sly (n.)
sly (adv.)
sly (adj.)
- acute
- adroit
- arch
- artful
- astute
- backstairs
- cagey
- calculating
- canny
- clandestine
- clever
- covert
- crafty
- crooked
- cunning
- cute
- deceitful
- deep
- deep-laid
- designing
- devious
- dexterous
- diplomatic
- dishonest
- disingenuous
- downy
- feline
- foxy
- furtive
- guileful
- hole-and-corner
- hugger-mugger
- ingenious
- insidious
- inventive
- knowing
- masterful
- pawky
- politic
- predatory
- privy
- quiet
- ready
- resourceful
- scheming
- serpentine
- shady
- sharp
- shifty
- shrewd
- slick
- slim
- slippery
- smart
- smooth
- snaky
- sneaking
- sneaky
- sophistical
- steal
- stealthy
- strategic
- subtle
- supple
- surreptitious
- tactical
- tricksy
- tricky
- under-the-counter
- under-the-table
- undercover
- underground
- underhand
- underhanded
- unobtrusive
- unscrupulous
- vulpine
- wary
- wily
As Stephen Sly and old John Naps of Greece,
And Peter Turph and Henry Pimpernell,
And twenty more such names and men as these
Which never were, nor no man ever saw.
He's tough, ma'am,—tough is J. B.; tough and devilish sly.