ready (n.)
- about
- active
- acute
- adept
- affirmative
- agape
- agog
- alert
- anticipant
- apprentice
- approving
- arch
- ardent
- assenting
- avid
- awake
- brace
- bravura
- break
- breed
- bright
- cash
- clairvoyant
- clean
- cobble
- commission
- compliant
- condition
- content
- cooperative
- cordial
- crack
- crackerjack
- cunning
- cure
- cute
- daedal
- darn
- deep
- designing
- discipline
- doctor
- dress
- drill
- dynamic
- eager
- exercise
- expert
- fancy
- feline
- fit
- fix
- forestalling
- form
- forward
- foster
- friendly
- game
- get
- given
- good
- groom
- handy
- hopeful
- instant
- keen
- knowing
- live
- make
- marshal
- mature
- mend
- money
- neat
- nurse
- nurture
- overhaul
- panting
- patch
- plan
- plastic
- pliant
- politic
- practice
- prep
- process
- professional
- prompt
- quick
- raise
- rapid
- rear
- recap
- recondition
- repair
- retread
- ripe
- sanguine
- service
- set
- sharp
- slick
- sly
- smart
- smooth
- some
- steel
- summary
- sure
- swift
- tan
- tinker
- train
- treat
- trim
- up
- virtuoso
- vital
- waiting
- wary
- wherewithal
- willing
ready (v.)
- about
- active
- alert
- alive
- apprentice
- apt
- arch
- arrange
- awake
- brace
- break
- breed
- cash
- certain
- clean
- cobble
- cocked
- commission
- condition
- content
- crack
- cultivate
- cure
- cute
- darn
- deep
- deploy
- develop
- discipline
- doctor
- dress
- drill
- equip
- exercise
- fancy
- fit
- fix
- form
- fortify
- forward
- foster
- game
- get
- given
- good
- groom
- handy
- happy
- house-train
- housebreak
- improve
- keen
- live
- make
- marshal
- mature
- mend
- mobilize
- nurse
- nurture
- organize
- overhaul
- patch
- plan
- practice
- prearrange
- prepare
- process
- prompt
- provide
- raise
- rear
- recap
- recondition
- rehearse
- repair
- retread
- ripe
- service
- set
- sharp
- slick
- smart
- smooth
- steel
- strengthen
- supple
- sure
- tan
- tinker
- train
- treat
- trim
- up
ready (adv.)
ready (adj.)
- about
- accessible
- accordant
- acquiescent
- active
- acute
- adaptable
- adept
- adjusted
- adroit
- affirmative
- agape
- agile
- agog
- agreeable
- alacritous
- alert
- alive
- all-around
- amenable
- animated
- anticipant
- anticipative
- anticipatory
- anxious
- approving
- apt
- arch
- ardent
- armed
- artful
- artistic
- astute
- attentive
- authoritative
- available
- avid
- awake
- breathless
- breed
- bright
- brilliant
- cagey
- canny
- certain
- cheerful
- clairvoyant
- clean
- clever
- compliant
- condition
- confident
- consentient
- consenting
- content
- convenient
- cooperative
- coordinated
- cordial
- crack
- crafty
- cunning
- cure
- cute
- daedal
- darn
- deceitful
- decisive
- deep
- deep-laid
- deft
- designing
- desirous
- dexterous
- dextrous
- diplomatic
- disposed
- divinatory
- docile
- dress
- dynamic
- eager
- enthusiastic
- equipped
- excellent
- expectant
- expeditious
- expert
- facile
- fain
- familiarized
- fancy
- farseeing
- farsighted
- favorable
- feline
- fit
- forehanded
- foresighted
- forethoughtful
- form
- formable
- forward
- foster
- foxy
- friendly
- game
- gaping
- genial
- get
- given
- good
- goodish
- graceful
- gracious
- groomed
- guileful
- handy
- happy
- hopeful
- immediate
- impatient
- impressionable
- inclined
- informed
- ingenious
- insidious
- instant
- instantaneous
- intelligent
- intuitive
- inventive
- keen
- knowing
- liable
- likely
- live
- lively
- loaded
- longsighted
- malleable
- masterful
- masterly
- mature
- minded
- moldable
- motivated
- neat
- nimble
- optimistic
- pawky
- perceptive
- permissive
- plan
- planned
- plastic
- pliable
- pliant
- poised
- politic
- practice
- precognitive
- predisposed
- prepared
- prescient
- primed
- professional
- proficient
- prompt
- prone
- provident
- providential
- prudent
- punctual
- qualified
- quick
- rapid
- ratifying
- rear
- receptive
- resourceful
- responsive
- ripe
- sagacious
- sanctioning
- sanguine
- scheming
- serpentine
- service
- set
- sharp
- shifty
- shrewd
- skilled
- skillful
- sleepless
- slick
- slippery
- sly
- smart
- smooth
- snaky
- sneaky
- some
- sophistical
- speedy
- spirited
- spry
- statesmanlike
- stealthy
- strategic
- stylish
- submissive
- subtle
- summary
- supple
- sure
- susceptible
- swift
- tactful
- tactical
- tan
- teachable
- timely
- tractable
- tricksy
- tricky
- trim
- unblinking
- ungrudging
- unsleeping
- unsurprised
- up
- versatile
- vigilant
- virtuoso
- vital
- vivacious
- vivid
- vulpine
- waiting
- wakeful
- wary
- well-disposed
- well-done
- wide-awake
- willed
- willing
- wily
- workmanlike
- zealous
- zestful
I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready saddled and bridled to be ridden.
Abra was ready ere I called her name;
And though I called another, Abra came.
We are ready to try our fortunes
To the last man.
Should I have answer'd Caius Cassius so?
When Marcus Brutus grows so covetous,
To lock such rascal counters from his friends,
Be ready, gods, with all your thunderbolts:
Dash him to pieces!
Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast,
Ready with every nod to tumble down.
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.