to let him show himself what he is and steal out of your company.
Show his eyes, and grieve his heart;
Come like shadows, so depart!
The charge is prepar'd, the lawyers are met,
The judges all ranged,—a terrible show!
Who will not mercie unto others show,
How can he mercy ever hope to have?
Teach me to feel another's woe,
To hide the fault I see;
That mercy I to others show,
That mercy show to me.
And bear about the mockery of woe
To midnight dances and the public show.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But being season'd with a gracious voice
Obscures the show of evil?
O, what authority and show of truth
Can cunning sin cover itself withal!
But I have that within which passeth show;
These but the trappings and the suits of woe.
Shalt show us how divine a thing
A woman may be made.
This world is all a fleeting show,
For man's illusion given;
The smiles of joy, the tears of woe,
Deceitful shine, deceitful flow,—
There's nothing true but Heaven.