flock (n.)
- army
- assembly
- band
- bang
- bevy
- body
- brethren
- bunch
- charm
- chip
- class
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- collection
- colony
- company
- congregation
- convoy
- covey
- crowd
- crush
- dandruff
- deluge
- drift
- drive
- drove
- fetlock
- flake
- fleck
- fleet
- flight
- floccule
- flood
- fold
- forelock
- fringe
- gaggle
- galaxy
- gam
- gang
- gather
- gathering
- go
- group
- hail
- heap
- herd
- hive
- horde
- host
- jam
- kennel
- laity
- legion
- litter
- lots
- many
- mass
- meet
- minyan
- mob
- muchness
- multitude
- murmuration
- nest
- number
- numbers
- pack
- panoply
- paring
- parish
- people
- plague
- plurality
- pod
- pour
- press
- pride
- quantity
- quiff
- rabble
- rout
- ruck
- scale
- school
- scores
- scurf
- set
- shaving
- sheep
- shoal
- skein
- sloth
- society
- spate
- spring
- swarm
- throng
- trip
- troop
- troupe
- tuft
- watch
flock (v.)
- assemble
- band
- bang
- body
- bunch
- charm
- chip
- class
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- collect
- company
- congregate
- convoy
- crowd
- crush
- deluge
- drift
- drive
- flake
- fleck
- fleet
- flight
- flood
- fold
- forelock
- fringe
- gaggle
- gang
- gather
- go
- group
- hail
- heap
- herd
- hive
- host
- jam
- kennel
- litter
- mass
- meet
- mob
- nest
- number
- pack
- people
- plague
- pod
- pour
- press
- pride
- rabble
- rout
- ruck
- scale
- school
- set
- shoal
- skulk
- spring
- swarm
- throng
- trip
- troop
- watch
There is no flock, however watched and tended,
But one dead lamb is there;
There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended,
But has one vacant chair.
I am a tainted wether of the flock,
Meetest for death: the weakest kind of fruit
Drops earliest to the ground.