swiftness (n.)
- abruptness
- agility
- alacrity
- bat
- brevity
- briefness
- briskness
- celerity
- decisiveness
- dispatch
- expedition
- expeditiousness
- fastness
- feverishness
- flight
- flit
- flurry
- furiousness
- gait
- haste
- hastiness
- hurriedness
- hurry
- hustle
- immediacy
- immediateness
- impetuosity
- impetuousness
- impulsiveness
- instantaneousness
- nimbleness
- pace
- precipitance
- precipitancy
- precipitation
- precipitousness
- promptitude
- promptness
- punctuality
- quickness
- rapidity
- rashness
- readiness
- rpm
- rush
- rustle
- sharpness
- shortness
- smartness
- speed
- speediness
- suddenness
- velocity
Here the free spirit of mankind, at length,
Throws its last fetters off; and who shall place
A limit to the giant's unchained strength,
Or curb his swiftness in the forward race?
His golden locks time hath to silver turned;
O time too swift! Oh swiftness never ceasing!
His youth 'gainst time and age hath ever spurned,
But spurned in vain; youth waneth by encreasing.