extreme (n.)
- abandon
- acme
- acute
- aggrandizement
- all
- amplification
- apex
- apogee
- ballyhoo
- borderline
- boundary
- boundlessness
- bounds
- breakaway
- burlesque
- butt
- caricature
- ceiling
- climax
- conservative
- constrictive
- consummation
- crest
- crown
- culmination
- cutting
- deep
- depth
- desperate
- determinant
- determinative
- dilatation
- dilation
- eccentric
- end
- enhancement
- enlargement
- enormousness
- exaggeration
- excess
- excessiveness
- exorbitance
- expansion
- extraordinary
- extravagance
- extravagancy
- extremism
- extremist
- extremity
- fanatic
- fancy
- final
- frontier
- giantism
- gigantism
- gluttony
- grandiloquence
- great
- greatest
- haggard
- height
- high
- hyperbole
- hypertrophy
- immoderateness
- immoderation
- incontinence
- inflation
- inordinateness
- insurgent
- intemperance
- intemperateness
- irrational
- keen
- last
- limit
- limiting
- limits
- littoral
- magnification
- maximum
- most
- nadir
- nib
- nimiety
- notable
- offbeat
- outrageousness
- overemphasis
- overestimation
- overgrowth
- overindulgence
- overkill
- overmuch
- overmuchness
- overstatement
- peak
- pink
- pinnacle
- point
- pole
- prodigal
- prodigality
- profuseness
- puffery
- queer
- radical
- radicalism
- rebel
- red
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- rigid
- rimming
- rough
- sensationalism
- sharp
- splitting
- steep
- stern
- stiff
- stretching
- strict
- stringent
- stub
- stump
- subversive
- summit
- superlative
- swing
- syndicalist
- tag
- tail
- terminal
- terminative
- threshold
- tip
- top
- tough
- travesty
- ultimate
- ultra
- ultraconservative
- utmost
- uttermost
- very
- weird
- wild
- worst
- zenith
extreme (adj.)
- abandoned
- abnormal
- acute
- all
- anarchistic
- bibulous
- bigoted
- bizarre
- borderline
- bounding
- boundless
- bounds
- breakaway
- burlesque
- caudal
- coastal
- conclusive
- conservative
- constrictive
- crapulent
- crapulous
- crown
- cutting
- deep
- definitive
- desperate
- determinant
- determinative
- determining
- different
- disproportionate
- distant
- dizzy
- drastic
- eccentric
- egregious
- end
- enormous
- eventual
- exaggerated
- exceptional
- excess
- excessive
- excruciating
- exorbitant
- exotic
- exquisite
- extraordinary
- extravagant
- extremist
- fabulous
- factious
- fanatic
- fancy
- far-off
- farthermost
- farthest
- fierce
- final
- furious
- furthermost
- furthest
- gigantic
- gluttonous
- grandiloquent
- great
- greatest
- haggard
- harsh
- height
- heightening
- hidebound
- high
- high-flown
- hyperbolic
- hypertrophied
- immoderate
- incontinent
- indulgent
- inflated
- inordinate
- insurgent
- insurrectionary
- intemperate
- intense
- intolerable
- irrational
- keen
- kooky
- last
- limbic
- liminal
- limiting
- limits
- littoral
- magnified
- marginal
- maximum
- monstrous
- most
- moving
- mutinous
- nihilistic
- notable
- noteworthy
- offbeat
- outermost
- outmost
- outrageous
- outre
- outstanding
- overdone
- overenthusiastic
- overgrown
- overindulgent
- overlarge
- overmuch
- overstated
- overweening
- overwrought
- overzealous
- perfervid
- piercing
- pink
- poignant
- point
- polar
- prodigal
- profuse
- puffed
- queer
- rabid
- radical
- rebellious
- red
- remarkable
- restrictive
- revolutionary
- rigid
- rigorous
- rimming
- riotous
- rough
- seditious
- self-indulgent
- severe
- sharp
- skirting
- splitting
- steep
- stern
- stiff
- stretched
- strict
- stringent
- subversive
- superlative
- swinish
- tail
- terminal
- terminative
- top
- tough
- towering
- traitorous
- treasonable
- turbulent
- ultimate
- ultra
- ultraconservative
- unbridled
- uncommon
- uncompromising
- unconscionable
- unconstrained
- uncontrolled
- unconventional
- undisciplined
- undue
- unlimited
- unmeasurable
- unmeasured
- unreasonable
- unrestrained
- unusual
- unwarranted
- utmost
- uttermost
- vehement
- venomous
- very
- violent
- virulent
- vivid
- weird
- wild
- wild-eyed
- worst
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.
Virtuous and vicious every man must be,—
Few in the extreme, but all in the degree.
Who love too much, hate in the like extreme,
And both the golden mean alike condemn.
I have done the state some service, and they know 't.
No more of that. I pray you, in your letters,
When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,
Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,
Nor set down aught in malice. Then, must you speak
Of one that loved not wisely but too well;
Of one not easily jealous, but being wrought
Perplex'd in the extreme; of one whose hand,
Like the base Indian, threw a pearl away
Richer than all his tribe; of one whose subdued eyes,
Albeit unused to the melting mood,
Drop tears as fast as the Arabian trees
Their medicinal gum.
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.