prate (n.)
- absurdity
- amphigory
- babble
- balderdash
- blab
- blabber
- blather
- blether
- blow
- bombast
- brag
- bull
- bullshit
- cackle
- chat
- chatter
- clack
- claptrap
- clatter
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- crow
- dither
- drivel
- drool
- fiddle-faddle
- flummery
- folderol
- fudge
- fustian
- gab
- gabble
- gammon
- gas
- gasconade
- gibber
- gibberish
- gobbledygook
- gossip
- guff
- gush
- haver
- hocus-pocus
- humbug
- jabber
- jargon
- jaw
- mouth
- nonsense
- palaver
- patter
- piffle
- prattle
- puff
- rant
- rattle
- rigamarole
- rigmarole
- rodomontade
- rubbish
- spout
- tittle-tattle
- trash
- trumpery
- twaddle
- vapor
- vaporing
- vaunt
- waffle
- yak
prate (v.)
- babble
- blab
- blabber
- blather
- blether
- blow
- brag
- bull
- bullshit
- cackle
- chat
- chatter
- clack
- clatter
- crow
- dither
- drivel
- drool
- fudge
- gab
- gabble
- gas
- gasconade
- gibber
- gossip
- gush
- humbug
- jabber
- jaw
- mouth
- natter
- palaver
- patter
- piffle
- prattle
- puff
- rant
- rattle
- rubbish
- spout
- tittle-tattle
- trash
- twaddle
- vaunt
- waffle
- yak
Thou sure and firm-set earth,
Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear
Thy very stones prate of my whereabout.