inclination (n.)
- affection
- affinity
- aim
- angle
- angularity
- animus
- appetence
- appetency
- appetite
- aptitude
- aptness
- ardor
- attitude
- azimuth
- bag
- bank
- bearing
- bend
- bending
- bent
- bevel
- bezel
- bias
- bob
- bow
- bowing
- cant
- cascade
- cast
- cataract
- character
- choice
- chute
- collapse
- comedown
- command
- constitution
- course
- crash
- craving
- current
- curtsy
- debacle
- decision
- declension
- declination
- delight
- descension
- descent
- desire
- determination
- diathesis
- direction
- discretion
- discrimination
- disposition
- down
- downfall
- downgrade
- downpour
- downturn
- drift
- drop
- dropping
- druthers
- eagerness
- eccentricity
- enthusiasm
- fall
- fancy
- fascination
- favor
- favoritism
- felicity
- fervor
- flair
- genuflection
- grade
- gradient
- grain
- gravitation
- heading
- hillside
- homage
- idiosyncrasy
- incline
- inclining
- individualism
- inequality
- intention
- interest
- involvement
- jaundice
- kidney
- kneeling
- kowtow
- lay
- lean
- leaning
- liability
- lie
- liking
- line
- list
- longing
- lust
- make
- makeup
- mettle
- mind
- mind-set
- mold
- nature
- navigation
- nepotism
- nod
- obeisance
- objective
- obsequiousness
- orientation
- partiality
- partisanship
- passion
- penchant
- piloting
- pitch
- pleasure
- point
- pounce
- preconception
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- prejudgment
- prejudice
- prepossession
- probability
- proclivity
- proneness
- propensity
- prostration
- quarter
- rake
- ramp
- range
- rapids
- readiness
- resolution
- reverence
- run
- salaam
- salutation
- salute
- scarp
- scrape
- servility
- set
- side
- slant
- slope
- stamp
- steerage
- steering
- stomach
- stoop
- strain
- streak
- stripe
- style
- submission
- submissiveness
- susceptibility
- swag
- sway
- swoop
- sympathy
- talus
- taste
- temper
- temperament
- tendency
- tenor
- thing
- tilt
- tilting
- tip
- track
- trend
- tropism
- turn
- twist
- type
- velleity
- volition
- warp
- waterfall
- way
- weakness
- will
- willingness
- wish
- zeal
I know, indeed, the evil of that I purpose; but my inclination gets the better of my judgment.
A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good.