descent (n.)
- abasement
- advance
- affiliation
- array
- articulation
- ascending
- ascent
- backflowing
- backing
- bank
- birth
- blood
- bloodline
- branch
- breed
- brood
- burn
- buzz
- career
- catena
- catenation
- ceiling
- chain
- check
- children
- climbing
- comedown
- concatenation
- concavity
- connection
- consanguinity
- continuation
- continuity
- continuum
- course
- current
- cycle
- de-escalation
- debasement
- decadence
- decadency
- declension
- declination
- decline
- declivity
- deflation
- deformation
- degeneracy
- degeneration
- degradation
- demotion
- depravation
- depreciation
- depression
- derivation
- derogation
- descendants
- deterioration
- devolution
- diminution
- dip
- discomfiture
- disgrace
- down
- downgrade
- downhill
- downturn
- drift
- driftage
- drone
- drop
- ducking
- dump
- dying
- ebb
- ebbing
- embarrassment
- extension
- extraction
- fading
- failing
- failure
- fall
- family
- file
- filiation
- flight
- flow
- flux
- following
- fruit
- gamut
- gradation
- grade
- gradient
- hang
- hanging
- hollowness
- house
- hum
- humiliation
- ignition
- image
- impact
- incline
- involution
- issue
- lapse
- launch
- letdown
- line
- lineage
- lowering
- monotone
- mortification
- mounting
- nexus
- offspring
- onrush
- order
- origin
- passage
- pedigree
- pendulum
- periodicity
- phylum
- picture
- plenum
- posteriority
- posterity
- postposition
- procession
- progeny
- progress
- progression
- prolongation
- put-down
- queue
- race
- range
- rank
- recount
- recurrence
- reduction
- reflux
- regression
- render
- report
- reticulation
- retrogression
- reversal
- reverse
- rise
- rising
- rotation
- round
- routine
- row
- run
- rush
- scale
- seed
- self-abasement
- self-abnegation
- sept
- sequence
- series
- set
- setback
- shame
- shamefacedness
- shoot
- shot
- side
- sinking
- slippage
- slope
- slump
- soaring
- sons
- spectrum
- state
- stem
- stock
- strain
- stream
- string
- subjunction
- submergence
- subsiding
- succession
- successiveness
- suffixation
- swath
- thread
- throwback
- tier
- train
- trajectory
- trend
- wane
descent (adj.)
- advance
- ascending
- ascent
- blood
- branch
- breed
- burn
- buzz
- chain
- climbing
- course
- current
- delineate
- descending
- down
- downhill
- drift
- dying
- fading
- failing
- flight
- following
- grade
- hanging
- house
- hum
- line
- lowering
- monotone
- ongoing
- order
- pedigree
- range
- rank
- reverse
- rise
- rising
- round
- routine
- row
- run
- rush
- scale
- seed
- series
- set
- shot
- side
- slope
- soaring
- state
- stock
- stream
- string
- throwback
That in our proper motion we ascend
Up to our native seat: descent and fall
To us is adverse.
From yon blue heaven above us bent,
The grand old gardener and his wife
Smile at the claims of long descent.
Anaxagoras said to a man who was grieving because he was dying in a foreign land, "The descent to Hades is the same from every place."