tug (n.)
- adduct
- adduction
- affinity
- allurement
- attraction
- attractiveness
- battle
- bellyband
- bit
- bridle
- caparison
- capillarity
- checkrein
- cheekpiece
- cinch
- collar
- crupper
- curb
- draft
- drag
- draw
- drive
- fight
- girth
- gravitation
- gravity
- hackamore
- hale
- halter
- hames
- harness
- haul
- headgear
- headstall
- heave
- lug
- lure
- magnet
- magnetism
- martingale
- moil
- noseband
- overexertion
- overstrain
- press
- pull
- rack
- saddle
- snaffle
- snake
- strain
- straining
- stress
- stressfulness
- stretch
- sympathy
- tack
- tackle
- tax
- tense
- tension
- toil
- tow
- traction
- trail
- train
- trappings
- trawl
- troll
- war
- warfare
- work
- yoke
tug (v.)
- adduct
- attract
- battle
- bit
- bridle
- caparison
- cinch
- collar
- curb
- draft
- drag
- draggle
- draw
- drive
- fight
- girth
- hale
- halter
- harness
- haul
- heave
- lines
- lug
- lure
- magnetize
- moil
- oppugn
- overexert
- overextend
- overstrain
- overstress
- overtax
- press
- pull
- rack
- ribbons
- saddle
- snaffle
- snake
- strain
- stress
- stretch
- strive
- tack
- tackle
- tax
- tense
- toil
- tow
- trail
- train
- trawl
- troll
- war
- work
- yoke
When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war.