bull (n.)
- aerogram
- anacoluthon
- appointment
- assault
- aurochs
- babble
- balderdash
- balls
- baloney
- bear
- beef
- bilge
- billy
- bison
- blabber
- blah
- blather
- blatherskite
- blooper
- bluebottle
- bluecoat
- blunder
- boar
- bobby
- boner
- boost
- bop
- bosh
- bovine
- brevet
- buck
- buffalo
- bullock
- bullshit
- bump
- bungle
- bunk
- bunkum
- bunt
- butt
- calf
- carabao
- catachresis
- cattle
- claptrap
- cock
- cockerel
- commandant
- constable
- cop
- copper
- cow
- crap
- critter
- crowd
- custodian
- declaration
- decree
- dick
- dictum
- dig
- dog
- dogie
- drake
- drive
- drivel
- drool
- edict
- elbow
- encyclical
- entire
- eyewash
- fat
- fiat
- flam
- flatfoot
- flimflam
- fluff
- force
- fuzz
- gabble
- gammon
- gander
- gaoler
- gas
- gendarme
- gibber
- goad
- gobbler
- governor
- great
- guard
- guardian
- guff
- gumshoe
- hart
- he-goat
- heifer
- hogwash
- hoke
- hokum
- hooey
- humbug
- husky
- hustle
- jab
- jabber
- jailer
- jam
- jiggery-pokery
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- keeper
- kine
- lapse
- law
- leppy
- long
- malaprop
- malapropism
- malarkey
- male
- manlike
- masculine
- maverick
- milcher
- milker
- mispronunciation
- mistake
- moonshine
- neat
- newsletter
- nudge
- officer
- ordinance
- ox
- oxen
- paddy
- peacock
- peeler
- piffle
- pig
- poke
- poppycock
- prate
- prattle
- press
- proclamation
- prod
- pronouncement
- pronunciamento
- punch
- push
- ram
- rattle
- rescript
- rooster
- rot
- rule
- ruling
- run
- scat
- screw
- shake
- shamus
- shit
- shoulder
- shove
- slip
- solecism
- spoonerism
- stag
- stallion
- steer
- stirk
- stress
- stud
- studhorse
- tamp
- thrust
- tom
- tomcat
- tommyrot
- trip
- tripe
- tup
- turnkey
- twaddle
- ukase
- vapor
- waffle
- warden
- warder
- wether
- whipsaw
- wind
- wisent
- yak
- yearling
- zebu
bull (v.)
- assault
- babble
- bear
- beef
- bilge
- blabber
- blather
- blunder
- boost
- bop
- bosh
- brevet
- buck
- buffalo
- bulldoze
- bullshit
- bump
- bungle
- bunk
- bunt
- butt
- cock
- cop
- copper
- cow
- cram
- crap
- crowd
- decree
- dig
- dog
- drive
- drivel
- drool
- edict
- elbow
- fat
- flam
- fluff
- force
- gabble
- gas
- gibber
- goad
- guard
- hart
- hoke
- humbug
- hurtle
- hustle
- jab
- jabber
- jam
- jog
- joggle
- jolt
- jostle
- lapse
- law
- long
- mistake
- moonshine
- nudge
- officer
- ox
- piffle
- pig
- poke
- prate
- prattle
- press
- prod
- punch
- push
- ram
- rattle
- rot
- rule
- run
- scat
- screw
- shake
- shit
- shoulder
- shove
- slip
- stag
- steer
- stress
- stud
- tamp
- thrust
- tom
- trip
- tripe
- tup
- twaddle
- waffle
- whipsaw
- wind
- yak
That jewell'd mass of millinery,
That oil'd and curl'd Assyrian Bull.
Dog, ounce, bear, and bull,
Wolfe, lion, horse.
No solemn sanctimonious face I pull,
Nor think I'm pious when I'm only bilious;
Nor study in my sanctum supercilious,
To frame a Sabbath Bill or forge a Bull.
Did not Jupiter transforme himselfe into the shape of Amphitrio to embrace Alcmaena; into the form of a swan to enjoy Leda; into a Bull to beguile Io; into a showre of gold to win Danae?