bag (n.)
- abstract
- activity
- affair
- affairs
- affinity
- and
- annex
- area
- baboon
- balloon
- balls
- bang
- barrel
- basket
- bat
- beard
- beldam
- belly
- bent
- bias
- biddy
- bilge
- billfold
- billow
- bladder
- blemish
- blot
- boost
- booster
- booty
- bosom
- bottle
- box
- breast
- brisket
- budget
- bug
- bulge
- bundle
- burden
- business
- bust
- can
- capsule
- capture
- carton
- cascade
- case
- cask
- catch
- cervix
- chest
- clench
- clitoris
- cod
- collar
- commerce
- concern
- condom
- contraceptive
- contract
- cop
- corral
- crate
- crib
- crone
- crop
- deck
- diaphragm
- dog
- dose
- drab
- draft
- drag
- drape
- draw
- droop
- dropping
- druthers
- dug
- earn
- employ
- employment
- entangle
- enterprise
- eyesore
- fall
- fancy
- favor
- field
- fill
- fix
- flap
- flop
- flow
- fob
- forte
- foul
- freight
- fright
- function
- gain
- gargoyle
- genitalia
- genitals
- get
- gunny
- hag
- hamper
- handbag
- hang
- harpoon
- harridan
- harvest
- haul
- heap
- hit
- hook
- inclination
- injection
- interest
- jar
- labor
- lade
- land
- lasso
- leaning
- lift
- line
- lingam
- lips
- load
- lookout
- lop
- make
- mama
- mammilla
- manner
- mass
- matter
- meat
- mesh
- mess
- metier
- monster
- monstrosity
- nail
- net
- nip
- nipple
- nod
- noose
- nuts
- occupation
- ovary
- pack
- package
- palm
- pap
- papilla
- parcel
- partiality
- pend
- penis
- pessary
- phallus
- pile
- pinch
- pocketbook
- poke
- pooch
- pop
- popping
- portion
- pot
- potion
- pouch
- pout
- predilection
- predisposition
- preference
- prejudice
- prepossession
- privates
- proclivity
- prophylactic
- pudenda
- purse
- pursuit
- reticule
- rocks
- rope
- rubber
- rustle
- sac
- sack
- saddlebag
- sag
- scarecrow
- scoop
- score
- scrip
- scrotum
- seizure
- service
- ship
- shot
- sight
- skin
- snag
- snare
- snatch
- snitch
- spear
- specialism
- speciality
- specialization
- specialty
- spermicide
- stack
- steal
- store
- stow
- style
- swag
- swell
- swindle
- swing
- swipe
- take
- tangle
- tank
- taste
- teat
- technicality
- tendency
- testes
- thing
- thorax
- tin
- tit
- titty
- trail
- trap
- trot
- type
- udder
- undertaking
- uterus
- vagina
- vocation
- vulva
- wallet
- way
- weakness
- weep
- win
- witch
- womb
- work
bag (v.)
- abstract
- acquire
- and
- annex
- appropriate
- balloon
- bang
- barrel
- bat
- beard
- belly
- bias
- bilge
- billow
- blemish
- blot
- boost
- borrow
- bosom
- bottle
- box
- breast
- budget
- bug
- bulge
- bundle
- burden
- bust
- can
- capsule
- capture
- cascade
- case
- catch
- clench
- cod
- collar
- concern
- contract
- cop
- corral
- crate
- crib
- crop
- dangle
- deck
- defraud
- depend
- derive
- dilate
- distend
- dog
- dose
- draft
- drag
- draggle
- drape
- draw
- droop
- earn
- embezzle
- employ
- encase
- enmesh
- ensnare
- entangle
- entrap
- extort
- fall
- fancy
- favor
- field
- filch
- fill
- fix
- flap
- flop
- flow
- fob
- foul
- freight
- fright
- function
- gain
- get
- glom
- goggle
- hag
- hamper
- hang
- harpoon
- harvest
- haul
- heap
- hit
- hook
- interest
- jar
- labor
- lade
- land
- lasso
- lift
- line
- load
- lop
- make
- mass
- matter
- mesh
- mess
- nab
- nail
- net
- nip
- nod
- noose
- obtain
- overdose
- pack
- package
- palm
- parcel
- pend
- pile
- pilfer
- pinch
- poach
- poke
- pooch
- pop
- portion
- pot
- pouch
- pout
- prehend
- prejudice
- procure
- purloin
- purse
- reap
- rope
- rubber
- rustle
- sack
- sag
- scoop
- score
- scrounge
- secure
- service
- ship
- shoplift
- sight
- skin
- snag
- snare
- snatch
- snitch
- spear
- stack
- steal
- store
- stow
- style
- swag
- swell
- swindle
- swing
- swipe
- take
- tangle
- tank
- taste
- thieve
- tin
- trail
- trap
- trot
- type
- udder
- way
- weep
- win
- witch
- work
bag (adj.)
- abstract
- and
- appropriate
- bang
- barrel
- bent
- bias
- breast
- budget
- bust
- can
- case
- cod
- collar
- contraceptive
- crate
- crop
- dog
- drab
- draft
- dropping
- enterprise
- fancy
- field
- forte
- foul
- gain
- get
- heap
- hit
- hook
- interest
- jar
- land
- leaning
- line
- mass
- net
- nuts
- poke
- pop
- popping
- pot
- prophylactic
- rubber
- score
- secure
- service
- ship
- shot
- sight
- steal
- store
- style
- swell
- tank
- taste
- thing
- tin
- way
- win
- work
With bag and baggage.
It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.