arch (n.)
- acute
- apse
- arc
- arcade
- archway
- banner
- bantam
- barrow
- bend
- bold
- bow
- brass
- bridge
- bust
- cairn
- camber
- capital
- cardinal
- cenotaph
- central
- champion
- chief
- clubfoot
- column
- concha
- cove
- coy
- cromlech
- crook
- cross
- cunning
- cup
- cupola
- curl
- curvation
- curvature
- curve
- cute
- deep
- designing
- digit
- dog
- dolmen
- dome
- dominant
- elfish
- extraordinary
- extreme
- extremity
- feline
- fetlock
- first
- flex
- foot
- forefoot
- forepaw
- grave
- gravestone
- great
- greatest
- harefoot
- head
- headstone
- heel
- hoof
- hook
- hump
- hunch
- igloo
- inscription
- instep
- jut
- keystone
- knowing
- lap
- leading
- loop
- main
- major
- marker
- master
- mausoleum
- megalith
- memento
- memorial
- menhir
- mocking
- monolith
- monument
- mound
- necrology
- notable
- obelisk
- obituary
- ogive
- overhang
- overlap
- override
- pad
- pastern
- paw
- pert
- pes
- pillar
- plaque
- politic
- premier
- primary
- prime
- principal
- prize
- pug
- pyramid
- ranking
- ready
- reflex
- reliquary
- remembrance
- ribbon
- round
- ruling
- sag
- scapegrace
- shaft
- sharp
- shingle
- shrine
- slick
- sly
- smooth
- sole
- sovereign
- span
- splayfoot
- star
- stela
- stone
- stupa
- swag
- sweep
- tablet
- testimonial
- toe
- tomb
- tombstone
- tope
- trophy
- trotter
- turn
- vault
- vaulting
- voussoir
- wary
- wind
arch (v.)
- apse
- arc
- barrow
- bend
- bestride
- bold
- bow
- bridge
- bust
- camber
- champion
- consummate
- coy
- crook
- cross
- cup
- curl
- curve
- cute
- deep
- deflect
- dog
- flex
- foot
- fresh
- grave
- head
- heel
- hoof
- hook
- hump
- hunch
- imbricate
- incurvate
- inflect
- jut
- lap
- loop
- main
- major
- master
- mound
- overarch
- overhang
- overlap
- overlie
- override
- pad
- paw
- premier
- prime
- prize
- pyramid
- ready
- recurve
- reflect
- retroflex
- round
- sag
- shaft
- sharp
- shingle
- shrine
- slick
- smooth
- sole
- span
- star
- stone
- supple
- swag
- sweep
- toe
- tomb
- tope
- trophy
- turn
- vault
- wind
arch (adj.)
- acute
- artful
- astute
- banner
- bantam
- bend
- bold
- bust
- cagey
- canny
- capital
- cardinal
- central
- champion
- cheeky
- chief
- clever
- cocky
- conspicuous
- consummate
- coquettish
- coy
- crafty
- cross
- crowning
- cunning
- cute
- deceitful
- deep
- deep-laid
- derisive
- designing
- devilish
- diplomatic
- dog
- dominant
- elfish
- elvish
- extraordinary
- extreme
- feline
- first
- flex
- flippant
- focal
- foolish
- foot
- foremost
- foxy
- fresh
- grave
- great
- greatest
- guileful
- head
- heel
- high-spirited
- hook
- imbricate
- impish
- incurvate
- ingenious
- insidious
- inventive
- knavish
- knowing
- leading
- magisterial
- main
- major
- master
- memorial
- mischievous
- mocking
- notable
- noteworthy
- paramount
- pawky
- pert
- pied
- playful
- politic
- prankish
- predominant
- preeminent
- premier
- preponderant
- prevailing
- primal
- primary
- prime
- principal
- prize
- puckish
- ranking
- ready
- reflex
- resourceful
- retroflex
- ribbon
- roguish
- round
- ruling
- saucy
- scheming
- serpentine
- sharp
- shifty
- shrewd
- slick
- slippery
- sly
- smooth
- snaky
- sneaky
- sole
- sophistical
- sovereign
- span
- splayfoot
- sportive
- star
- stealthy
- stellar
- stone
- strategic
- subtle
- supple
- tactical
- testimonial
- toe
- tomb
- tricksy
- tricky
- turn
- vaulting
- vulpine
- waggish
- wary
- wily
- wind
That hour, o' night's black arch the keystane.
No radiant pearl which crested Fortune wears,
No gem that twinkling hangs from Beauty's ears,
Not the bright stars which Night's blue arch adorn,
Nor rising suns that gild the vernal morn,
Shine with such lustre as the tear that flows
Down Virtue's manly cheek for others' woes.
On Prague's proud arch the fires of ruin glow,
His blood-dyed waters murmuring far below.
Triumphal arch, that fill'st the sky
When storms prepare to part,
I ask not proud Philosophy
To teach me what thou art.