row (n.)
- ado
- advance
- affray
- agitation
- alley
- alleyway
- altercation
- array
- artery
- articulation
- autostrada
- avenue
- bank
- bedlam
- beef
- bicker
- bickering
- blast
- bluster
- boat
- boil
- boiling
- bother
- boulevard
- bowl
- brawl
- broil
- brouhaha
- bunt
- bustle
- butt
- buzz
- bypass
- byway
- cacophony
- canoe
- carpet
- carriageway
- catena
- catenation
- caterwaul
- causeway
- chain
- chaos
- charivari
- churn
- clamor
- clangor
- clap
- clatter
- close
- coast
- commotion
- concatenation
- connection
- continuum
- course
- court
- crescent
- cross
- cruise
- cycle
- descent
- dike
- din
- discomposure
- discord
- disorder
- dispute
- disquiet
- disquietude
- disturbance
- drive
- driveway
- drone
- dustup
- ebullition
- echelon
- embroilment
- excitement
- expressway
- fanaticism
- feather
- ferment
- fermentation
- fever
- feverishness
- fight
- file
- filiation
- flap
- flurry
- fluster
- fomentation
- forward
- fracas
- fray
- free-for-all
- freeway
- frenzy
- fume
- furor
- furore
- fury
- fuss
- gamut
- gob
- gradation
- hassle
- highroad
- highway
- howl
- hubbub
- hullabaloo
- hum
- inquietude
- jangle
- jaw
- jitters
- jumpiness
- lane
- line
- lineage
- maelstrom
- malaise
- melee
- mews
- moil
- monotone
- motorboat
- motorway
- move
- mush
- nervousness
- nexus
- noise
- oar
- order
- outcry
- pace
- paddle
- pandemonium
- parkway
- passion
- pave
- pedal
- pendulum
- periodicity
- perturbation
- pike
- place
- plenum
- ply
- pole
- pother
- progression
- propel
- pull
- punt
- push
- queue
- racket
- rage
- rampage
- range
- rank
- rattle
- recurrence
- restlessness
- reticulation
- rhubarb
- riot
- road
- roadbed
- roadway
- roar
- roil
- roll
- rotation
- rough-and-tumble
- round
- rout
- routine
- ruckus
- ruction
- rumble
- rumpus
- run
- run-in
- sail
- scale
- scramble
- scrap
- scrimmage
- scud
- scull
- sequel
- sequence
- series
- set-to
- shindy
- shivaree
- shoot
- shove
- shunt
- spat
- spectrum
- speedway
- squabble
- steam
- steamboat
- stir
- storminess
- street
- string
- succession
- superhighway
- swath
- sweep
- swirl
- tempestuousness
- terrace
- thoroughfare
- thread
- thrust
- thruway
- thunder
- thunderclap
- tier
- tiff
- to-do
- train
- trap
- traverse
- treadle
- trepidation
- trepidity
- troll
- trouble
- trundle
- tumult
- tumultuousness
- turbidity
- turbulence
- turmoil
- turnpike
- unease
- unrest
- uproar
- upset
- voyage
- wildness
- wrangle
- yacht
- yap
- zeal
row (v.)
- ado
- advance
- align
- array
- bank
- beef
- berate
- bicker
- blast
- bluster
- boat
- boil
- bother
- bowl
- brawl
- broil
- bunt
- bustle
- butt
- buzz
- bypass
- canoe
- carpet
- caterwaul
- causeway
- chain
- churn
- circumnavigate
- clamor
- clangor
- clap
- clatter
- close
- coast
- course
- court
- cross
- cruise
- cycle
- dike
- din
- discord
- disorder
- dispute
- disquiet
- drive
- drone
- feather
- ferment
- fight
- file
- flap
- flurry
- fluster
- foment
- forward
- fray
- fume
- fuss
- hassle
- howl
- hum
- impel
- jangle
- jaw
- lane
- line
- moil
- motorboat
- move
- mush
- navigate
- noise
- oar
- order
- outcry
- pace
- paddle
- pave
- pedal
- pike
- place
- ply
- pole
- pother
- propel
- pull
- punt
- push
- queue
- racket
- rage
- rampage
- range
- rank
- rattle
- riot
- road
- roar
- roil
- roll
- roughhouse
- round
- rout
- rumble
- rumpus
- run
- sail
- scale
- scramble
- scrap
- scrimmage
- scud
- scull
- seethe
- sequence
- shoot
- shove
- shunt
- spat
- squabble
- steam
- stir
- string
- sweep
- swirl
- terrace
- thread
- thrust
- thunder
- train
- trap
- traverse
- treadle
- troll
- trouble
- trundle
- upset
- voyage
- wrangle
- yacht
- yap
row (adv.)
row (adj.)
- ado
- advance
- align
- arterial
- berate
- buzz
- carpet
- chain
- circumferential
- close
- course
- crescent
- cross
- descent
- forward
- helter-skelter
- hum
- knock-down-and-drag-out
- lane
- line
- monotone
- oar
- order
- pedal
- pell-mell
- place
- ply
- rage
- range
- rank
- riot
- road
- roll
- rough-and-tumble
- round
- routine
- run
- scale
- seething
- series
- stir
- street
- string
- tiff
- to-do
- upset
Row, brothers, row, the stream runs fast,
The rapids are near, and the daylight's past.
Like the watermen that row one way and look another.