deck (n.)
- ace
- apparel
- array
- attire
- bag
- bale
- band
- bang
- bash
- bat
- bed
- bedding
- belt
- biff
- blazon
- bolt
- booster
- bouquet
- bower
- budget
- bulldog
- bundle
- cards
- carpet
- clap
- clip
- clobber
- clout
- clubs
- clump
- color
- course
- cover
- crack
- cut
- dash
- deal
- deck
- deuce
- diamonds
- dose
- down
- draft
- drape
- dress
- drop
- dropping
- dud
- dummy
- earth
- endue
- fagot
- fardel
- fasces
- fell
- fetch
- fix
- floor
- flooring
- flush
- gallery
- garb
- garment
- garnish
- grace
- ground
- hand
- hearts
- hit
- injection
- jab
- jack
- joker
- king
- knave
- knock
- lap
- layer
- ledge
- level
- measures
- nosegay
- ornament
- overlayer
- overthrow
- overturn
- pack
- package
- packet
- paint
- pair
- parcel
- parquet
- paste
- pave
- pavement
- paving
- platform
- plunk
- poke
- poop
- popping
- portion
- posy
- potion
- prank
- precipitate
- punch
- quarterdeck
- queen
- quiver
- raiment
- rase
- raze
- redo
- robe
- roll
- rouleau
- round
- rubber
- ruff
- runway
- seam
- sheaf
- shelf
- shot
- shroud
- silence
- singleton
- slam
- slug
- smack
- snap
- soak
- sock
- spades
- stage
- step
- story
- straight
- stratum
- strike
- substratum
- superstratum
- surfacing
- swat
- swathe
- swipe
- thickness
- throw
- thump
- thwack
- tier
- tire
- topple
- topsoil
- trey
- trick
- trim
- trip
- trump
- truss
- tumble
- upset
- wallop
- whack
- whop
- wrap
- zone
deck (v.)
- accouter
- ace
- adorn
- apparel
- appoint
- array
- attire
- bag
- bale
- band
- bang
- bash
- bat
- beautify
- bed
- bedeck
- bedizen
- belt
- biff
- blazon
- bolt
- bonk
- bower
- budget
- bulldog
- bundle
- carpet
- clap
- clip
- clobber
- clothe
- clout
- clump
- coldcock
- color
- course
- cover
- crack
- cut
- dandify
- dash
- deal
- deck
- decorate
- dight
- dizen
- dose
- down
- draft
- drape
- dress
- drop
- dummy
- earth
- embellish
- emblazon
- embroider
- enclothe
- endue
- enrich
- enrobe
- enshroud
- envelop
- enwrap
- fagot
- fell
- fetch
- fix
- floor
- flush
- furbish
- furnish
- garb
- garment
- garnish
- grace
- ground
- habilitate
- hand
- hit
- invest
- jab
- jack
- king
- knock
- lap
- layer
- ledge
- level
- ornament
- overcome
- overdose
- overmaster
- overpower
- overthrow
- overturn
- pack
- package
- paint
- pair
- parcel
- paste
- pave
- plunk
- poke
- portion
- prank
- precipitate
- preen
- prettify
- primp
- prink
- prostrate
- punch
- queen
- quiver
- raiment
- rase
- raze
- redecorate
- redo
- refurbish
- robe
- roll
- round
- rubber
- ruff
- seam
- sheathe
- shroud
- silence
- slam
- slog
- slug
- smack
- smite
- snap
- soak
- sock
- spread-eagle
- stage
- step
- strike
- supinate
- surmount
- swaddle
- swat
- swathe
- swipe
- throw
- thump
- thwack
- tire
- titivate
- topple
- trick
- trim
- trip
- trump
- truss
- tumble
- upset
- wallop
- whack
- wham
- whop
- wrap
- zone
The boy stood on the burning deck,
Whence all but him had fled;
The flame that lit the battle's wreck
Shone round him o'er the dead.