tell (n.)
- affect
- air
- articulate
- aver
- barrow
- bid
- blab
- break
- brief
- broadcast
- censure
- census
- charge
- chime
- chorus
- clue
- command
- count
- display
- emit
- evidence
- exhibit
- express
- fable
- forecast
- give
- have
- herald
- hillock
- hit
- import
- impress
- intimate
- know
- leak
- lecture
- lip
- manifest
- mark
- matter
- measure
- mention
- mound
- mouth
- nail
- number
- order
- outline
- page
- pass
- peach
- peg
- phrase
- place
- poll
- post
- present
- put
- raise
- rat
- rebuke
- recount
- relate
- release
- render
- report
- reprimand
- reproach
- rock
- romance
- rumor
- say
- scold
- send
- share
- show
- signal
- sound
- speak
- spill
- spot
- squeak
- squeal
- star
- state
- strike
- swear
- tale
- talk
- tally
- tattle
- transfer
- trumpet
- tumulus
- utter
- vent
- verse
- voice
- whisper
- word
tell (v.)
- acknowledge
- acquaint
- admit
- advertise
- advise
- affect
- air
- allegorize
- announce
- apprise
- approve
- argue
- articulate
- ascertain
- assert
- asseverate
- attest
- aver
- barrow
- berate
- bespeak
- betoken
- betray
- bid
- blab
- break
- breathe
- brief
- broadcast
- castigate
- censure
- census
- charge
- chide
- chime
- chorus
- clue
- command
- communicate
- confess
- confide
- confirm
- connote
- convey
- count
- declare
- delineate
- deliver
- demonstrate
- denote
- depict
- describe
- determine
- differentiate
- direct
- discern
- disclose
- discover
- discriminate
- display
- disseminate
- distinguish
- divulge
- emit
- enjoin
- enlighten
- enumerate
- enunciate
- evidence
- evince
- exhibit
- explain
- express
- familiarize
- fictionalize
- foliate
- forecast
- foresee
- foretell
- formulate
- give
- have
- herald
- hit
- identify
- illustrate
- impart
- imply
- import
- impress
- indicate
- inform
- instruct
- intimate
- involve
- know
- leak
- lecture
- lip
- manifest
- mark
- matter
- measure
- mention
- militate
- mound
- mouth
- mythicize
- mythologize
- nail
- narrate
- notify
- novelize
- number
- numerate
- order
- outline
- page
- paginate
- pass
- peach
- peg
- perceive
- phonate
- phrase
- place
- poll
- portray
- post
- predict
- present
- proclaim
- pronounce
- prophesy
- publish
- put
- quantify
- quantize
- raise
- rat
- realize
- rebuke
- recite
- recognize
- recount
- rehearse
- relate
- release
- render
- report
- reprimand
- reproach
- reprove
- require
- retell
- reveal
- rock
- romance
- rumor
- say
- scold
- send
- share
- show
- signal
- signalize
- signify
- smite
- sound
- speak
- spill
- spot
- squeak
- squeal
- star
- state
- strike
- suggest
- swear
- tale
- talk
- tally
- tattle
- transfer
- transmit
- traumatize
- trumpet
- understand
- utter
- vent
- ventilate
- verbalize
- verse
- vocalize
- voice
- warn
- weigh
- whisper
- word
While one with moderate haste might tell a hundred.
I may tell all my bones.
I cannot tell how the truth may be;
I say the tale as 't was said to me.
Tell it not in Gath; publish it not in the streets of Askelon.
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
Tell me the tales that to me were so dear,
Long, long ago, long, long ago.
Gentle shepherd, tell me where.
Ah, tell them they are men!
Oh who can tell, save he whose heart hath tried.
Let not the heavens hear these tell-tale women
Rail on the Lord's anointed.