tip (n.)
- acme
- aculeus
- advice
- alert
- alerting
- alveolus
- angularity
- apex
- apogee
- auger
- back
- baksheesh
- balance
- bank
- beak
- bit
- blade
- bonnet
- bonus
- borer
- boundary
- bounty
- bribe
- brow
- brush
- bunt
- butt
- buzz
- cant
- cap
- careen
- caution
- chuck
- climax
- climb
- clue
- coif
- consideration
- cork
- creep
- crest
- crown
- cue
- culmination
- cusp
- dab
- decline
- deposit
- dip
- ditch
- dividend
- dome
- dorsum
- drill
- drop
- dump
- edge
- empty
- end
- extra
- extreme
- extremity
- fall
- fee
- ferrule
- ferule
- fillip
- finial
- flick
- flip
- flirt
- forecast
- frost
- gen
- gift
- grade
- gratuity
- gravy
- graze
- grease
- hat
- head
- heaven
- heavens
- heel
- height
- hint
- honorarium
- hood
- ice
- inclination
- incline
- inducement
- information
- keel
- lagniappe
- largess
- larynx
- lean
- leaning
- leftover
- liberality
- limit
- lips
- list
- margin
- maximum
- meridian
- mince
- monition
- neb
- needle
- nib
- noon
- office
- overage
- overplus
- overrun
- oversupply
- overthrow
- overturn
- palate
- palm
- pat
- peak
- peck
- perquisite
- pharynx
- pick
- pinnacle
- pitch
- plus
- point
- pointer
- pole
- pourboire
- prediction
- premium
- present
- prick
- prickle
- rake
- rap
- remainder
- retreat
- reward
- ridge
- rise
- roof
- salve
- sap
- sky
- slant
- slope
- snap
- spare
- spire
- steal
- steer
- sting
- stopper
- stub
- stump
- suggestion
- summit
- surplus
- surplusage
- swag
- sway
- sweetener
- syrinx
- tag
- tail
- tap
- teeth
- terminal
- tickle
- tilt
- tip-off
- toe
- tongue
- top
- touch
- upset
- upturn
- utmost
- velum
- verb
- vertex
- warning
- whisk
- whisper
- zenith
tip (v.)
- admonish
- advise
- alert
- ascend
- back
- balance
- bank
- beak
- bit
- blade
- bonnet
- breathe
- bribe
- brush
- bunt
- butt
- buzz
- cant
- cap
- capsize
- careen
- caution
- chuck
- climax
- climb
- clue
- coif
- confide
- consummate
- cork
- creep
- crest
- crown
- cue
- culminate
- dab
- decline
- deposit
- descend
- dip
- ditch
- drill
- drop
- dump
- edge
- empty
- end
- fall
- fee
- flick
- flip
- flirt
- forecast
- forewarn
- frost
- gift
- grade
- graze
- grease
- hat
- head
- heel
- hint
- hood
- ice
- incline
- keel
- lean
- limit
- list
- mince
- needle
- notify
- office
- overarch
- overrun
- overstock
- oversupply
- overthrow
- overtop
- overturn
- palm
- pat
- peak
- peck
- pick
- pinnacle
- pitch
- plus
- point
- pole
- present
- prick
- prickle
- pussyfoot
- rake
- rap
- recline
- remainder
- retreat
- reward
- ridge
- rise
- roof
- salve
- sap
- shelve
- sidle
- sky
- slant
- slope
- snap
- spare
- spire
- steal
- steer
- sting
- stopper
- stub
- stump
- subvert
- summit
- surmount
- swag
- sway
- tag
- tail
- tap
- teeth
- threaten
- tickle
- tilt
- toe
- tongue
- top
- touch
- unload
- uprise
- upset
- warn
- whisk
- whisper
So on the tip of his subduing tongue
All kinds of arguments and questions deep,
All replication prompt, and reason strong,
For his advantage still did wake and sleep.
To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weep,
He had the dialect and different skill,
Catching all passion in his craft of will.