bolt (n.)
- apostasy
- arrow
- arrowhead
- articulate
- backsliding
- bale
- bang
- bar
- barb
- barricade
- barrier
- batten
- betrayal
- block
- blockade
- blow
- boil
- bola
- bomb
- bombshell
- boomerang
- bouquet
- breakaway
- brickbat
- buckle
- budget
- bundle
- butt
- button
- career
- catch
- charge
- chase
- chock
- choke
- clap
- clasp
- clear
- cleat
- clip
- close
- coil
- connect
- contract
- cordon
- cover
- crowd
- dart
- dash
- debar
- decampment
- deck
- defect
- defection
- dereliction
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- disappearance
- disloyalty
- divide
- dog
- dovetail
- ejaculate
- elope
- elopement
- escape
- exit
- extract
- fagot
- faithlessness
- fardel
- fasces
- filter
- filtrate
- fireball
- fix
- flight
- fling
- fly
- fold
- fulmination
- gobble
- gorge
- grade
- group
- gulp
- hasp
- haste
- hegira
- hie
- hinge
- hitch
- hook
- hump
- hurry
- jam
- joint
- jump
- key
- lash
- latch
- leach
- length
- levant
- lightning
- lock
- missile
- miter
- mortise
- nail
- nosegay
- pack
- package
- packet
- padlock
- parcel
- part
- peg
- percolate
- piece
- pin
- plumb
- portion
- post
- posy
- projectile
- quarantine
- quarrel
- quiver
- rabbet
- race
- rank
- rat
- ratting
- raven
- recidivism
- reed
- revelation
- riddle
- rivet
- rock
- rocket
- rod
- roll
- rouleau
- run
- rush
- scamper
- scarf
- schism
- scour
- scramble
- screen
- screw
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- seal
- secession
- segregate
- separate
- shaft
- sheaf
- shock
- shocker
- shoot
- sieve
- size
- skedaddle
- skewer
- skip
- slam
- slop
- snap
- sort
- spring
- squeeze
- staple
- startle
- stick
- stifle
- stitch
- stone
- straight
- strain
- strip
- stuff
- sublimate
- subordinate
- surprise
- switch
- tack
- tear
- thrash
- thunderbolt
- toggle
- torpedo
- treason
- truss
- try
- volley
- waddy
- walkout
- wedge
- winnow
- wolf
- zipper
bolt (v.)
- abscond
- absquatulate
- apostatize
- arrow
- articulate
- assort
- attach
- bale
- bang
- bar
- barb
- barricade
- batten
- betray
- blat
- block
- blockade
- blow
- boil
- bomb
- bombshell
- boomerang
- buckle
- budget
- bundle
- butt
- button
- career
- catch
- categorize
- charge
- chase
- chock
- choke
- clap
- clarify
- clasp
- classify
- clear
- cleat
- clip
- close
- coil
- collate
- connect
- constrict
- contain
- contract
- cover
- cram
- crowd
- dart
- dash
- debar
- decamp
- deck
- defect
- depart
- desert
- devour
- distill
- divide
- dog
- dovetail
- edulcorate
- ejaculate
- elope
- elute
- engorge
- erect
- escape
- exit
- extract
- fagot
- fasten
- filter
- filtrate
- fix
- flee
- flight
- fling
- fly
- fold
- ghettoize
- gluttonize
- gobble
- gorge
- gormandize
- gradate
- grade
- group
- gulp
- guttle
- guzzle
- hasp
- hasten
- hie
- hinge
- hitch
- hook
- hump
- hurry
- hurtle
- ingurgitate
- insulate
- jam
- joint
- jump
- key
- lash
- latch
- leach
- levant
- lock
- miter
- mortise
- nail
- obstruct
- occlude
- pack
- package
- padlock
- parcel
- part
- peg
- percolate
- piece
- pin
- plumb
- portion
- post
- purify
- quarantine
- quarrel
- quiver
- rabbet
- race
- rank
- rat
- raven
- rectify
- reed
- refine
- riddle
- rivet
- rock
- rocket
- rod
- roll
- run
- rush
- scamper
- scarf
- scoot
- scour
- scram
- scramble
- screen
- screw
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- seal
- secede
- seclude
- secure
- segregate
- separate
- sew
- shaft
- shock
- shoot
- shut
- sieve
- sift
- size
- skedaddle
- skewer
- skip
- slam
- slop
- slosh
- snap
- sort
- spiritualize
- spring
- squeeze
- staple
- startle
- stick
- stifle
- stitch
- stone
- strain
- strangle
- strangulate
- strip
- stuff
- sublimate
- sublime
- subordinate
- suffocate
- surprise
- switch
- tack
- tear
- thrash
- thresh
- toggle
- torpedo
- truss
- try
- volley
- wedge
- winnow
- wolf
- zipper
bolt (adv.)
And the imperial votaress passed on,
In maiden meditation, fancy-free.
Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
It fell upon a little western flower,
Before milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
And maidens call it love-in-idleness.
A fooles bolt is soone shot.