readiness (n.)
- ability
- acceptance
- accord
- acquiescence
- acuity
- acuteness
- address
- adeptness
- adroitness
- affirmative
- agility
- agreeability
- agreeableness
- agreement
- airmanship
- alacrity
- alertness
- amenability
- animation
- anticipation
- anxiety
- anxiousness
- appetite
- approbation
- approval
- aptitude
- aptness
- ardor
- art
- artfulness
- artifice
- artisanship
- artistry
- assent
- astuteness
- attention
- attentiveness
- avidity
- avidness
- aye
- bent
- bias
- blessing
- bravura
- brightness
- brilliance
- briskness
- capability
- capacity
- cast
- cheerfulness
- cleverness
- command
- competence
- competency
- compliance
- condition
- connivance
- consent
- contemplation
- control
- cooperativeness
- coordination
- craft
- craftiness
- craftsmanship
- cunning
- decisiveness
- deftness
- delight
- dexterity
- dextrousness
- diathesis
- diplomacy
- discretion
- dispatch
- disposition
- docility
- eagerness
- earliness
- ease
- efficiency
- elan
- eloquence
- endorsement
- enthusiasm
- expedition
- expeditiousness
- expertise
- expertness
- facility
- farsightedness
- favorableness
- finesse
- fitness
- fluency
- forecast
- foresight
- foresightedness
- forwardness
- foxiness
- gameness
- gamesmanship
- goodwill
- grace
- graciousness
- grip
- guile
- gust
- gusto
- handiness
- horsemanship
- immediacy
- immediateness
- impatience
- inclination
- ingeniousness
- ingenuity
- insidiousness
- instantaneousness
- intelligence
- inventiveness
- keenness
- know-how
- leaning
- liability
- life
- liking
- liveliness
- longsightedness
- malleability
- marksmanship
- mastership
- mastery
- maturity
- motivation
- nimbleness
- okay
- one-upmanship
- penchant
- permission
- plasticity
- pliability
- pliancy
- prediction
- predilection
- predisposition
- prejudice
- preparation
- preparedness
- preview
- prevision
- probability
- proclivity
- proficiency
- promptitude
- promptness
- proneness
- propensity
- prospect
- providence
- provision
- prowess
- prudence
- punctuality
- qualification
- quickness
- rapidity
- ratification
- ready
- receptiveness
- receptivity
- resource
- resourcefulness
- responsiveness
- ripeness
- sagacity
- sanction
- savoir-faire
- savvy
- seamanship
- seasoning
- sharpness
- shiftiness
- shrewdness
- skill
- skillfulness
- sleeplessness
- sleight
- slipperiness
- slyness
- smartness
- sneakiness
- sophistry
- speediness
- spirit
- stealth
- stealthiness
- style
- submission
- subtlety
- suitability
- suitableness
- suppleness
- susceptibility
- swiftness
- tact
- tactfulness
- technique
- tempering
- tendency
- timing
- tractability
- trickiness
- trim
- tropism
- turn
- twist
- verve
- virtuosity
- vitality
- vivacity
- volubility
- wakefulness
- wariness
- warp
- weakness
- wiliness
- willingness
- wit
- wizardry
- workmanship
- zeal
- zest
- zestfulness
There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 't is not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all. Since no man has aught of what he leaves, what is 't to leave betimes?