draw (n.)
- abysm
- abyss
- adduct
- adduction
- advance
- affinity
- allowance
- allure
- allurement
- appeal
- approach
- arroyo
- attendance
- attraction
- attractiveness
- bag
- bait
- balance
- bleed
- breach
- break
- broach
- bulge
- call
- canyon
- capillarity
- capture
- cartoon
- catch
- cavity
- chalk
- chap
- character
- charcoal
- charm
- chart
- chasm
- chaw
- check
- chew
- chimney
- chink
- cleft
- coax
- coeval
- col
- collect
- color
- compact
- compress
- concentrate
- concomitant
- contemporary
- contract
- copy
- corral
- crack
- cramp
- cranny
- crayon
- crevasse
- crevice
- crosshatch
- cut
- cwm
- daub
- deadlock
- deadwood
- decoy
- decrease
- defile
- dell
- design
- devise
- diagram
- dike
- ditch
- ditto
- doodle
- dope
- draft
- drag
- drain
- dredge
- earn
- edge
- employ
- empty
- enchant
- entice
- enticement
- equal
- even
- evoke
- excavation
- excise
- exhaust
- exploit
- express
- extract
- fault
- fetch
- fissure
- flaw
- flirt
- flume
- fracture
- frame
- frequence
- furrow
- gain
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gather
- get
- gorge
- gravitation
- gravity
- groove
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- hale
- halt
- handicap
- harvest
- hatch
- haul
- have
- heave
- hole
- incision
- joint
- knit
- knot
- leak
- leave
- let
- lobby
- lug
- lure
- magnet
- magnetism
- make
- map
- marshal
- match
- milk
- mine
- moat
- narrow
- net
- notch
- nullah
- odds
- opening
- order
- outline
- paint
- parallel
- pass
- passage
- paunch
- pencil
- pick
- picture
- pipette
- position
- pour
- produce
- prompt
- pucker
- puff
- pull
- pump
- purse
- quarry
- rank
- ravine
- reach
- recoil
- register
- remove
- render
- rent
- retreat
- rift
- rime
- rival
- rub
- rupture
- sack
- scissure
- score
- scratch
- scumble
- seam
- seduction
- shade
- siphon
- sketch
- slit
- slot
- smoke
- snake
- split
- stalemate
- standoff
- standstill
- start
- stencil
- stop
- strain
- stretch
- suck
- sympathy
- take
- tap
- tense
- tie
- tint
- touch
- tow
- trace
- traction
- trail
- train
- trawl
- trench
- troll
- tug
- turnout
- use
- valley
- vantage
- void
- wadi
- wile
- win
- wrinkle
- write
draw (v.)
- abbreviate
- accept
- acquire
- adduct
- admit
- advance
- allowance
- allure
- appeal
- approach
- arrange
- arrive
- assume
- attract
- avulse
- bag
- bait
- balance
- bewitch
- blandish
- bleed
- breach
- break
- bring
- broach
- bulge
- cajole
- call
- captivate
- capture
- cartoon
- catch
- chain-smoke
- chalk
- chap
- character
- characterize
- charcoal
- charm
- chart
- chaw
- check
- chew
- chink
- choose
- circumscribe
- coax
- collect
- color
- compact
- compile
- compose
- compress
- concentrate
- conclude
- condense
- consolidate
- constrict
- constringe
- continue
- contract
- contrive
- convince
- copy
- corral
- correspond
- crack
- cramp
- crayon
- create
- crosshatch
- curtail
- cut
- daub
- decant
- decoy
- decrease
- deduce
- defile
- delineate
- depart
- depict
- deploy
- deracinate
- derive
- describe
- design
- devise
- diagram
- dike
- disentangle
- ditch
- ditto
- doodle
- dope
- draft
- drag
- draggle
- drain
- dredge
- earn
- edge
- educe
- elicit
- elongate
- employ
- empty
- enchant
- ensnare
- entice
- equal
- eradicate
- even
- evoke
- evolve
- excavate
- excise
- exhaust
- exploit
- express
- extend
- extract
- extricate
- fascinate
- fault
- fetch
- fissure
- flaw
- flirt
- formulate
- fracture
- frame
- furrow
- gain
- gap
- gape
- gash
- gather
- get
- gorge
- groove
- gulf
- hale
- halt
- handicap
- harvest
- hatch
- haul
- have
- heave
- hole
- inhale
- inspire
- inveigle
- joint
- knit
- knot
- leak
- leave
- lengthen
- let
- limn
- lobby
- lug
- lure
- magnetize
- make
- map
- marshal
- match
- milk
- mine
- narrow
- near
- net
- notate
- notch
- obtain
- order
- outline
- paint
- parallel
- pass
- pencil
- persuade
- phlebotomize
- pick
- picture
- portray
- position
- pour
- prepare
- procure
- produce
- prolong
- prompt
- protract
- pucker
- puff
- pull
- pump
- purse
- quarry
- rank
- reach
- reap
- receive
- recoil
- reduce
- register
- remove
- render
- rent
- represent
- retreat
- rift
- rime
- rival
- rub
- rupture
- sack
- schematize
- score
- scratch
- seam
- secure
- seduce
- select
- shade
- shorten
- siphon
- sketch
- slit
- slot
- smoke
- snake
- solidify
- split
- stalemate
- start
- stencil
- stop
- strain
- strangle
- strangulate
- stretch
- suck
- symbolize
- take
- tap
- tauten
- tense
- tie
- tighten
- tint
- touch
- tow
- trace
- trail
- train
- trawl
- trench
- troll
- tug
- unearth
- unravel
- unsheathe
- uproot
- use
- vantage
- venesect
- void
- win
- withdraw
- woo
- wrinkle
- write
A flattering painter, who made it his care
To draw men as they ought to be, not as they are.
We will draw the curtain and show you the picture.
Close up his eyes and draw the curtain close;
And let us all to meditation.
She knows her man, and when you rant and swear,
Can draw you to her with a single hair.