rebel (n.)
- adversary
- agitator
- anarchist
- antagonist
- antinomian
- apostate
- assailant
- attacker
- bellyacher
- brawler
- breakaway
- challenge
- complainant
- complainer
- crab
- crank
- croaker
- dare
- dissent
- dissenter
- extreme
- extremist
- faultfinder
- grouch
- growler
- grumbler
- heretic
- iconoclast
- insurgent
- insurrectionist
- kicker
- kvetch
- malcontent
- maverick
- murmurer
- mutineer
- mutiny
- mutterer
- nihilist
- nonconformist
- opponent
- overthrow
- radical
- reactionary
- recusant
- red
- resister
- revolt
- revolution
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- riot
- rioter
- rise
- sorehead
- strike
- subversive
- syndicalist
- terrorist
- traitor
- whiner
rebel (v.)
Tender-handed stroke a nettle,
And it stings you for your pains;
Grasp it like a man of mettle,
And it soft as silk remains.
'T is the same with common natures:
Use 'em kindly, they rebel;
But be rough as nutmeg-graters,
And the rogues obey you well.