tie (n.)
- accent
- accord
- addition
- adherence
- adhesion
- adjunct
- affairs
- affiliate
- affiliation
- affinity
- agent
- agglomeration
- agglutination
- aggregation
- allegiance
- alliance
- ally
- amass
- anchor
- approximation
- armory
- articulate
- articulation
- assemblage
- associate
- association
- assurance
- attachment
- badge
- balance
- band
- bandage
- bandanna
- bar
- baton
- batten
- belay
- belt
- bend
- bind
- blazonry
- boa
- bond
- bowtie
- brace
- bracket
- brassard
- bridge
- bridle
- broker
- bundle
- button
- cancel
- cause
- cement
- chain
- character
- choke
- choker
- cinch
- clinch
- clog
- closeness
- clustering
- cockade
- coeval
- collar
- collect
- combination
- combine
- comforter
- communication
- concatenation
- concomitant
- concourse
- concurrence
- confluence
- congeries
- conglomeration
- conjugate
- conjugation
- conjunction
- connect
- connectedness
- connection
- constancy
- contemporary
- contiguity
- contrariety
- convergence
- coordinate
- copulation
- cord
- correlate
- couple
- coupling
- cover
- cramp
- cravat
- cross
- curb
- deadlock
- dealings
- decoration
- deduction
- devotedness
- devotion
- disjunction
- distributor
- ditto
- dot
- draw
- dress
- drive
- eagle
- elate
- embrace
- engage
- entanglement
- equal
- equality
- even
- faith
- faithfulness
- fasces
- fastener
- fastening
- fealty
- fermata
- fetter
- fidelity
- figurehead
- filiation
- firmness
- fleur-de-lis
- force
- four-in-hand
- fur
- gather
- gathering
- girdle
- girth
- glue
- go-between
- guarantee
- guaranty
- guimpe
- halt
- hamper
- handcuff
- have
- heraldry
- hitch
- hobble
- hold
- homage
- homology
- hookup
- indemnity
- insignia
- insurance
- intercommunication
- intercourse
- intermediary
- intermedium
- intimacy
- involvement
- jobber
- join
- joinder
- joining
- jointure
- junction
- kerchief
- knot
- lace
- lash
- lead
- league
- leash
- liaison
- ligament
- ligature
- limit
- line
- link
- linkage
- linking
- livery
- loyalty
- mace
- make
- manacle
- mantle
- mark
- marriage
- marshal
- mass
- match
- mate
- measure
- medal
- mediary
- mediator
- medium
- meet
- meeting
- merger
- merging
- middleman
- moor
- mortarboard
- muffler
- nearness
- neckband
- neckcloth
- neckerchief
- neckpiece
- necktie
- nexus
- notation
- oblige
- pair
- pairing
- parallel
- pause
- picket
- pin
- pinion
- pledge
- propinquity
- proximity
- rapport
- reach
- regalia
- relate
- relatedness
- relation
- relations
- relationship
- ribbon
- ring
- rival
- rivet
- rope
- rose
- ruff
- scarf
- security
- segno
- shackle
- shamrock
- shoelace
- sign
- signature
- similarity
- sleeper
- slur
- solder
- span
- splice
- staff
- stalemate
- standoff
- staunchness
- steadfastness
- stock
- stole
- stop
- straitjacket
- strap
- string
- surety
- swastika
- swathe
- swell
- symbiosis
- symbol
- sympathy
- tallith
- tape
- tartan
- tether
- thistle
- thong
- tie-in
- tie-up
- tippet
- touch
- trammel
- troth
- trueness
- truss
- tucker
- unification
- uniform
- union
- unite
- use
- verge
- wand
- warrant
- warranty
- wed
- weld
- wholesaler
- wire
- wrap
- yoke
tie (v.)
- accent
- accord
- accumulate
- affiliate
- agglutinate
- ally
- amass
- anchor
- apply
- articulate
- assemble
- associate
- attach
- badge
- balance
- band
- bandage
- bar
- batten
- belay
- belt
- bend
- bind
- bond
- brace
- bracket
- bridge
- bridle
- broker
- bundle
- button
- cancel
- cause
- cement
- chain
- character
- choke
- cinch
- clinch
- clog
- coincide
- collar
- collect
- combine
- commit
- compel
- comprise
- concatenate
- confine
- confirm
- conjoin
- conjugate
- connect
- constrain
- coordinate
- copulate
- cord
- correlate
- correspond
- couple
- cover
- cramp
- cross
- curb
- curtail
- direct
- ditto
- dot
- draw
- dress
- drive
- eagle
- elate
- embrace
- enchain
- encompass
- enforce
- engage
- equal
- equate
- even
- fasten
- fetter
- force
- fur
- gather
- gird
- girdle
- girth
- glue
- guarantee
- halt
- hamper
- handcuff
- have
- hinder
- hitch
- hobble
- hog-tie
- hold
- hopple
- identify
- impel
- include
- intercourse
- interrelate
- join
- knot
- lace
- lash
- lead
- league
- leash
- limit
- line
- link
- mace
- make
- manacle
- mantle
- mark
- marry
- marshal
- mass
- match
- mate
- measure
- meet
- merge
- mobilize
- moor
- obligate
- oblige
- occupy
- pair
- parallel
- parallelize
- pause
- picket
- pin
- pinion
- pledge
- reach
- relate
- relativize
- require
- restrain
- restrict
- ring
- rival
- rivet
- rope
- rose
- ruff
- scarf
- secure
- shackle
- sign
- slur
- solder
- span
- splice
- staff
- stalemate
- stock
- stop
- strap
- string
- swaddle
- swathe
- swell
- tape
- tether
- touch
- trammel
- troth
- truss
- tucker
- uniform
- unify
- unite
- use
- verge
- warrant
- wed
- weld
- wire
- wrap
- yoke
tie (adj.)
- adjunct
- agglutinate
- ally
- articulate
- associate
- band
- bar
- belt
- bend
- bond
- button
- chain
- coeval
- coexistent
- collar
- collect
- concomitant
- conjugate
- contemporary
- coordinate
- correlate
- cover
- cross
- direct
- dress
- eagle
- elate
- equal
- equate
- even
- faith
- fidelity
- force
- gathering
- girt
- halt
- hinder
- interlinking
- lace
- lash
- lead
- league
- line
- linking
- livery
- mark
- mass
- mate
- medium
- meet
- meeting
- merging
- obligate
- pairing
- parallel
- reach
- relate
- ribbon
- ring
- rose
- ruff
- secure
- shackle
- sign
- span
- staff
- stock
- stop
- string
- swell
- uniform
- union
- use
- wed
- wire
A winning wave, deserving note,
In the tempestuous petticoat;
A careless shoe-string, in whose tie
I see a wild civility,—
Do more bewitch me than when art
Is too precise in every part.
Fool, not to know that love endures no tie,
And Jove but laughs at lovers' perjury.
True love's the gift which God has given
To man alone beneath the heaven:
It is not fantasy's hot fire,
Whose wishes soon as granted fly;
It liveth not in fierce desire,
With dead desire it doth not die;
It is the secret sympathy,
The silver link, the silken tie,
Which heart to heart and mind to mind
In body and in soul can bind.
Shut, shut the door, good John! fatigued, I said;
Tie up the knocker! say I'm sick, I'm dead.