prick (n.)
- aculeus
- ail
- anguish
- auger
- birthmark
- bit
- bite
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- bore
- borer
- brand
- broach
- bruise
- bugger
- burn
- cage
- chafe
- chalk
- check
- cicatrix
- corral
- countersink
- cramp
- crick
- cusp
- cut
- dapple
- dash
- discolor
- discoloration
- distress
- dot
- drill
- drive
- drove
- earmark
- engraving
- enter
- fester
- fix
- fleck
- flick
- freckle
- fret
- gad
- gadfly
- gall
- gash
- goad
- gore
- gouge
- grate
- graving
- grind
- gripe
- griping
- hack
- harrow
- hatch
- herd
- hitch
- hole
- honeycomb
- hurt
- impress
- imprint
- itch
- jab
- jag
- jot
- kink
- lance
- lash
- lentigo
- line
- macula
- mark
- marking
- martyr
- mole
- mottle
- neb
- needle
- nevus
- nib
- nick
- nip
- notch
- nudge
- pain
- pang
- paroxysm
- patch
- pencil
- pepper
- perforation
- pierce
- pinch
- pinhole
- pink
- pinprick
- pique
- point
- poke
- prickle
- prod
- prompt
- propel
- punch
- puncture
- rack
- rasp
- ream
- riddle
- rowel
- rub
- scar
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- scratching
- scum
- seal
- seam
- seizure
- shepherd
- shit
- shithead
- shoot
- shooting
- sic
- skewer
- skunk
- slash
- slit
- smart
- snake
- spasm
- spear
- speck
- speckle
- spike
- spit
- splash
- splotch
- spot
- spur
- stab
- stain
- stamp
- stick
- stigma
- sting
- stinker
- stitch
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- tap
- tattoo
- thrill
- throes
- tick
- tingle
- tip
- tittle
- toad
- torment
- torture
- trace
- trepan
- trephine
- turd
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- twitch
- underline
- underscore
- watermark
- whip
- whiplash
- wound
- wrangle
- wrench
- wring
prick (v.)
- acuminate
- afflict
- aggrieve
- agonize
- ail
- anguish
- bit
- bite
- blaze
- blemish
- blotch
- bore
- brand
- broach
- bruise
- bugger
- burn
- cage
- chafe
- chalk
- check
- cicatrize
- convulse
- corral
- countersink
- cramp
- crick
- crucify
- cut
- dapple
- dash
- define
- delimit
- demarcate
- discolor
- distress
- dot
- drill
- drive
- earmark
- engrave
- enter
- excite
- excruciate
- exhort
- fester
- fix
- fleck
- flick
- flog
- freckle
- fret
- gad
- gall
- gash
- gnaw
- goad
- gore
- gouge
- grate
- grieve
- grind
- gripe
- hack
- harrow
- hatch
- herd
- hitch
- hole
- honeycomb
- hurt
- impale
- impress
- imprint
- inflame
- irritate
- itch
- jab
- jag
- jot
- kink
- lacerate
- lance
- lash
- line
- mark
- martyr
- martyrize
- mottle
- needle
- nick
- nip
- notch
- nudge
- pain
- pang
- patch
- pencil
- penetrate
- pepper
- perforate
- pierce
- pinch
- pink
- pique
- point
- poke
- prickle
- prod
- prompt
- propel
- punch
- punctuate
- puncture
- rack
- rankle
- rasp
- ream
- riddle
- rowel
- rub
- scar
- scarify
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- scum
- seal
- seam
- shepherd
- shit
- shoot
- sic
- skewer
- skunk
- slash
- slit
- smart
- snake
- spear
- speck
- speckle
- spike
- spit
- splash
- splotch
- spot
- spur
- stab
- stain
- stamp
- stick
- stigmatize
- stimulate
- sting
- stitch
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- tap
- tattoo
- thrill
- tick
- tingle
- tip
- torment
- torture
- trace
- transfix
- trepan
- trephine
- tweak
- twinge
- twist
- twitch
- underline
- underscore
- whip
- wound
- wrangle
- wrench
- wring
Besides, this Duncan
Hath borne his faculties so meek, hath been
So clear in his great office, that his virtues
Will plead like angels, trumpet-tongued, against
The deep damnation of his taking-off;
And pity, like a naked new-born babe,
Striding the blast, or heaven's cherubim, horsed
Upon the sightless couriers of the air,
Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,
That tears shall drown the wind. I have no spur
To prick the sides of my intent, but only
Vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself,
And falls on the other.