flight (n.)
- abandonment
- acciaccatura
- advance
- aeronautics
- aeroplane
- aircraft
- airlift
- airline
- airliner
- alienation
- appoggiatura
- arabesque
- army
- arrow
- arrowhead
- ascending
- ascent
- astronautics
- autism
- aviation
- backflowing
- backing
- ballooning
- barb
- bevy
- bolt
- break
- breakout
- bunch
- burn
- cadence
- cadenza
- career
- ceiling
- celerity
- charm
- climbing
- cloud
- clutter
- coloratura
- compensation
- course
- covey
- current
- dart
- decampment
- deliverance
- delivery
- departure
- descent
- desert
- desertion
- disappearance
- dispatch
- displacement
- dissociation
- division
- drift
- driftage
- ebbing
- egress
- elopement
- embellishment
- emergence
- emigration
- escadrille
- escape
- escapism
- evacuation
- evasion
- excursion
- exit
- exodus
- expatriation
- expedition
- extrication
- fantasy
- fastness
- feather
- flit
- flock
- flourish
- flow
- flurry
- flux
- flying
- freeing
- gaggle
- getaway
- gliding
- going
- grace
- hail
- haste
- hegira
- hive
- hop
- host
- hurry
- ignition
- immigration
- impact
- in-migration
- incidental
- instantaneousness
- isolation
- issuance
- issue
- jailbreak
- jam
- jump
- lam
- launch
- leak
- leakage
- leaving
- legion
- liberation
- lots
- many
- migration
- mob
- mounting
- muchness
- multitude
- murmuration
- negativism
- nest
- numbers
- onrush
- ornament
- out-migration
- outlet
- overcompensation
- pack
- parting
- passage
- passing
- pilotage
- plague
- plane
- plurality
- precipitation
- prisonbreak
- progress
- projection
- promptitude
- promptness
- quarrel
- quickness
- rapidity
- rationalization
- reed
- reflux
- regression
- release
- removal
- rescue
- resistance
- retirement
- retreat
- retrogression
- riddance
- rising
- roulade
- rout
- rpm
- ruck
- run
- rush
- sailing
- sailplaning
- scape
- scores
- set
- shaft
- shoal
- shoot
- shot
- sinking
- skedaddle
- skein
- slip
- soaring
- solo
- speed
- speediness
- split
- spring
- squadron
- stampede
- stream
- sublimation
- subsiding
- substitution
- swarm
- swiftness
- throng
- trajectory
- transmigration
- trek
- trend
- trip
- turn
- velocity
- vent
- volley
- walkout
- watch
- wing
- winging
- withdrawal
flight (v.)
- abscond
- advance
- airlift
- arrow
- barb
- bolt
- break
- bunch
- burn
- career
- ceiling
- charm
- cloud
- clutter
- course
- dart
- decamp
- depart
- desert
- dismiss
- dispatch
- disperse
- drift
- egress
- escape
- exit
- fantasy
- feather
- flee
- flit
- flock
- flourish
- flow
- flurry
- flux
- gaggle
- going
- grace
- hail
- hive
- hop
- host
- hurry
- impact
- issue
- jam
- jump
- lam
- launch
- leak
- mob
- nest
- ornament
- pack
- plague
- plane
- progress
- quarrel
- reed
- release
- rescue
- retreat
- rout
- ruck
- run
- rush
- scape
- set
- shaft
- shoal
- shoot
- skedaddle
- slip
- solo
- speed
- split
- spring
- stampede
- stream
- swarm
- throng
- trek
- trend
- trip
- turn
- vent
- volley
- watch
- wing
- withdraw
flight (adv.)
flight (adj.)
The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they while their companions slept
Were toiling upward in the night.
How blessings brighten as they take their flight!
But flies an eagle flight, bold and forth on,
Leaving no tract behind.
Once, in the flight of ages past,
There lived a man.
Above the vulgar flight of common souls.
The never-ending flight
Of future days.
Beyond this vale of tears
There is a life above,
Unmeasured by the flight of years;
And all that life is love.
In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft,
I shot his fellow of the selfsame flight
The selfsame way, with more advised watch,
To find the other forth; and by adventuring both,
I oft found both.