stretch (n.)
- adaptability
- airing
- amble
- amplitude
- answer
- area
- athletics
- avail
- balloon
- ballyhoo
- bear
- bend
- bit
- bloat
- bounce
- bounciness
- breadth
- break
- breather
- build
- bulk
- buoyancy
- burlesque
- calisthenics
- caricature
- carry
- clearance
- compass
- constitutional
- course
- court
- cover
- crane
- crescendo
- day
- diamond
- diapason
- distance
- distension
- divergence
- do
- draw
- drill
- elastic
- elasticity
- elongation
- enlistment
- exercise
- exercising
- expanse
- expansion
- extension
- extent
- fairway
- farness
- field
- fit
- flexibility
- fudge
- gamut
- gibbet
- give
- go
- gridiron
- gym
- gymnasium
- gymnastics
- hang
- haul
- heave
- hike
- hitch
- hold
- hour
- increase
- infield
- infinity
- inflation
- instant
- interval
- isometrics
- jaunt
- juncture
- leeway
- length
- lengthening
- lengthiness
- lie
- links
- liveliness
- longitude
- longness
- make
- march
- margin
- measure
- meet
- mileage
- minute
- moment
- mush
- neck
- noose
- orbit
- outfield
- outreach
- oval
- overcharge
- overestimate
- overexertion
- overstrain
- pad
- parade
- pass
- period
- peripateticism
- perpetuity
- perspective
- piece
- playground
- playroom
- point
- poolroom
- practice
- press
- produce
- production
- prolongation
- promenade
- protraction
- puff
- pull
- pump
- purview
- racecourse
- rack
- radius
- raise
- ramble
- range
- reach
- rebound
- region
- register
- remoteness
- resilience
- resiliency
- responsiveness
- rink
- roll
- run
- saunter
- scale
- schlep
- scope
- scrag
- season
- section
- separation
- serve
- snap
- snowball
- space
- span
- spectrum
- spell
- sprawl
- spread
- spring
- springiness
- stage
- stand
- stint
- straddle
- straggle
- strain
- straining
- stress
- stressfulness
- stretchability
- stretchiness
- stretching
- stride
- stroll
- surround
- sweep
- swell
- swelling
- tax
- tense
- tension
- tenure
- term
- time
- tone
- tonicity
- tonus
- tour
- tout
- track
- tract
- tramp
- travesty
- trudge
- tug
- turf
- turn
- up
- walk
- warp
- way
- ways
- while
- work
- workout
- yardage
- yoga
stretch (v.)
- aggrandize
- amble
- amplify
- answer
- augment
- avail
- balloon
- ballyhoo
- bear
- belong
- bend
- bit
- bloat
- bounce
- break
- breather
- broaden
- build
- bulk
- burlesque
- caricature
- carry
- compass
- continue
- course
- court
- cover
- crane
- crescendo
- day
- develop
- dilate
- distance
- distend
- distort
- do
- draw
- drill
- elongate
- embellish
- encompass
- enlarge
- environ
- exaggerate
- exercise
- expand
- extend
- field
- fit
- fudge
- fulfill
- gibbet
- give
- go
- hang
- haul
- heave
- hike
- hitch
- hold
- hyperbolize
- increase
- inflate
- jaunt
- lengthen
- lie
- lynch
- magnify
- make
- march
- measure
- meet
- minute
- mush
- neck
- noose
- orbit
- overcharge
- overdo
- overdraw
- overestimate
- overexert
- overextend
- overpraise
- overreach
- overreact
- overstate
- overstrain
- overstress
- overstretch
- overtax
- pad
- parade
- pass
- piece
- point
- practice
- press
- produce
- prolong
- promenade
- protract
- puff
- pull
- pump
- qualify
- rack
- raise
- ramble
- range
- rarefy
- reach
- rebound
- register
- rink
- roll
- run
- satisfy
- saunter
- scale
- schlep
- scope
- scrag
- season
- section
- serve
- snap
- snowball
- space
- span
- spell
- sprawl
- spread
- spring
- stage
- stand
- stint
- straddle
- straggle
- strain
- stress
- stride
- stroll
- suffice
- sufflate
- supple
- surround
- sweep
- swell
- tauten
- tax
- tense
- tenure
- term
- tighten
- time
- tone
- tour
- tout
- track
- tract
- traipse
- tramp
- travesty
- trudge
- tug
- tumefy
- turf
- turn
- up
- walk
- warp
- way
- whet
- widen
- work
stretch (adj.)
- adaptable
- adaptive
- airing
- bend
- bit
- bouncy
- buoyant
- burlesque
- carry
- constitutional
- course
- cover
- crescendo
- day
- distance
- do
- elastic
- elongate
- extensile
- field
- fit
- flexible
- flexile
- give
- go
- instant
- length
- lively
- meet
- minute
- moment
- neck
- oval
- pass
- piece
- point
- practice
- press
- puff
- rack
- range
- reach
- resilient
- responsive
- roll
- run
- scale
- section
- serve
- span
- spread
- springy
- stage
- straining
- stretchable
- stretchy
- supple
- swell
- taxing
- tense
- tension
- term
- time
- tone
- tout
- track
- tract
- turn
- up
- way
- ways
- while
- whippy
- work
Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve,
And press with vigour on;
A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.
What, will the line stretch out to the crack of doom?