drive (n.)
- acceleration
- activity
- advance
- adventurousness
- aggression
- aggressiveness
- airing
- alley
- alleyway
- ambition
- ambitiousness
- amperage
- angle
- appeal
- appliance
- approach
- ardor
- army
- artery
- assault
- attack
- authority
- auto
- autostrada
- avenue
- bang
- bear
- beat
- beef
- bicycle
- bike
- bind
- bite
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- bob
- boost
- bore
- boulevard
- bowl
- brainstorm
- breakthrough
- buck
- bull
- bump
- bunch
- bunt
- burden
- burrow
- burst
- bus
- bustle
- butt
- bypass
- byway
- cage
- campaign
- carriageway
- cause
- causeway
- charge
- charioteer
- charisma
- chase
- chauffeur
- clam
- close
- clout
- cogency
- colony
- commitment
- compulsion
- concupiscence
- conduct
- constraint
- control
- convenience
- copilot
- corral
- counterattack
- counteroffensive
- course
- court
- crescent
- crowd
- crusade
- curiosity
- cycle
- dash
- demand
- desire
- determination
- dibble
- dig
- dike
- dint
- dive
- diversion
- dog
- dredge
- drift
- drill
- driveway
- drove
- duress
- dynamism
- eagerness
- effect
- effectiveness
- effectuality
- effort
- egg
- elbow
- energy
- engine
- enginery
- enterprise
- enterprisingness
- enthusiasm
- excursion
- exigency
- expedition
- expressway
- facility
- fag
- faith
- falcon
- fancy
- fantasy
- fire
- fish
- fixture
- flank
- flash
- flock
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- force
- forcefulness
- forward
- fowl
- freeway
- furrow
- gam
- gang
- gas
- get-up-and-go
- getaway
- getup
- gig
- ginger
- go
- go-ahead
- goad
- gouge
- grave
- grip
- groove
- grub
- guide
- gumption
- gun
- guts
- hammer
- handle
- haste
- have
- hawk
- herd
- highroad
- highway
- hold
- hope
- host
- hound
- hunt
- hurry
- hustle
- impetus
- impressiveness
- impulse
- impulsion
- incentive
- incisiveness
- incitement
- industry
- infiltration
- influence
- initiative
- inspiration
- instinct
- interest
- intimate
- issue
- jab
- jack
- jacklight
- jam
- jig
- jihad
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- journey
- joyride
- keenness
- kennel
- kick
- lane
- lash
- libido
- lifework
- lift
- litter
- lower
- lunge
- machine
- machinery
- make
- mana
- maneuver
- mean
- mechanism
- megadeath
- mews
- might
- mightiness
- mind
- mine
- moil
- moment
- momentum
- motor
- motorcycle
- motorway
- move
- movement
- moxie
- mugging
- need
- nervousness
- net
- notion
- nudge
- oblige
- offense
- offensive
- onset
- onslaught
- outing
- overdrive
- overkill
- overwork
- pack
- parkway
- passion
- pave
- pedal
- pep
- pepper
- persistence
- pickup
- pike
- pilot
- pinch
- pitch
- pizzazz
- place
- play
- pleasure
- plunge
- pod
- poignancy
- poke
- pole
- poop
- potence
- potency
- potentiality
- pound
- power
- powerfulness
- practice
- prepotency
- press
- pressure
- prick
- pride
- principle
- prod
- productiveness
- productivity
- propel
- propulsion
- puissance
- pull
- pulsion
- punch
- push
- pushiness
- pushing
- quarry
- quickening
- race
- ram
- rattle
- reflex
- ride
- road
- roadbed
- roadway
- roll
- row
- run
- rush
- sag
- sally
- sap
- scamper
- school
- scoop
- scrabble
- scramble
- scrape
- scratch
- scurry
- scuttle
- seine
- send
- shake
- shepherd
- shoal
- shoot
- shoulder
- shove
- shovel
- shrimp
- shunt
- sic
- sinew
- sink
- sloth
- snap
- solo
- sortie
- spade
- speed
- speedup
- speedway
- spin
- spirit
- sport
- spunk
- spur
- stab
- stalk
- stamp
- starch
- start
- steam
- steer
- step-up
- stick
- strain
- street
- strength
- stress
- strike
- superhighway
- superiority
- superpower
- sweat
- sweep
- tamp
- task
- tax
- taxi
- terrace
- thoroughfare
- thrust
- thruway
- tie
- toil
- tool
- torch
- tour
- track
- trail
- travel
- trawl
- treadle
- trench
- trenchancy
- trip
- troll
- troop
- trough
- trundle
- tug
- tunnel
- turn
- turnpike
- urge
- urgency
- utility
- validity
- vehemence
- velocity
- venturesomeness
- venturousness
- verve
- vigor
- vim
- virility
- virtue
- virulence
- vitality
- want
- war
- wattage
- weight
- whale
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- will
- wish
- work
- wrangle
- yaw
- zeal
- zing
- zip
drive (v.)
- actuate
- advance
- ambition
- angle
- animate
- appeal
- approach
- assault
- attack
- bang
- barnstorm
- bear
- beat
- beef
- beset
- bicycle
- bike
- bind
- bite
- blitz
- blitzkrieg
- bob
- boost
- bore
- bowl
- brainstorm
- buck
- bull
- bulldoze
- bump
- bunch
- bunt
- burden
- burrow
- burst
- bus
- bustle
- busy
- butt
- bypass
- cage
- campaign
- cause
- causeway
- charge
- chase
- chauffeur
- clam
- close
- clout
- coerce
- compel
- conduct
- constrain
- control
- convenience
- corral
- counterattack
- course
- court
- cram
- crowd
- crusade
- cycle
- dash
- delve
- demand
- desire
- dibble
- dig
- dike
- direct
- dive
- dog
- dredge
- drift
- drill
- effect
- egg
- elbow
- enforce
- entrain
- excavate
- exhort
- fag
- falcon
- fancy
- fantasy
- fire
- fish
- flank
- flash
- flock
- flurry
- flush
- flutter
- fly
- fly-fish
- force
- forward
- fowl
- furrow
- gang
- gas
- gig
- ginger
- go
- goad
- gouge
- grave
- grip
- groove
- grub
- guide
- gun
- hammer
- handle
- have
- hawk
- herd
- hold
- hope
- host
- hound
- hunt
- hurry
- hurtle
- hustle
- impel
- imply
- incite
- indicate
- induce
- infatuate
- infiltrate
- influence
- instigate
- intend
- interest
- intimate
- issue
- jab
- jack
- jacklight
- jam
- jig
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- journey
- joyride
- kennel
- kick
- lane
- lash
- lift
- litter
- lower
- lunge
- machine
- make
- manage
- maneuver
- manipulate
- mean
- mind
- mine
- mobilize
- moil
- motivate
- motor
- motorcycle
- move
- need
- net
- nudge
- oblige
- obsess
- operate
- oppress
- overdrive
- overtax
- overwork
- pack
- pave
- pedal
- pepper
- pike
- pilot
- pinch
- pitch
- place
- play
- plunge
- pod
- poke
- pole
- possess
- pound
- power
- practice
- preoccupy
- press
- pressure
- prick
- pride
- proceed
- prod
- propel
- pull
- punch
- push
- quarry
- race
- ram
- rattle
- require
- restrain
- ride
- road
- roll
- row
- run
- rush
- sag
- sally
- sap
- scamper
- school
- scoop
- scrabble
- scramble
- scrape
- scratch
- scurry
- scuttle
- seine
- send
- shake
- shepherd
- shoal
- shoot
- shoulder
- shove
- shovel
- shrimp
- shunt
- sic
- sink
- skulk
- snap
- solo
- spade
- speed
- spin
- spirit
- sport
- spur
- stab
- stalk
- stamp
- starch
- start
- steam
- steer
- stick
- still-fish
- still-hunt
- strain
- stress
- strike
- strive
- suggest
- sweat
- sweep
- tamp
- task
- tax
- taxi
- terrace
- thrust
- tie
- toil
- tool
- torch
- tour
- track
- trail
- travel
- trawl
- treadle
- trench
- trip
- troll
- troop
- trundle
- tug
- tunnel
- turn
- urge
- vigor
- want
- war
- weight
- whale
- wheel
- whip
- whirl
- will
- wish
- work
- wrangle
- yaw
- zip
Drive a coach and six through an Act of Parliament.
I have peppered two of them: two I am sure I have paid, two rogues in buckram suits. I tell thee what, Hal, if I tell thee a lie, spit in my face; call me horse. Thou knowest my old ward: here I lay, and thus I bore my point. Four rogues in buckram let drive at me—
'T is a wise saying, Drive on your own track.
He must needes goe whom the devill doth drive.
He must needs go that the devil drives.