rise (n.)
- abruptness
- access
- accession
- acclivity
- accomplishment
- accretion
- accrual
- accruement
- accumulation
- acme
- addition
- advance
- advancement
- aggrandizement
- amelioration
- amendment
- amplification
- answer
- apex
- apparition
- appearance
- appearing
- appreciation
- ascension
- ascent
- augmentation
- avatar
- awake
- back
- balloon
- ballooning
- bank
- begin
- beginning
- betterment
- billow
- blast
- bloat
- blossoming
- boom
- boost
- bore
- break
- breakers
- breakthrough
- breed
- bristle
- broadening
- budge
- buildup
- cant
- careen
- cause
- change
- chop
- choppiness
- circle
- clamber
- climb
- climbing
- comb
- comber
- come
- coming
- commencement
- conception
- crash
- crescendo
- dash
- decline
- derivation
- development
- din
- dip
- disclosure
- drop
- eagre
- ebb
- echo
- edema
- elaboration
- elevation
- emergence
- eminence
- enhancement
- enlargement
- ennoblement
- enrichment
- enter
- epiphany
- escalade
- ether
- eugenics
- euthenics
- evolution
- evolvement
- exaltation
- expansion
- explication
- exposure
- extension
- fall
- flight
- float
- flood
- flow
- flowering
- fly
- fountain
- furtherance
- gain
- generate
- genesis
- go
- goad
- grade
- gradient
- graduation
- growth
- gush
- head
- headway
- heave
- heaven
- heavens
- heft
- height
- heights
- heist
- highland
- hike
- hill
- hillock
- hoist
- improvement
- incarnation
- inception
- incline
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- issuance
- issue
- jet
- jump
- keel
- knoll
- lean
- leap
- levitation
- lift
- list
- lob
- loft
- loom
- lop
- manifestation
- materialization
- maturation
- meet
- melioration
- mend
- mending
- mount
- mounting
- move
- multiplication
- mutineer
- mutiny
- occurrence
- opening
- origin
- original
- origination
- outcrop
- overthrow
- passing
- peak
- peal
- pickup
- pitch
- plunge
- precipitousness
- preferment
- presentation
- press
- produce
- productiveness
- progress
- progression
- proliferation
- prominence
- promotion
- provenience
- push
- radical
- radix
- raise
- rake
- ramp
- reaction
- realization
- rear
- rebel
- recovery
- reflection
- reflex
- reflux
- regress
- reply
- respondence
- response
- restoration
- retreat
- return
- revelation
- reverberation
- revival
- revolt
- revolution
- revulsion
- riffle
- ring
- riot
- ripening
- ripple
- rising
- roll
- roller
- root
- run
- saltation
- sea
- send
- shift
- show
- showing
- sink
- sky
- slant
- slope
- smash
- snowball
- soar
- soaring
- source
- spin
- spiral
- spire
- spout
- spread
- spring
- spurt
- start
- steep
- steepness
- stem
- stir
- stock
- stratosphere
- stream
- strike
- surf
- surge
- swag
- swallow
- sway
- swell
- swelling
- take
- takeoff
- taproot
- theophany
- thunder
- tilt
- tip
- toss
- tower
- travel
- trough
- tsunami
- tumescence
- undulation
- unfolding
- up
- upbeat
- upcast
- updraft
- upgrade
- uphill
- upland
- uplift
- upping
- uprising
- upsurge
- upthrow
- upturn
- vault
- verticalness
- wane
- wave
- wavelet
- wax
- waxing
- whirl
- widening
- zenith
rise (v.)
- access
- accession
- accrue
- accumulate
- activate
- advance
- agitate
- amendment
- answer
- appear
- appreciate
- arise
- arrive
- ascend
- awake
- awaken
- back
- balloon
- bank
- become
- begin
- billow
- blast
- bloat
- boom
- boost
- bore
- break
- breed
- bristle
- broaden
- budge
- cant
- careen
- cause
- change
- chop
- circle
- clamber
- climb
- comb
- come
- coming
- commence
- crash
- crescendo
- dash
- deafen
- decline
- descend
- develop
- din
- dip
- drop
- ebb
- echo
- elevate
- emerge
- encourage
- engender
- enter
- erect
- erupt
- escalade
- escalate
- ether
- fall
- flight
- float
- flood
- flow
- fly
- foment
- gain
- generate
- go
- goad
- grade
- grow
- gush
- gyrate
- happen
- head
- headway
- heave
- heft
- heighten
- heist
- hike
- hill
- hoist
- incite
- incline
- increase
- inflame
- instigate
- intensify
- irrupt
- issue
- jet
- jump
- keel
- lean
- leap
- levitate
- lift
- list
- lob
- loft
- loom
- lop
- materialize
- meet
- mend
- motivate
- mount
- move
- multiply
- mutiny
- occur
- originate
- outcrop
- overthrow
- peak
- peal
- pitch
- plunge
- press
- produce
- progress
- proliferate
- prosper
- provoke
- push
- quicken
- raise
- rake
- ramp
- reanimate
- rear
- rebel
- regress
- reply
- resound
- resurge
- resuscitate
- retreat
- retrogress
- return
- revive
- revolt
- revolutionize
- riffle
- ring
- riot
- ripple
- roll
- roller
- root
- rotate
- run
- scend
- send
- shelve
- shift
- show
- sidle
- sink
- sky
- slant
- slope
- smash
- snowball
- soar
- source
- spin
- spiral
- spire
- spout
- spread
- spring
- spurt
- start
- steep
- stem
- stimulate
- stir
- stock
- stream
- strengthen
- strike
- stun
- subside
- subvert
- succeed
- surf
- surge
- swag
- swallow
- sway
- swell
- take
- thrive
- thunder
- tilt
- tip
- toss
- tower
- travel
- undulate
- up
- upgrade
- upheave
- uphold
- uplift
- upraise
- uprise
- vault
- waken
- wane
- wave
- wax
- whirl
- widen
rise (adj.)
- advance
- arising
- ascent
- awake
- back
- beginning
- bettering
- bore
- breed
- cant
- change
- climbing
- come
- coming
- crescendo
- dash
- eagre
- enter
- erect
- ether
- flight
- float
- flowering
- fly
- forthcoming
- gain
- generate
- go
- grade
- head
- height
- heist
- highland
- hill
- jet
- lean
- list
- loom
- meet
- mount
- opening
- original
- passing
- press
- radical
- rake
- rear
- reflex
- ring
- riot
- ripening
- rising
- roll
- run
- sea
- shift
- sky
- slant
- slope
- soaring
- source
- spiral
- spread
- start
- steep
- stir
- stock
- stream
- swell
- tilt
- undulate
- up
- upbeat
- upcoming
- uphill
- upland
- upstream
- upwind
- waxing
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.
Rise, honest muse! and sing The Man of Ross.
We wish that this column, rising towards heaven among the pointed spires of so many temples dedicated to God, may contribute also to produce in all minds a pious feeling of dependence and gratitude. We wish, finally, that the last object to the sight of him who leaves his native shore, and the first to gladden his who revisits it, may be something which shall remind him of the liberty and the glory of his country. Let it rise! let it rise, till it meet the sun in his coming; let the earliest light of the morning gild it, and parting day linger and play on its summit!
I saw young Harry, with his beaver on,
His cuisses on his thighs, gallantly arm'd,
Rise from the ground like feather'd Mercury,
And vaulted with such ease into his seat
As if an angel dropp'd down from the clouds,
To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus
And witch the world with noble horsemanship.
Rise up, rise up, Xarifa! lay your golden cushion down;
Rise up! come to the window, and gaze with all the town.
Rise with the lark, and with the lark to bed.