rout (n.)
- agitation
- army
- attendance
- attendant
- bafflement
- balk
- batter
- beat
- beating
- bellow
- best
- bevy
- bluster
- boil
- boiling
- brouhaha
- bunch
- bustle
- cakewalk
- chase
- check
- checkmate
- churn
- clamor
- clobber
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- cohort
- collapse
- commotion
- confusion
- conquest
- cortege
- court
- covey
- cream
- crowd
- crush
- debacle
- defeat
- deluge
- discomfiture
- discomposure
- disorder
- dispersal
- disquiet
- disquietude
- disturbance
- dregs
- drive
- drubbing
- dust
- ebullition
- embroilment
- entourage
- excitement
- ferment
- fermentation
- fever
- feverishness
- flap
- flight
- flock
- flood
- flurry
- fluster
- foil
- follower
- following
- frustration
- fume
- fuss
- galaxy
- hail
- heap
- hiding
- hive
- horde
- host
- hubbub
- inquietude
- jam
- jitters
- jumpiness
- legion
- lick
- licking
- lots
- maelstrom
- malaise
- mangle
- many
- mass
- massacre
- masses
- mob
- moil
- muchness
- multitude
- murder
- nervousness
- nest
- numbers
- overrun
- overthrow
- pack
- panic
- panoply
- parasite
- perturbation
- plurality
- press
- proletariat
- rabble
- rag
- ragtag
- ravage
- rebuff
- repulse
- restlessness
- retinue
- retreat
- reversal
- reverse
- riffraff
- roar
- roil
- romp
- row
- ruck
- ruin
- satellite
- scatter
- scores
- setback
- shellac
- shoal
- skunk
- smash
- smother
- spate
- squash
- stampede
- stifle
- stir
- subjugation
- suite
- swarm
- swirl
- tag
- thrash
- thrashing
- throng
- to-do
- topple
- train
- trample
- trash
- trepidation
- trepidity
- trim
- trouncing
- tumult
- turbidity
- turbulence
- turmoil
- unease
- unrest
- upset
- walkaway
- walkover
- wallop
- warming
- whip
- worst
rout (v.)
- annihilate
- balk
- batter
- bawl
- beat
- bellow
- best
- bluster
- boil
- bunch
- bustle
- cakewalk
- chase
- check
- checkmate
- churn
- clamor
- clobber
- cloud
- cluster
- clutter
- collapse
- confound
- conquer
- court
- cream
- crowd
- crush
- defeat
- deluge
- demolish
- destroy
- devastate
- discomfit
- disorder
- dispel
- disquiet
- drive
- drub
- dust
- eliminate
- eradicate
- expel
- exterminate
- ferment
- flap
- flatten
- flight
- flock
- flood
- flurry
- fluster
- foil
- foment
- fume
- fuss
- hail
- heap
- hive
- host
- jam
- lambaste
- lick
- liquidate
- mangle
- mass
- massacre
- mob
- moil
- murder
- mutilate
- nest
- obliterate
- overpower
- overrun
- overthrow
- overwhelm
- pack
- panic
- press
- pulverize
- rabble
- rag
- ravage
- rebuff
- repulse
- retreat
- reversal
- reverse
- roar
- roil
- romp
- row
- ruck
- ruin
- satellite
- scatter
- seethe
- shatter
- shellac
- shoal
- skunk
- smash
- smother
- squash
- stampede
- stifle
- stir
- subdue
- subjugate
- suppress
- swarm
- swirl
- tag
- thrash
- throng
- topple
- train
- trample
- trash
- trim
- trounce
- upset
- vanquish
- wallop
- whip
- worst
With ruin upon ruin, rout on rout,
Confusion worse confounded.
Wedlock, indeed, hath oft compared been
To public feasts, where meet a public rout,—
Where they that are without would fain go in,
And they that are within would fain go out.
He sees that this great roundabout
The world, with all its motley rout,
Church, army, physic, law,
Its customs and its businesses,
Is no concern at all of his,
And says—what says he?—Caw.