catch (n.)
- abash
- abduction
- acquisition
- allure
- ambition
- anchor
- apprehension
- arrest
- artifice
- astonishment
- baffle
- bag
- biff
- birdlime
- blaze
- blemish
- blind
- block
- blockade
- blockbuster
- blow
- bluff
- board
- boast
- bomb
- bombshell
- booty
- bottleneck
- box
- bug
- burn
- canon
- captive
- capture
- catching
- charm
- check
- chicane
- chicanery
- clasp
- clause
- clip
- clout
- clutch
- collapse
- collar
- con
- condition
- conquest
- contract
- coquette
- cordon
- corral
- coup
- crack
- crux
- curb
- curtain
- curve
- date
- decoy
- defect
- defection
- deficiency
- desideratum
- design
- desire
- determent
- deterrent
- device
- diamond
- difficulty
- dig
- digest
- ding
- disadvantage
- dodge
- dragnet
- draw
- drawback
- earn
- enchant
- encounter
- engage
- entangle
- entice
- exercise
- failing
- failure
- fastener
- fastening
- fathom
- fault
- feint
- fetch
- fever
- find
- fix
- flame
- flaw
- flimflam
- flirt
- fluster
- foible
- fool
- foul
- frailty
- fugue
- gain
- gambit
- gather
- gem
- get
- gimmick
- gin
- given
- godsend
- googly
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- grounds
- gull
- hang-up
- harvest
- haul
- have
- hazard
- hear
- hit
- hitch
- hoax
- hocus-pocus
- hold
- hole
- honey
- hook
- hooker
- hope
- hurdle
- imperfection
- inadequacy
- infirmity
- intercept
- jam
- jewel
- joker
- juggle
- ken
- kicker
- kidnapping
- kink
- know
- land
- lasso
- lime
- lodestone
- lodge
- lure
- magnet
- make
- master
- mesh
- moor
- nail
- net
- nick
- noose
- objection
- obligation
- obstacle
- obstruction
- overhaul
- parameter
- pass
- pearl
- peripeteia
- pin
- pinch
- ploy
- plum
- prehension
- prerequisite
- pride
- prize
- problem
- provision
- provisions
- proviso
- rattle
- reach
- read
- requisite
- revelation
- rift
- rondeau
- rondo
- root
- rope
- round
- roundelay
- rub
- ruse
- sack
- savvy
- scheme
- score
- see
- seizure
- sense
- shift
- shocker
- shortcoming
- sleight
- snag
- snare
- snarl
- snatch
- sock
- spear
- specification
- spot
- staggerer
- steady
- stick
- stipulation
- stop
- stratagem
- strike
- string
- stump
- subterfuge
- surprisal
- surprise
- sweetheart
- sweetie
- switch
- taint
- take
- tangle
- temptation
- terms
- thunderbolt
- thunderclap
- trap
- treasure
- trick
- trip
- troll
- trophy
- twig
- ultimatum
- vamp
- vampire
- weakness
- wed
- whack
- wile
- win
- wind
- windfall
- winner
- wish
catch (v.)
- abash
- absorb
- accept
- acquire
- allure
- ambition
- anchor
- appreciate
- apprehend
- arrest
- assimilate
- attract
- baffle
- bag
- bamboozle
- bewitch
- biff
- birdlime
- blaze
- blemish
- blind
- block
- blockade
- blow
- bluff
- board
- boast
- bomb
- bombshell
- bottleneck
- box
- bug
- burn
- captivate
- capture
- charm
- check
- chicane
- chouse
- clasp
- clip
- clout
- clutch
- collapse
- collar
- combust
- comprehend
- con
- conceive
- condition
- confound
- confuse
- contract
- coquette
- corral
- coup
- crack
- curb
- curtain
- curve
- date
- decoy
- defect
- deliver
- derive
- descry
- design
- desire
- detect
- dig
- digest
- ding
- disadvantage
- discern
- discover
- disturb
- dodge
- draw
- earn
- embarrass
- enchant
- encounter
- engage
- engross
- enmesh
- ensnare
- ensnarl
- entangle
- enthrall
- entice
- entrap
- erupt
- espouse
- espy
- exercise
- fascinate
- fathom
- fault
- feint
- fetch
- find
- fix
- flame
- flaw
- flirt
- fluster
- follow
- fool
- foul
- gain
- gather
- get
- gin
- given
- grab
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gull
- harvest
- haul
- have
- hazard
- hear
- hit
- hitch
- hoax
- hold
- hole
- honey
- hoodwink
- hook
- hope
- hurdle
- hypnotize
- immerse
- intercept
- inveigle
- involve
- jam
- jewel
- juggle
- ken
- kink
- know
- land
- lasso
- learn
- lime
- lodge
- lure
- make
- master
- mesh
- mesmerize
- monopolize
- moor
- nab
- nail
- net
- nick
- nonplus
- noose
- obsess
- obtain
- occupy
- overdose
- overhaul
- overhear
- overtake
- pass
- pearl
- perceive
- perplex
- pin
- pinch
- ploy
- prehend
- preoccupy
- pride
- prize
- procure
- provision
- rattle
- reach
- read
- realize
- reap
- restrain
- rift
- root
- rope
- round
- rub
- ruse
- sack
- savvy
- scheme
- score
- secure
- seduce
- see
- seize
- sense
- shift
- sicken
- slosh
- smite
- snag
- snare
- snarl
- snatch
- sock
- spear
- spellbind
- spot
- steady
- stick
- stop
- strike
- string
- stump
- succeed
- superfetate
- surprise
- switch
- taint
- take
- tangle
- terms
- trap
- treasure
- trick
- trip
- troll
- trophy
- twig
- understand
- vamp
- wed
- whack
- win
- wind
- wish
Than catch and hold while I may, fast binde, fast finde.
Choose a firm cloud before it fall, and in it
Catch, ere she change, the Cynthia of this minute.
By robbing Peter he paid Paul, . . . and hoped to catch larks if ever the heavens should fall.
See my lips tremble and my eyeballs roll,
Suck my last breath, and catch my flying soul.
I can tell where my own shoe pinches me; and you must not think, sir, to catch old birds with chaff.
The play's the thing
Wherein I 'll catch the conscience of the king.
Learn of the little nautilus to sail,
Spread the thin oar, and catch the driving gale.
Eye Nature's walks, shoot folly as it flies,
And catch the manners living as they rise;
Laugh where we must, be candid where we can,
But vindicate the ways of God to man.
Catch, then, oh catch the transient hour;
Improve each moment as it flies!
Life's a short summer, man a flower;
He dies—alas! how soon he dies!