career (n.)
- advance
- advancement
- art
- ascending
- ascent
- backflowing
- backing
- blunder
- bolt
- business
- calling
- careen
- careerism
- chase
- climbing
- clip
- course
- craft
- current
- dart
- dash
- descent
- drift
- driftage
- ebbing
- employment
- falter
- flight
- fling
- flounce
- flounder
- flow
- flux
- fly
- forwarding
- furtherance
- gait
- game
- go-ahead
- handicraft
- haste
- headway
- hie
- hump
- hurry
- initiate
- job
- labor
- lick
- lifework
- line
- livelihood
- lurch
- march
- metier
- mission
- mounting
- mystery
- number
- occupation
- onrush
- pace
- passage
- pitch
- plunge
- post
- practice
- profession
- professional
- progress
- progression
- progressiveness
- promotion
- pursuit
- race
- racket
- rate
- reel
- reflux
- regression
- retrogression
- rising
- rock
- roll
- rolling
- run
- rush
- scamper
- scour
- scramble
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- set
- shoot
- sinking
- skedaddle
- soaring
- specialization
- specialty
- speed
- stagger
- step
- stream
- stride
- struggle
- stumble
- subsiding
- sway
- swing
- tear
- technical
- toss
- totter
- trade
- travel
- tread
- trend
- tumble
- vocation
- walk
- wallop
- wallow
- way
- welter
- work
- zoom
career (v.)
- advance
- art
- blunder
- bolt
- careen
- chase
- clip
- course
- craft
- dart
- dash
- drift
- falter
- flight
- fling
- flounce
- flounder
- flow
- flux
- fly
- game
- hasten
- headway
- hie
- hump
- hurry
- hurtle
- initiate
- job
- labor
- lick
- line
- lurch
- march
- mission
- number
- pace
- pitch
- plunge
- post
- practice
- progress
- race
- racket
- rate
- reel
- rock
- roll
- rolling
- run
- rush
- scamper
- scoot
- scour
- scramble
- scud
- scurry
- scuttle
- seethe
- set
- shoot
- skedaddle
- speed
- stagger
- step
- stream
- stride
- struggle
- stumble
- sway
- swing
- tear
- toss
- totter
- trade
- travel
- tread
- trend
- tumble
- walk
- wallop
- wallow
- way
- welter
- work
- zoom
Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humour? No, the world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.