ground (n.)
- abyss
- acres
- affirmation
- agora
- airspace
- alluvion
- alluvium
- ambition
- amphitheater
- angle
- antecedent
- area
- arena
- argument
- aspiration
- assertion
- assumption
- auditorium
- axiom
- back
- backdrop
- background
- base
- basement
- basin
- basis
- beach
- bed
- bedding
- bedrock
- belt
- benthos
- bottom
- bowl
- brush
- build
- bulldog
- call
- calling
- campus
- canvas
- carpet
- causation
- cause
- chalk
- channel
- charcoal
- chromogen
- cincture
- circus
- clay
- clod
- close
- coach
- coat
- coating
- cockpit
- coliseum
- color
- coloring
- colosseum
- compass
- confines
- consideration
- container
- coop
- corridor
- country
- course
- court
- courtyard
- cover
- crayon
- crust
- curtilage
- data
- deck
- demonstration
- department
- deposit
- determinant
- determinative
- dirt
- distance
- distemper
- district
- division
- down
- dregs
- drier
- drop
- dust
- dye
- dyestuff
- earth
- easel
- element
- enclave
- enclosure
- environs
- esplanade
- etch
- etiology
- evidence
- excuse
- factor
- fell
- field
- fine
- fix
- fixative
- flat
- floor
- flooring
- fold
- footing
- forum
- found
- foundation
- freehold
- fundament
- fundamental
- glebe
- goal
- grassland
- grounds
- groundwork
- guide
- gym
- gymnasium
- hall
- hardpan
- heartland
- hinterland
- hippodrome
- horizontal
- hypothesis
- ideal
- impact
- implant
- impress
- imprint
- infix
- infrastructure
- initiate
- inspiration
- intention
- jam
- justification
- land
- ledge
- lees
- lemma
- level
- list
- lithosphere
- loam
- locale
- lodestar
- lodge
- mainspring
- marketplace
- marl
- mat
- matter
- maulstick
- medium
- milieu
- mold
- motive
- neighborhood
- occasion
- pack
- paint
- paintbrush
- palaestra
- pale
- palette
- paling
- park
- parquet
- part
- parterre
- parts
- pastel
- pave
- pavement
- paving
- pen
- pencil
- perspective
- pigment
- pigments
- pit
- pitch
- place
- plain
- plane
- plant
- platform
- position
- post
- postulate
- postulation
- prairie
- precinct
- precipitate
- precipitation
- premise
- premises
- presupposition
- primer
- priming
- principle
- proof
- proposition
- purlieu
- quad
- quadrangle
- quarter
- radical
- range
- rase
- rationale
- raze
- rear
- reason
- region
- right
- ring
- root
- rudiment
- sake
- salient
- scene
- scenery
- school
- scope
- score
- seat
- section
- sediment
- set
- setting
- settle
- settlings
- shipwreck
- show
- siccative
- sill
- site
- sketchbook
- sod
- soil
- source
- space
- spatula
- sphere
- spring
- square
- stadium
- stage
- stain
- stamp
- stand
- standing
- statement
- station
- status
- steppe
- stereotype
- stimulus
- strand
- stump
- subsoil
- substance
- substratum
- substructure
- sumption
- supposal
- surfacing
- table
- teach
- tempera
- terrace
- terrain
- territory
- test
- testimony
- theater
- theorem
- thesis
- thinner
- throw
- tiltyard
- tinction
- tincture
- topple
- topsoil
- train
- trench
- trial
- trip
- tumble
- turf
- turpentine
- turps
- tutor
- undercarriage
- undercoat
- understructure
- varnish
- vehicle
- venue
- vest
- vicinity
- viewpoint
- vocation
- walk
- warrant
- wash
- wedge
- wherefore
- why
- woodland
- wreck
- yard
- zone
ground (v.)
- ambition
- angle
- back
- background
- base
- beach
- bed
- belt
- bottom
- bowl
- brush
- build
- bulldog
- call
- canvas
- carpet
- catechize
- cause
- chalk
- channel
- charcoal
- civilize
- clay
- close
- coach
- coat
- color
- comminute
- compass
- confine
- confirm
- coop
- course
- court
- cover
- crayon
- crust
- deck
- deep-dye
- define
- demonstrate
- deposit
- direct
- dirt
- distance
- distemper
- district
- down
- drop
- dust
- dye
- earth
- edify
- educate
- embed
- engraft
- engrave
- enlighten
- entrench
- establish
- etch
- evidence
- excuse
- factor
- fell
- field
- fine
- fix
- flat
- flatten
- floor
- fold
- found
- guide
- illumine
- impact
- implant
- impress
- imprint
- infix
- inform
- ingrain
- initiate
- inscribe
- install
- instruct
- insulate
- invest
- isolate
- jam
- land
- ledge
- level
- list
- lodge
- mat
- matter
- mold
- occasion
- organize
- pack
- paint
- pale
- park
- part
- pave
- pen
- pencil
- pigment
- pit
- pitch
- place
- plain
- plane
- plant
- position
- post
- postulate
- precipitate
- premise
- prepare
- proof
- proposition
- prostrate
- quarter
- range
- rase
- raze
- rear
- reason
- right
- ring
- root
- sake
- scene
- school
- scope
- score
- seat
- section
- sediment
- set
- settle
- shipwreck
- show
- site
- sod
- soil
- source
- space
- spread-eagle
- spring
- square
- stage
- stain
- stamp
- stand
- station
- stereotype
- strand
- stump
- supinate
- sustain
- table
- teach
- terrace
- test
- throw
- tinction
- tincture
- topple
- train
- trench
- trip
- tumble
- turf
- tutor
- undercoat
- varnish
- vest
- walk
- warrant
- wash
- wedge
- wreck
- zone
ground (adv.)
ground (adj.)
- angle
- antecedent
- back
- base
- bed
- belt
- bottom
- bottommost
- carpet
- chalky
- channel
- charcoal
- close
- color
- country
- course
- cover
- crushed
- determinant
- determinative
- direct
- dirt
- distance
- down
- dust
- dusty
- earth
- efflorescent
- etch
- evidence
- farinaceous
- fell
- field
- fine
- flaky
- flat
- floor
- floury
- fold
- fond
- found
- fundamental
- grated
- horizontal
- ideal
- impalpable
- initiate
- land
- level
- list
- lowest
- mat
- mealy
- medium
- milled
- motive
- nethermost
- pale
- part
- pastel
- pen
- pit
- place
- plain
- plane
- post
- powdered
- powdery
- precipitate
- proof
- prostrate
- pulverized
- radical
- range
- rear
- right
- ring
- rock-bottom
- salient
- scaly
- scene
- school
- score
- scurfy
- section
- set
- setting
- shredded
- site
- soil
- source
- spread-eagle
- square
- stage
- standing
- table
- test
- trial
- trip
- tumble
- venue
- wash
Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground.
Like a fair house, built on another man's ground.
As water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again.
Ay, call it holy ground,
The soil where first they trod:
They have left unstained what there they found,—
Freedom to worship God.
Led by my hand, he saunter'd Europe round,
And gather'd every vice on Christian ground.
By heaven, methinks it were an easy leap
To pluck bright honour from the pale-faced moon,
Or dive into the bottom of the deep,
Where fathom-line could never touch the ground,
And pluck up drowned honour by the locks.
The bank he press'd, and gently kiss'd the ground.
Where'er we tread, 't is haunted, holy ground.
That darksome cave they enter, where they find
That cursed man, low sitting on the ground,
Musing full sadly in his sullein mind.
I live an idle burden to the ground.
The tree of deepest root is found
Least willing still to quit the ground:
'T was therefore said by ancient sages,
That love of life increased with years
So much, that in our latter stages,
When pain grows sharp and sickness rages,
The greatest love of life appears.
And nothing can we call our own but death
And that small model of the barren earth
Which serves as paste and cover to our bones.
For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings.
I would not have a slave to till my ground,
To carry me, to fan me while I sleep
And tremble when I wake, for all the wealth
That sinews bought and sold have ever earn'd.
That darksome cave they enter, where they find
That cursed man, low sitting on the ground,
Musing full sadly in his sullein mind.
While betweene two stooles my taile goe to the ground.
Ground not upon dreams; you know they are ever contrary.
To the solid ground
Of Nature trusts the mind that builds for aye.
Throw hither all your quaint enamell'd eyes
That on the green turf suck the honied showers,
And purple all the ground with vernal flowers.
Bring the rathe primrose that forsaken dies,
The tufted crow-toe, and pale jessamine,
The white pink, and the pansy freakt with jet,
The glowing violet,
The musk-rose, and the well-attir'd woodbine,
With cowslips wan that hang the pensive head,
And every flower that sad embroidery wears.
For wheresoe'er I turn my ravish'd eyes,
Gay gilded scenes and shining prospects rise,
Poetic fields encompass me around,
And still I seem to tread on classic ground.
The great Emathian conqueror bid spare
The house of Pindarus, when temple and tower
Went to the ground.
Like leaves on trees the race of man is found,—
Now green in youth, now withering on the ground;
Another race the following spring supplies:
They fall successive, and successive rise.