press (n.)
- advice
- adviser
- advocate
- annex
- announcer
- annunciator
- army
- ask
- aspirator
- assault
- authority
- bear
- bearing
- bed
- beg
- boost
- bosom
- broadcasting
- buck
- bug
- bull
- bump
- bundle
- bunt
- bustle
- butt
- buttonhole
- calender
- call
- channel
- clamp
- clasp
- clinch
- clip
- cluster
- clutch
- coax
- collect
- communicant
- communications
- communicator
- compact
- compress
- compression
- compulsion
- concentrate
- conscript
- conscription
- constraint
- convergence
- converging
- corkscrew
- crisis
- crowbar
- crowd
- crowding
- crunch
- crush
- deluge
- demand
- dig
- dispatch
- draft
- drafting
- drive
- drove
- dun
- elbow
- embrace
- emergency
- enlistment
- enrollment
- exigency
- express
- extractor
- flock
- flood
- fold
- force
- forceps
- forward
- galaxy
- garnish
- gather
- gathering
- goad
- gossipmonger
- grapevine
- haste
- haul
- head
- heap
- heave
- herd
- horde
- host
- huddle
- hug
- hurry
- hustle
- imperativeness
- impress
- impressment
- impulse
- impulsion
- induction
- informant
- information
- informer
- intelligence
- interviewee
- iron
- jab
- jam
- jawbone
- jog
- joggle
- join
- jolt
- jostle
- journalism
- legion
- levy
- list
- lobby
- makeready
- mangle
- mash
- mass
- meet
- mill
- mob
- mobilization
- monitor
- mouthpiece
- move
- multitude
- muster
- nag
- news
- newsletter
- newsmonger
- newspaper
- newsworthiness
- nip
- nudge
- overstrain
- pack
- panoply
- pile
- pincers
- pinch
- pipette
- plague
- platen
- pliers
- ply
- poke
- precipitate
- pressure
- prod
- propel
- publisher
- publishing
- pull
- pump
- punch
- push
- rabble
- rack
- radio
- raise
- ram
- rattle
- recruit
- recruitment
- reportage
- reporter
- request
- roll
- rout
- ruck
- run
- rush
- separator
- shake
- shoulder
- shove
- siphon
- smooth
- source
- spate
- speed
- spokesman
- spur
- squab
- squash
- squeeze
- squeezing
- squish
- stampede
- steam
- strain
- stress
- stretch
- stuff
- summons
- swarm
- tamp
- tax
- tease
- television
- teller
- tense
- tension
- throng
- thrust
- tidings
- tightening
- tipster
- tout
- tug
- tweak
- tweezers
- urge
- urgency
- web
- whip
- witness
- word
- wringer
press (v.)
- accelerate
- advocate
- annex
- ask
- assault
- assemble
- assert
- attach
- bear
- bed
- beg
- beseech
- beset
- besiege
- blandish
- boost
- bosom
- buck
- bug
- bull
- bulldoze
- bump
- bundle
- bunt
- bustle
- butt
- buttonhole
- cajole
- calender
- call
- channel
- clamp
- clasp
- clinch
- clip
- cluster
- clutch
- coax
- collect
- collectivize
- commandeer
- communalize
- communize
- compact
- compel
- compress
- concentrate
- condense
- confiscate
- congest
- congregate
- conscript
- consolidate
- constrain
- contend
- converge
- corkscrew
- cram
- crowd
- crunch
- crush
- deluge
- demand
- depress
- detach
- dig
- dispatch
- distrain
- draft
- drive
- dun
- elbow
- embrace
- enfold
- enlist
- enroll
- entreat
- exhort
- expedite
- express
- expropriate
- flatten
- flock
- flood
- fold
- force
- forward
- garnish
- gather
- goad
- hasten
- haul
- head
- heap
- heave
- herd
- host
- huddle
- hug
- hurry
- hurtle
- hustle
- impel
- importune
- impound
- impress
- induce
- induct
- insist
- iron
- jab
- jam
- jawbone
- jog
- joggle
- join
- jolt
- jostle
- levy
- list
- lobby
- maintain
- mangle
- mash
- mass
- meet
- mill
- mob
- mobilize
- monitor
- move
- muster
- nag
- nationalize
- nip
- nudge
- oppress
- overexert
- overextend
- overstrain
- overtax
- pack
- persist
- persuade
- pester
- pile
- pinch
- plague
- ply
- poke
- precipitate
- pressure
- prod
- propel
- provoke
- pull
- pump
- punch
- push
- quicken
- rabble
- rack
- radio
- raise
- ram
- rattle
- recommend
- recruit
- request
- roll
- rout
- ruck
- run
- rush
- sadden
- seethe
- sequester
- sequestrate
- shake
- shoulder
- shove
- siphon
- smooth
- socialize
- soft-soap
- solidify
- source
- speed
- spur
- squash
- squeeze
- squish
- stampede
- steam
- strain
- stress
- stretch
- stuff
- summon
- summons
- swarm
- sweet-talk
- tamp
- tax
- tease
- tense
- throng
- thrust
- tighten
- tout
- tug
- tweak
- urge
- web
- wheedle
- whip
- witness
- word
press (adv.)
press (adj.)
- army
- ask
- bearing
- bed
- channel
- collect
- compact
- confiscate
- demand
- dig
- draft
- dun
- enfold
- express
- fold
- force
- forward
- gathering
- haste
- head
- heap
- high-pressure
- iron
- legion
- list
- mass
- meet
- mill
- ply
- poke
- precipitate
- pressure
- rabble
- rack
- radio
- ram
- roll
- ruck
- run
- rush
- shoulder
- smooth
- source
- spate
- speed
- squab
- stretch
- tense
- tension
- tout
- whip
Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political; peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations,—entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns, and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies; the preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigour, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad; . . . . freedom of religion; freedom of the press; freedom of person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected,—these principles form the bright constellation which has gone before us, and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.
Press not a falling man too far!
Here shall the Press the People's right maintain,
Unaw'd by influence and unbrib'd by gain;
Here patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw,
Pledg'd to Religion, Liberty, and Law.
Awake, my soul! stretch every nerve,
And press with vigour on;
A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.