pitch (n.)
- abuse
- acme
- address
- allocution
- amount
- angularity
- apex
- apogee
- asphalt
- assail
- assault
- assist
- attack
- ballyhoo
- bank
- base
- bevel
- bezel
- bitumen
- bivouac
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- bowl
- brow
- build
- bung
- caliber
- camp
- cannonball
- cant
- cap
- careen
- career
- cascade
- cast
- catapult
- cataract
- change-up
- charcoal
- chuck
- chunk
- chute
- climax
- climb
- coal
- collapse
- compass
- crash
- crest
- crow
- crown
- culmination
- curve
- cut
- dart
- dash
- debate
- declamation
- decline
- degree
- depth
- diatribe
- dip
- dive
- down
- drop
- ebony
- edge
- elect
- eulogy
- exhortation
- extent
- extremity
- fall
- falter
- fastball
- filibuster
- fire
- fix
- fling
- flip
- flounce
- flounder
- flutter
- fork
- found
- frequency
- fundamental
- gainer
- grade
- gradient
- ground
- harangue
- harmonic
- header
- heave
- heaven
- heavens
- height
- help
- hillside
- hobbyhorse
- hoist
- hurl
- inaugural
- inclination
- incline
- inflection
- ink
- interval
- intonation
- invective
- jackknife
- jeremiad
- jerk
- jet
- keel
- key
- knuckleball
- labor
- lance
- lateral
- launch
- lean
- leaning
- leap
- level
- limit
- list
- lob
- lurch
- mark
- maximum
- measure
- meridian
- modulation
- monotone
- monotony
- move
- name
- night
- noon
- notch
- note
- nuance
- oration
- overtone
- parachute
- partial
- pas
- pass
- patter
- peak
- peg
- pelt
- period
- peroration
- persuasion
- philippic
- pick
- pinnacle
- pitchfork
- place
- plane
- plant
- plateau
- plop
- plummet
- plump
- plunge
- plunk
- point
- pole
- position
- pounce
- pound
- precipitate
- proportion
- put
- rain
- raise
- rake
- ramp
- range
- ratio
- raven
- reach
- reading
- rear
- recital
- recitation
- reel
- register
- remove
- retreat
- ridge
- rise
- rock
- roll
- round
- rung
- salutatory
- say
- scale
- scarp
- scope
- screed
- screwball
- seat
- send
- serve
- service
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shake
- shoot
- shy
- side
- sinker
- skin-dive
- sky
- slant
- slider
- sling
- sloe
- slope
- smoke
- smut
- snap
- soot
- sound
- space
- speech
- spiel
- spire
- spitball
- spitter
- sprawl
- stagger
- stair
- standard
- step
- stint
- stoop
- struggle
- stumble
- summit
- swag
- sway
- swing
- swoop
- talk
- talus
- tar
- tent
- throw
- tilt
- tip
- tirade
- tonality
- tone
- top
- topple
- toss
- totter
- tread
- trip
- tumble
- tune
- uplift
- upright
- utmost
- valediction
- valedictory
- vertex
- vest
- wag
- waggle
- wallop
- wallow
- wave
- waver
- welter
- wobble
- yaw
- zenith
pitch (v.)
- abuse
- address
- amount
- ascend
- asphalt
- assail
- assault
- assist
- attack
- ballyhoo
- bank
- base
- belabor
- bevel
- bivouac
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- bowl
- build
- bung
- camp
- cant
- cap
- capsize
- careen
- career
- cascade
- cast
- catapult
- charcoal
- choose
- chuck
- chunk
- chute
- climax
- climb
- coal
- coggle
- collapse
- compass
- contribute
- cooperate
- crash
- crest
- crow
- crown
- curve
- cut
- dangle
- dart
- dash
- debate
- decline
- descend
- determine
- dip
- dive
- down
- drop
- edge
- elect
- elevate
- encamp
- erect
- establish
- fall
- falter
- filibuster
- fire
- fix
- fling
- flip
- flounce
- flounder
- fluctuate
- flutter
- fork
- found
- grade
- gravitate
- ground
- harangue
- heave
- help
- hoist
- hurl
- hurtle
- incline
- ink
- install
- invest
- jackknife
- jerk
- jet
- keel
- key
- labor
- lance
- launch
- lean
- leap
- level
- librate
- limit
- list
- lob
- lurch
- mark
- measure
- move
- name
- night
- nominate
- notch
- note
- nutate
- oscillate
- parachute
- pass
- patter
- peak
- peg
- pelt
- pick
- pinnacle
- pitchfork
- place
- plane
- plant
- plop
- plummet
- plump
- plunge
- plunk
- point
- pole
- position
- pounce
- pound
- precipitate
- proportion
- put
- rain
- raise
- rake
- ramp
- range
- raven
- reach
- rear
- reel
- register
- remove
- resonate
- retreat
- ridge
- rise
- rock
- roll
- round
- say
- scale
- scend
- scope
- seat
- seethe
- select
- send
- serve
- service
- set
- shade
- shadow
- shake
- shelve
- shoot
- shy
- side
- sidle
- skin-dive
- sky
- slant
- sling
- slope
- smoke
- smut
- snap
- soot
- sound
- space
- spiel
- spire
- sprawl
- spread-eagle
- stagger
- step
- stint
- stoop
- struggle
- stumble
- summit
- swag
- sway
- swing
- swoop
- talk
- tar
- tent
- throw
- tilt
- tip
- tone
- top
- topple
- toss
- totter
- tread
- trip
- tumble
- tune
- unhorse
- unseat
- upend
- upheave
- uplift
- upraise
- upright
- uprise
- vacillate
- vest
- vibrate
- wag
- waggle
- wallop
- wallow
- wave
- waver
- welter
- wobble
- yaw
Dark as pitch.
He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith.
Here in the body pent,
Absent from Him I roam,
Yet nightly pitch my moving tent
A day's march nearer home.
Above the pitch, out of tune, and off the hinges.
Between two hawks, which flies the higher pitch;
Between two dogs, which hath the deeper mouth;
Between two blades, which bears the better temper;
Between two horses, which doth bear him best;
Between two girls, which hath the merriest eye,—
I have perhaps some shallow spirit of judgment;
But in these nice sharp quillets of the law,
Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw.