trip (n.)
- airlift
- allure
- amble
- antic
- apparition
- army
- atrocity
- autism
- balk
- barge
- birdlime
- blooper
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- boner
- boo-boo
- boob
- botch
- bounce
- bound
- brainchild
- breach
- bubble
- bull
- bulldog
- bunch
- bundle
- bungle
- butcher
- campaign
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- careen
- catch
- chimera
- circuit
- clog
- clump
- colony
- course
- crime
- cropper
- cruise
- curvet
- dance
- daydream
- deception
- deck
- decoy
- degenerate
- delinquency
- delirium
- delusion
- dereliction
- deviate
- dive
- down
- drag
- dream
- dreamland
- dreamworld
- drift
- drive
- drop
- drove
- enormity
- entangle
- err
- erratum
- error
- evil
- excursion
- expedition
- failure
- fall
- falter
- fancy
- fantasy
- fault
- fell
- felony
- fiction
- figment
- flight
- flock
- floor
- flop
- flounce
- flounder
- flub
- fluff
- foot
- fox-trot
- frisk
- frolic
- fumble
- gallop
- gam
- gambol
- gang
- gaucherie
- genocide
- get
- gin
- git
- ground
- hallucination
- halt
- hash
- header
- herd
- hitch
- hobble
- hoof
- hook
- hop
- host
- hotfoot
- illusion
- imagery
- imagination
- impropriety
- inadvertence
- inadvertency
- indiscretion
- iniquity
- injury
- injustice
- invention
- jaunt
- jog
- jolt
- journey
- jump
- junket
- kennel
- lapse
- leap
- level
- lime
- limp
- list
- litter
- lope
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- lure
- maggot
- make-believe
- malfeasance
- mar
- mesh
- mess
- mince
- misconception
- miscue
- misdeed
- misdemeanor
- misfeasance
- misstep
- mistake
- muddle
- muff
- murder
- myth
- net
- nonfeasance
- noose
- offense
- omission
- outing
- outrage
- oversight
- overthrow
- overturn
- pace
- pack
- paddle
- peccadillo
- peg
- peregrination
- phantasm
- phantom
- piaffe
- pilgrimage
- pitch
- play
- plod
- plunge
- pod
- prance
- pratfall
- precipitate
- pride
- progress
- rack
- ramp
- rap
- rase
- raze
- release
- roll
- romance
- romp
- run
- safari
- sally
- sashay
- saunter
- school
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- self-deceit
- self-deception
- shake
- shamble
- shimmy
- shoal
- shoot
- shuffle
- silence
- sin
- single-foot
- skip
- slip
- sloth
- slouch
- snare
- snarl
- solo
- spill
- spoil
- sport
- sprawl
- spring
- sprint
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stray
- stride
- stroll
- strut
- stumble
- stump
- swagger
- swing
- tangle
- throw
- tilt
- topple
- tort
- totter
- tour
- transgression
- trap
- travel
- trek
- trespass
- trick
- trigger
- troop
- trot
- trudge
- tumble
- turn
- upset
- vapor
- vision
- visit
- voyage
- waddle
- waltz
- whim
- whimsy
- wiggle
- wind
- wobble
- wrong
trip (v.)
- airlift
- allure
- amble
- antic
- backslide
- balk
- barge
- birdlime
- blunder
- bob
- bobble
- boggle
- boob
- botch
- bounce
- bound
- breach
- bubble
- bull
- bulldog
- bumble
- bunch
- bundle
- bungle
- butcher
- campaign
- canter
- caper
- capriole
- capsize
- caracole
- careen
- catch
- cavort
- circuit
- clog
- clump
- course
- cruise
- curvet
- dance
- daydream
- deck
- decoy
- degenerate
- detonate
- deviate
- disconcert
- disport
- dive
- down
- drag
- dream
- drift
- drive
- drop
- enmesh
- ensnare
- ensnarl
- entangle
- entrap
- err
- evil
- explode
- fall
- falter
- fancy
- fantasy
- fault
- fell
- flight
- flock
- floor
- flop
- flounce
- flounder
- flub
- fluff
- foot
- footslog
- frisk
- frolic
- fumble
- gallop
- gambol
- gang
- get
- gin
- globe-trot
- ground
- hallucinate
- halt
- hash
- herd
- hightail
- hitch
- hobble
- hoof
- hook
- hop
- host
- hotfoot
- illusion
- inveigle
- jaunt
- jog
- jolt
- journey
- jump
- junket
- kennel
- lapse
- leap
- level
- lime
- limp
- list
- litter
- lope
- lumber
- lunge
- lurch
- lure
- mar
- mesh
- mess
- mince
- miscalculate
- mistake
- muddle
- muff
- murder
- net
- noose
- operate
- outrage
- overcome
- overmaster
- overpower
- overthrow
- overturn
- pace
- pack
- paddle
- peg
- pitch
- play
- plod
- plunge
- pod
- prance
- precipitate
- pride
- progress
- prostrate
- rack
- ramp
- rap
- rase
- raze
- release
- roll
- rollick
- romance
- romp
- run
- sally
- sashay
- saunter
- school
- scuff
- scuffle
- scuttle
- shake
- shamble
- shimmy
- shoal
- shoot
- shuffle
- sidle
- silence
- sin
- single-foot
- skip
- skitter
- skulk
- slink
- slip
- slither
- slog
- slouch
- snare
- snarl
- solo
- spill
- spoil
- sport
- sprawl
- spread-eagle
- spring
- sprint
- stagger
- stalk
- stamp
- step
- stomp
- straddle
- straggle
- stray
- stride
- stroll
- strut
- stumble
- stump
- supinate
- surmount
- swagger
- swing
- tangle
- throw
- tilt
- tittup
- toddle
- topple
- tort
- totter
- tour
- traipse
- trap
- travel
- trek
- trespass
- trick
- trigger
- troop
- trot
- trudge
- tumble
- turn
- unsettle
- upset
- vision
- visit
- voyage
- waddle
- waltz
- wamble
- wander
- wiggle
- wind
- wobble
- wrong
trip (adj.)
- antic
- army
- bound
- circuit
- course
- degenerate
- deviate
- dive
- down
- drift
- error
- evil
- fancy
- fault
- fell
- flight
- floor
- foot
- get
- gin
- ground
- halt
- hook
- level
- lime
- limp
- list
- litter
- lope
- make-believe
- mar
- net
- outing
- peg
- phantom
- play
- pod
- precipitate
- prostrate
- rack
- release
- roll
- romance
- run
- school
- slip
- solo
- spread-eagle
- step
- stray
- swagger
- tilt
- tumble
- turn
- upset
- wind
- wrong
Sport, that wrinkled Care derides,
And Laughter holding both his sides.
Come and trip it as ye go,
On the light fantastic toe.