portion (n.)
- adjunct
- allocation
- allot
- allotment
- allowance
- amount
- appanage
- apportionment
- assignment
- astrology
- bag
- bang
- batch
- beverage
- bit
- bite
- bolt
- booster
- budget
- bumper
- bunch
- chunk
- circumstance
- clutch
- coil
- commission
- component
- constellation
- contingent
- count
- course
- cover
- cup
- cut
- deal
- deck
- dessert
- destination
- destiny
- detachment
- detail
- dish
- district
- divide
- dividend
- division
- divvy
- dole
- doom
- dose
- dot
- dower
- dowry
- draft
- dram
- drink
- dropping
- end
- endowment
- entree
- entremets
- fatality
- fate
- fix
- fortune
- foundation
- fraction
- fragment
- future
- gob
- group
- gulp
- half
- heap
- help
- helping
- hit
- hunk
- inevitability
- injection
- installment
- interest
- investment
- issue
- item
- jointure
- kismet
- lap
- libation
- lot
- lump
- measure
- meed
- member
- mess
- mete
- modicum
- moiety
- morsel
- nip
- number
- pack
- parcel
- part
- particular
- partition
- peg
- percentage
- piece
- place
- plate
- platter
- popping
- potation
- potion
- proportion
- pull
- quadrant
- quaff
- quantity
- quantum
- quarter
- quota
- rake-off
- ration
- remainder
- roll
- run
- sample
- sampling
- scrap
- section
- sector
- segment
- service
- serving
- settlement
- share
- shift
- shot
- sip
- slice
- sliver
- slug
- snort
- split
- stake
- stars
- stock
- strip
- subdivision
- subgroup
- subspecies
- suck
- sum
- sup
- swig
- swill
- thirds
- tot
- wedge
- weird
- zone
portion (v.)
- administer
- allocate
- allot
- allowance
- amount
- apportion
- assign
- bag
- bang
- batch
- bit
- bite
- bolt
- budget
- bunch
- carve
- chunk
- clutch
- coil
- commission
- consign
- count
- course
- cover
- cup
- cut
- deal
- deck
- detail
- disburse
- dish
- dispense
- disperse
- dispose
- distribute
- district
- divide
- dole
- doom
- dose
- dot
- dower
- draft
- drench
- drink
- end
- fate
- fix
- foredoom
- fraction
- fragment
- group
- gulp
- guzzle
- heap
- help
- hit
- hunk
- interest
- issue
- lap
- lot
- lump
- measure
- member
- mess
- nip
- number
- overdose
- pack
- parcel
- part
- partition
- peg
- piece
- place
- plate
- platter
- proportion
- prorate
- pull
- quaff
- quarter
- ration
- remainder
- roll
- run
- sample
- scrap
- section
- segment
- service
- share
- shift
- sip
- slice
- sliver
- slug
- slurp
- snort
- split
- stake
- stock
- strip
- subdivide
- suck
- sum
- sup
- swig
- swill
- tot
- wedge
- zone
He wales a portion with judicious care;
And "Let us worship God," he says with solemn air.
  By labour and intent study (which I take to be my portion in this life), joined with the strong propensity of nature, I might perhaps leave something so written to after times as they should not willingly let it die.
I live not in myself, but I become
Portion of that around me; and to me
High mountains are a feeling, but the hum
Of human cities torture.
What is the end of fame? 'T is but to fill
A certain portion of uncertain paper.
That best portion of a good man's life,—
His little, nameless, unremembered acts
Of kindness and of love.