order (n.)
- action
- adjustment
- affiliation
- algorithm
- allocation
- allotment
- alternation
- amendment
- appointment
- apportionment
- appositeness
- approach
- appropriateness
- approximation
- aptness
- arrangement
- array
- ashram
- ask
- association
- attack
- auspiciousness
- authorization
- award
- balance
- beauty
- behest
- bid
- bidding
- biosystematics
- biosystematy
- biotype
- blackmail
- blood
- body
- bracket
- branch
- breed
- briefing
- brood
- brotherhood
- buy
- call
- calling
- calm
- calmness
- canonization
- captain
- case
- caste
- catalog
- categorization
- category
- chain
- challenge
- charge
- church
- claim
- clan
- class
- classification
- clean
- closeness
- club
- codification
- collation
- collocation
- colony
- command
- commandment
- commission
- commitment
- commonwealth
- commune
- communion
- community
- company
- concord
- condemnation
- condition
- conduct
- conferment
- confession
- consecration
- consideration
- constitution
- continuation
- continuity
- contribution
- control
- cordon
- correction
- correctitude
- correctness
- course
- decision
- decoration
- decorousness
- decorum
- decree
- degree
- deliverance
- demand
- deme
- denomination
- deployment
- descent
- description
- desire
- determination
- diagnosis
- dictate
- dictation
- dictum
- digest
- direction
- directive
- discipline
- disposal
- disposition
- distribution
- divide
- division
- doom
- draft
- drain
- duty
- echelon
- edict
- election
- engage
- engineer
- equilibrium
- estate
- euphony
- exaction
- expediency
- extension
- extent
- extortion
- faction
- faith
- family
- fashion
- favorableness
- feather
- felicity
- fellowship
- fettle
- fiat
- file
- find
- finding
- fitness
- fitting
- fix
- folk
- followers
- following
- footing
- force
- form
- formation
- formulation
- fraternity
- garter
- gear
- genotype
- gens
- genus
- goodness
- grace
- grade
- group
- grouping
- guide
- guild
- guise
- handle
- harmony
- head
- heading
- health
- hest
- hierarchy
- house
- ilk
- imperative
- importance
- imposition
- impost
- indent
- index
- induction
- injunction
- installation
- institution
- instruction
- instructions
- integrity
- investiture
- ism
- kidney
- kilter
- kin
- kind
- kingdom
- knighthood
- label
- law
- lawfulness
- layout
- lead
- league
- level
- levy
- line
- lineage
- lineup
- list
- lodge
- magnitude
- make
- mandate
- maneuver
- manner
- marshal
- mastermind
- matter
- means
- measure
- medal
- medallion
- method
- methodology
- mode
- moiety
- nation
- naturalism
- naturalness
- nature
- naturism
- nearness
- neat
- neatness
- neighborhood
- niceness
- nomenclature
- nomination
- normalcy
- normality
- notice
- officer
- offshoot
- onomastics
- opportuneness
- ordering
- orderliness
- orderly
- orders
- ordinance
- ordination
- organization
- ornament
- party
- pattern
- peace
- peacefulness
- people
- permission
- persuasion
- phratry
- phyle
- phylum
- pigeonhole
- place
- placement
- plan
- pleasure
- position
- posteriority
- postposition
- practice
- precedence
- precedent
- precept
- predicament
- preferment
- prescript
- prescription
- presentation
- probity
- procedure
- proceeding
- proceedings
- process
- procession
- proclamation
- prognosis
- progression
- prolongation
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- properness
- proportion
- propriety
- proximity
- purchase
- put
- quarterback
- quiet
- quietness
- quietude
- race
- range
- rank
- rate
- rating
- ready
- realism
- rectification
- rectitude
- regiment
- regimentation
- regularity
- regulation
- repair
- report
- request
- requirement
- requisition
- reserve
- resolution
- restfulness
- rhythm
- riband
- ribbon
- right
- rightness
- rotation
- routine
- row
- rubric
- rule
- ruling
- run
- rush
- scale
- school
- screw
- seasonableness
- sect
- section
- seemliness
- segment
- sentence
- sept
- sequel
- sequence
- serenity
- series
- set
- settlement
- setup
- shape
- shot
- sisterhood
- skipper
- society
- sodality
- sorority
- sort
- species
- sphere
- stage
- standing
- star
- station
- status
- statute
- stem
- stock
- strain
- stratum
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subclass
- subdivision
- subfamily
- subgenus
- subgroup
- subjunction
- subkingdom
- suborder
- subspecies
- succession
- successiveness
- suffixation
- suitability
- suitableness
- superclass
- superfamily
- superorder
- sweetness
- symmetry
- syntax
- system
- systematics
- systematization
- tack
- tax
- taxonomy
- teaching
- technique
- tell
- terminology
- tidiness
- tidy
- timeliness
- title
- to
- tone
- toponymy
- totem
- train
- tranquillity
- tribe
- tribute
- trim
- tune
- type
- ukase
- ultimatum
- uniformity
- union
- uprightness
- variety
- verdict
- version
- vicinity
- warning
- way
- wholesomeness
- will
- wise
- wish
- word
order (v.)
- action
- adjust
- align
- alphabetize
- amendment
- analyze
- approach
- appropriate
- apt
- arrange
- array
- ask
- assort
- attack
- award
- balance
- bespeak
- bid
- blackmail
- blood
- body
- bracket
- branch
- breed
- brood
- buy
- call
- calm
- captain
- case
- catalog
- categorize
- chain
- challenge
- charge
- church
- claim
- class
- classify
- clean
- club
- codify
- command
- commission
- commune
- company
- concord
- condemn
- condition
- conduct
- control
- correct
- course
- crave
- decide
- declare
- decree
- demand
- deploy
- desire
- determine
- dictate
- digest
- direct
- discipline
- dispose
- divide
- doom
- draft
- drain
- edict
- engage
- engineer
- enjoin
- estate
- exact
- extort
- fashion
- feather
- fettle
- file
- find
- fix
- force
- form
- garter
- gear
- govern
- grace
- grade
- group
- guide
- guise
- handle
- harmonize
- head
- house
- ilk
- impose
- indent
- index
- instruct
- integrity
- kilter
- kin
- label
- law
- lead
- league
- level
- levy
- line
- lines
- list
- lodge
- magnitude
- make
- manage
- mandate
- maneuver
- manipulate
- marshal
- mastermind
- matter
- measure
- mode
- nature
- normalize
- notice
- officer
- ordain
- orders
- organize
- ornament
- pacify
- party
- pattern
- peace
- people
- pigeonhole
- place
- plan
- position
- practice
- prescribe
- process
- proclaim
- promulgate
- pronounce
- proportion
- purchase
- put
- quarterback
- quiet
- race
- range
- rank
- rate
- ready
- regiment
- regularize
- regulate
- repair
- report
- request
- require
- requisition
- reserve
- right
- row
- rubric
- rule
- run
- rush
- scale
- school
- screw
- sect
- section
- segment
- sentence
- sequence
- set
- shape
- skipper
- sort
- stage
- standardize
- star
- station
- stem
- stock
- strain
- streamline
- stripe
- structure
- style
- subdivide
- systematize
- tabulate
- tack
- tax
- tell
- tidy
- title
- to
- tone
- train
- tranquilize
- tribute
- trim
- tune
- type
- unsnarl
- warn
- way
- will
- wise
- wish
- word
order (adv.)
order (adj.)
- align
- appropriate
- apt
- arranged
- ask
- attack
- award
- bid
- bidding
- blood
- branch
- breed
- broken
- broken-down
- busted
- calm
- case
- caste
- chain
- church
- class
- clean
- condition
- correct
- course
- demand
- descent
- direct
- directive
- disordered
- disorganized
- draft
- duty
- edict
- estate
- exact
- faith
- fashion
- finding
- fitting
- following
- force
- form
- gear
- goodness
- grade
- group
- head
- hest
- house
- imperative
- improper
- indecorous
- inoperative
- kaput
- kin
- kind
- law
- lead
- league
- level
- line
- list
- mode
- nation
- neat
- needed
- orderly
- party
- peace
- place
- plan
- practice
- precedent
- prepared
- prescription
- put
- quiet
- range
- rank
- rate
- rating
- ready
- regulation
- required
- resolution
- ribbon
- right
- routine
- row
- ruling
- run
- rush
- scale
- school
- sect
- section
- series
- set
- shape
- shipshape
- shot
- species
- stage
- standing
- star
- statute
- stock
- style
- suitable
- tack
- taxing
- tidy
- to
- tone
- trim
- tune
- uncalled-for
- union
- unorganized
- unseemly
- unsuitable
- warning
- way
- will
- wise
- wish
The old order changeth, yielding place to new;
And God fulfils himself in many ways,
Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.
Let all things be done decently and in order.
Order gave each thing view.
And proud his mistress' order to perform,
Rides in the whirlwind and directs the storm.
Not chaos-like together crush'd and bruis'd,
But as the world, harmoniously confus'd,
Where order in variety we see,
And where, though all things differ, all agree.
Order is Heaven's first law.
And as an ev'ning dragon came,
Assailant on the perched roosts
And nests in order rang'd
Of tame villatic fowl.
Stand not upon the order of your going,
But go at once.
Order reigns in Warsaw.
Set thine house in order.
"They order," said I, "this matter better in France."
The fear o' hell's a hangman's whip
To haud the wretch in order;
But where ye feel your honour grip,
Let that aye be your border.