reach (n.)
- affect
- ambit
- amount
- amplitude
- answer
- approach
- area
- arm
- armlet
- avail
- balance
- bay
- bayou
- bear
- belt
- bight
- bigness
- body
- breadth
- bribe
- buck
- bulk
- buy
- caliber
- capability
- capacity
- carry
- clearance
- come
- compass
- contact
- cove
- cover
- coverage
- creek
- cut
- degree
- depth
- diameter
- diapason
- dimension
- distance
- ditto
- divergence
- do
- draw
- earreach
- earshot
- equal
- estuary
- even
- expanse
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- farness
- fetch
- find
- fix
- fjord
- forward
- frith
- gain
- gamut
- gauge
- get
- girth
- go
- grade
- grease
- greatness
- gulf
- gut
- hand
- harbor
- hearing
- height
- hit
- hold
- horizon
- impress
- infinity
- influence
- inlet
- interval
- ken
- knot
- largeness
- leap
- leeway
- length
- lengthiness
- level
- lie
- loch
- longitude
- longness
- magnitude
- make
- margin
- mark
- mass
- match
- measure
- measurement
- meet
- melt
- mileage
- mouth
- move
- narrow
- narrows
- notch
- nuance
- orbit
- outreach
- parallel
- pas
- pass
- peg
- period
- perpetuity
- perspective
- piece
- pitch
- plane
- plateau
- point
- proportion
- proportions
- purchase
- purview
- question
- radius
- raise
- range
- ratio
- register
- remoteness
- remove
- render
- rival
- road
- roads
- roadstead
- round
- run
- rung
- scale
- scope
- score
- separation
- serve
- shade
- shadow
- shoot
- show
- size
- sound
- space
- span
- spectrum
- sphere
- spread
- stair
- stand
- standard
- step
- stint
- stir
- straddle
- strait
- straits
- stretch
- stride
- surrender
- surround
- sway
- sweep
- territory
- tie
- touch
- transfer
- tread
- volume
- way
- ways
- width
- win
- work
- yardage
reach (v.)
- accomplish
- achieve
- affect
- amount
- answer
- approach
- arm
- arrive
- attain
- avail
- balance
- bay
- bear
- belt
- bight
- body
- bribe
- buck
- bulk
- buy
- carry
- circulate
- come
- compass
- contact
- correspond
- corrupt
- cover
- cut
- deliver
- dimension
- distance
- distribute
- ditto
- do
- draw
- encompass
- environ
- equal
- even
- extend
- fetch
- find
- fix
- forward
- fulfill
- gain
- gauge
- get
- girth
- go
- grade
- grease
- grieve
- gulf
- gut
- hand
- harbor
- hit
- hold
- impress
- influence
- interrogate
- ken
- knot
- leap
- level
- lie
- magnitude
- make
- mark
- mass
- match
- measure
- meet
- melt
- mouth
- move
- narrow
- notch
- orbit
- parallel
- pass
- peg
- piece
- pitch
- plane
- point
- proportion
- purchase
- qualify
- question
- raise
- range
- realize
- register
- remove
- render
- resign
- rival
- road
- round
- run
- sadden
- satisfy
- scale
- scope
- score
- serve
- shade
- shadow
- shoot
- show
- size
- soften
- sound
- space
- span
- spread
- stand
- step
- stint
- stir
- straddle
- stretch
- stride
- suborn
- suffice
- surrender
- surround
- sway
- sweep
- tie
- touch
- transfer
- tread
- way
- win
- work
reach (adj.)
- amount
- arm
- bay
- belt
- carry
- come
- corrupt
- cover
- cut
- distance
- do
- equal
- even
- forward
- gain
- get
- go
- grade
- hand
- hearing
- height
- hit
- ken
- length
- level
- mark
- mass
- meet
- mouth
- narrow
- notch
- parallel
- pass
- peg
- piece
- plane
- point
- question
- range
- road
- round
- run
- rung
- scale
- score
- serve
- size
- sound
- span
- spread
- stair
- standard
- step
- stir
- strait
- stretch
- tie
- way
- ways
- win
- work
From vulgar bounds with brave disorder part,
And snatch a grace beyond the reach of art.
Choice word and measured phrase above the reach
Of ordinary men.
Ill can he rule the great that cannot reach the small.