stain (n.)
- aspersion
- baton
- birthmark
- black
- blaze
- blemish
- bloodstain
- blot
- blotch
- blur
- brand
- calcimine
- censure
- chalk
- check
- chromogen
- cicatrix
- coat
- coating
- color
- coloring
- complexion
- cover
- cut
- dab
- dapple
- dash
- daub
- debauch
- defect
- defile
- dip
- discolor
- discoloration
- disgrace
- disparagement
- distemper
- dot
- drier
- dye
- dyestuff
- earmark
- enamel
- engraving
- expose
- eyesore
- face
- flaw
- fleck
- flick
- flyspeck
- freckle
- fresco
- gash
- gibbet
- gild
- glaze
- gloss
- grain
- graving
- ground
- hack
- hatch
- hue
- impress
- imprint
- imputation
- japan
- jot
- lacquer
- lentigo
- line
- macula
- maculation
- macule
- mark
- marking
- medium
- mole
- mottle
- nevus
- nick
- notch
- odium
- onus
- paint
- parget
- patch
- pencil
- pepper
- pervert
- pigment
- pillory
- point
- prick
- prime
- primer
- priming
- punch
- puncture
- reflection
- reprimand
- reproach
- riddle
- ruin
- scar
- scorch
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- scratching
- seal
- seam
- shade
- shadow
- shame
- shellac
- singe
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smoke
- smudge
- smut
- soil
- soilure
- spatter
- speck
- speckle
- splash
- splatter
- splotch
- spoil
- spot
- stamp
- stigma
- stigmatism
- stigmatization
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- sully
- taint
- tar
- tarnish
- tattoo
- tempera
- thinner
- tick
- tinct
- tinction
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tittle
- tone
- trace
- turpentine
- turps
- undercoat
- underline
- underscore
- varnish
- vehicle
- wash
- watermark
- whitewash
stain (v.)
- attaint
- bastardize
- bedaub
- bedizen
- begild
- besmear
- besmirch
- bespatter
- black
- blacken
- blaze
- blemish
- blot
- blotch
- blur
- brand
- brutalize
- calcimine
- censure
- chalk
- check
- cicatrize
- coat
- color
- complexion
- contaminate
- corrupt
- cover
- cut
- dab
- dapple
- darken
- dash
- daub
- debauch
- deep-dye
- defame
- defect
- defile
- define
- delimit
- demarcate
- demoralize
- deprave
- dip
- dirty
- disapprove
- discolor
- disgrace
- disparage
- distemper
- dot
- dye
- earmark
- emblazon
- enamel
- engild
- engrave
- expose
- face
- flaw
- fleck
- flick
- freckle
- fresco
- gash
- gibbet
- gild
- glaze
- gloss
- grain
- ground
- hack
- hatch
- hue
- illuminate
- imbue
- impress
- imprint
- ingrain
- japan
- jot
- lacquer
- line
- mark
- mottle
- nick
- notch
- paint
- parget
- patch
- pencil
- pepper
- pervert
- pigment
- pillory
- point
- prick
- prime
- punch
- punctuate
- puncture
- reprimand
- reproach
- riddle
- ruin
- scar
- scarify
- scorch
- score
- scotch
- scratch
- seal
- seam
- sear
- shade
- shadow
- shame
- shellac
- singe
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smoke
- smudge
- smut
- smutch
- soil
- spatter
- speck
- speckle
- splash
- splatter
- splotch
- spoil
- spot
- stamp
- stigmatize
- stipple
- streak
- striate
- stripe
- sully
- taint
- tar
- tarnish
- tattoo
- tick
- tinct
- tinction
- tincture
- tinge
- tint
- tone
- trace
- undercoat
- underline
- underscore
- varnish
- vilify
- wash
- whitewash
Th' ethereal mould
Incapable of stain would soon expel
Her mischief, and purge off the baser fire,
Victorious. Thus repuls'd, our final hope
Is flat despair.
That chastity of honour which felt a stain like a wound.
Let not women's weapons, water-drops,
Stain my man's cheeks!