band (n.)
- affiliate
- alliance
- ally
- amass
- anklet
- application
- armlet
- articulate
- assemblage
- assembly
- associate
- association
- axis
- bandage
- bandaging
- bandeau
- bar
- battalion
- batten
- bed
- bedding
- belt
- bend
- bevy
- bind
- binder
- bloc
- blotch
- body
- bond
- border
- brace
- bracelet
- bracket
- brass
- bridge
- brigade
- bunch
- bundle
- cabal
- cast
- cataplasm
- cement
- chain
- channel
- check
- checker
- cinch
- cincture
- cingulum
- circle
- clique
- club
- cluster
- coalition
- cohort
- collar
- collect
- college
- combination
- combine
- combo
- company
- complement
- compress
- concert
- concord
- confederacy
- confederate
- confederation
- conjugate
- connect
- contingent
- cooperative
- corps
- coterie
- cotton
- council
- couple
- course
- cover
- covey
- crack
- cravat
- craze
- crew
- crowd
- dapple
- dash
- deck
- delineation
- detachment
- detail
- diagonal
- division
- dot
- dressing
- earring
- ecliptic
- edge
- embrace
- ensemble
- equator
- faction
- fascia
- federate
- federation
- fillet
- flake
- fleck
- fleet
- floor
- freckle
- fuse
- gallery
- gang
- gather
- gauze
- girdle
- girth
- glue
- group
- grouping
- hachure
- hairline
- harlequin
- hatching
- hoop
- horde
- iris
- join
- junta
- keep
- knot
- lace
- lash
- lath
- layer
- league
- leash
- ledge
- level
- ligula
- ligule
- line
- lineation
- link
- lint
- list
- loop
- machine
- marble
- marshal
- mass
- measures
- mob
- motley
- mottle
- movement
- neckband
- necklace
- orchestra
- outfit
- overlayer
- pack
- pair
- partner
- partnership
- party
- pepper
- phalanx
- philharmonic
- plank
- plaster
- platoon
- polychrome
- posse
- poultice
- quartet
- quintet
- quoit
- rainbow
- regiment
- ribband
- ribbon
- ring
- roller
- rope
- salon
- score
- seam
- set
- sextet
- shelf
- shred
- slash
- slat
- sling
- slip
- society
- solder
- span
- spangle
- speck
- speckle
- spill
- splice
- spline
- splint
- splotch
- sponge
- spot
- sprinkle
- squad
- stable
- stage
- step
- story
- strake
- strap
- stratum
- streak
- stria
- striate
- striation
- string
- strings
- strip
- stripe
- striping
- stroke
- strop
- stud
- stupe
- substratum
- superstratum
- swathe
- symphony
- taenia
- tampon
- tape
- tapeline
- tattoo
- team
- tent
- thickness
- tie
- tier
- topsoil
- tourniquet
- tribe
- trio
- troop
- troupe
- truss
- underline
- underscore
- union
- unite
- vein
- virgule
- weld
- wing
- wire
- woodwind
- wrap
- wristband
- wristlet
- yoke
- zodiac
- zone
band (v.)
- accumulate
- affiliate
- agglutinate
- ally
- amalgamate
- amass
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- bandage
- bar
- batten
- bed
- belt
- bend
- bespangle
- bespeckle
- bespot
- bind
- blotch
- body
- bond
- border
- brace
- bracket
- bridge
- brigade
- bunch
- bundle
- cabal
- cast
- cement
- chain
- channel
- check
- checker
- cinch
- circle
- club
- cluster
- coact
- coalesce
- collaborate
- collar
- collect
- collude
- combine
- company
- complement
- compress
- comprise
- concatenate
- concert
- concord
- concur
- confederate
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- consociate
- consolidate
- conspire
- cooperate
- copulate
- cotton
- couple
- course
- cover
- crack
- craze
- crew
- crowd
- dapple
- dash
- deck
- detail
- dot
- edge
- embrace
- encircle
- encompass
- federate
- fillet
- flake
- fleck
- fleet
- floor
- freckle
- fuse
- gang
- gather
- gird
- girdle
- girth
- glue
- group
- harlequin
- harmonize
- hoop
- include
- join
- keep
- knot
- lace
- lash
- layer
- league
- leash
- ledge
- level
- line
- link
- lint
- list
- loop
- machine
- maculate
- marble
- marbleize
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- merge
- mob
- mobilize
- motley
- mottle
- outfit
- pack
- pair
- partner
- party
- pepper
- plank
- plaster
- polychrome
- polychromize
- poultice
- reciprocate
- regiment
- ring
- roller
- rope
- score
- seam
- set
- shred
- slash
- slat
- sling
- slip
- solder
- span
- spangle
- speck
- speckle
- spill
- splice
- splint
- splotch
- sponge
- spot
- sprinkle
- stable
- stage
- step
- stigmatize
- stipple
- strap
- streak
- striate
- string
- strings
- strip
- stripe
- stroke
- strop
- stud
- swaddle
- swathe
- tampon
- tape
- tattoo
- team
- tent
- tessellate
- tie
- troop
- truss
- underline
- underscore
- unify
- unionize
- unite
- variegate
- vein
- weld
- wing
- wire
- wrap
- wreathe
- yoke
- zone
band (adj.)
- agglutinate
- ally
- amalgamate
- articulate
- associate
- bar
- bed
- belt
- bend
- bond
- cast
- chain
- channel
- collar
- collect
- confederate
- conjugate
- contingent
- cooperative
- course
- cover
- crack
- dash
- diagonal
- edge
- federate
- fleet
- floor
- fuse
- girt
- group
- hoop
- lace
- lash
- league
- level
- line
- lint
- list
- maculate
- mass
- motley
- party
- philharmonic
- polychrome
- ribbon
- ring
- score
- set
- shelf
- slip
- span
- speck
- spot
- stable
- stage
- step
- story
- strake
- streak
- striate
- string
- tent
- tie
- union
- wing
- wire
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
And raw in fields the rude militia swarms,
Mouths without hands; maintain'd at vast expense,
In peace a charge, in war a weak defence;
Stout once a month they march, a blustering band,
And ever but in times of need at hand.