crest (n.)
- achievement
- acme
- amplitude
- annulet
- antinode
- apex
- apogee
- argent
- armory
- arms
- azure
- badge
- bandeau
- bar
- baton
- bend
- billet
- blazon
- blazonry
- brow
- canton
- cap
- caput
- chaplet
- charge
- chevron
- chief
- chine
- climax
- cockatrice
- cockscomb
- coronet
- crenation
- crenelation
- crescendo
- crescent
- cross
- crown
- culmination
- design
- device
- difference
- diffraction
- dogtooth
- eagle
- edge
- emblem
- ermine
- escutcheon
- extremity
- falcon
- feather
- fess
- field
- figure
- file
- fleur-de-lis
- frequency
- fret
- frost
- fur
- fusil
- garland
- griffin
- hackle
- head
- heading
- headpiece
- heaven
- heavens
- height
- helmet
- hilltop
- hogback
- ice
- impalement
- interference
- knoll
- label
- light
- limit
- lion
- lozenge
- mantling
- maximum
- meridian
- metal
- motto
- mullet
- node
- noon
- or
- ordinary
- pale
- panache
- peak
- pean
- period
- pic
- pico
- pike
- pinhead
- pinion
- pinnacle
- pitch
- plume
- plumule
- point
- pole
- precipice
- quarter
- quartering
- quill
- ray
- reach
- reinforcement
- resonance
- rickrack
- ridge
- roof
- rose
- sable
- saltire
- saw
- scallop
- scapular
- scutcheon
- seal
- serration
- shield
- sky
- spire
- spur
- summit
- symbol
- tincture
- tip
- top
- topknot
- tor
- trough
- tuft
- unicorn
- utmost
- vert
- vertex
- wave
- wavelength
- wreath
- yale
- zenith
crest (v.)
- arms
- azure
- badge
- bar
- bend
- billet
- blazon
- canton
- cap
- charge
- chine
- climax
- consummate
- crescendo
- cross
- crown
- culminate
- design
- eagle
- edge
- ermine
- falcon
- feather
- fess
- field
- figure
- file
- fret
- frost
- fur
- garland
- hackle
- head
- ice
- label
- light
- limit
- lion
- metal
- or
- overarch
- overtop
- pale
- peak
- pike
- pinion
- pinnacle
- pitch
- plume
- point
- pole
- quarter
- ray
- reach
- ridge
- roof
- rose
- sable
- saw
- scallop
- seal
- shield
- sky
- spire
- spur
- summit
- surmount
- tincture
- tip
- top
- tor
- vert
- wave
Hope elevates, and joy
Brightens his crest.
Amid the roses fierce Repentance rears
Her snaky crest.